
The Dominance Equation: Unveiling Darkness

In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, Eijin, a young mutant with extraordinary powers, embarks on a dangerous mission. With the help of his allies and lovers, who possess their own unique abilities, Eijin confronts evil supernatural beings and navigates power struggles among different factions. As their powers intertwine, so do their relationships, creating both strength and danger. Love blooms amidst the darkness, providing solace and strength in their relentless battle. As Eijin and his allies face the encroaching darkness, they must confront their fears and discover the true extent of their abilities. The fate of the delicate balance hangs in the balance, as they uncover the truth behind the darkness threatening their world. In a realm where humans and supernatural beings coexist, their journey is filled with danger, testing their courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of hope amidst a world shrouded in darkness.

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53 Chs

Chapter 46: The Shadowstrike vs The Shadow Rippers (Part 3)

Kristine, as the team leader, always kept a watchful eye on her teammates. Seeing Rinoah in her current state, she wanted to get closer to her and help, but she was also struggling in her fight against Divina.

Meanwhile, Michelle, who was providing cover, also wanted to help but found herself occupied with Jorcelle's relentless attacks. "Where is this bitch getting all this energy?" Michelle wondered, puzzled by Jorcelle's unwavering assault.

Noticing that Michelle was also having a difficult time defending herself and protecting the unconscious Mika, Kristine doesn't rely much on her team mates but this time she made a decision. "Calista! Help Rinoah!" she shouted, realizing that she needed to rely on her teammates more than ever.

Calista swiftly launched another attack to create an opening, allowing her to reach Rinoah. However, to her surprise, the orc-bear-like creature suddenly transformed into a green-colored, gorgeously muscular woman. In a lightning-fast move, Airag appeared right in front of Calista. The incredible speed of Airag astounded Calista, leaving her momentarily taken aback by the sudden appearance. She's the fastest amongst her team but she can't seem to follow Airag's speed.

Airag swiftly slashed her two daggers, and Calista's instinct kicked in, causing her to instinctively lift her arms to block. The daggers left deep wounds on the back of her arms, and with a powerful kick, Calista was sent flying several meters before crashing on the remaining structure of the lodge.

Calista struggled to get back on her feet, but her wounds didn't heal as quickly as she expected. Her vision became blurry, and she eventually fell unconscious.

"Calista!" The remaining members of Shadowstrike shouted in concern as they witnessed her collapse.

Rinoah mustered all her strength and leaped towards Calista to offer assistance. However, to her astonishment, Saguitaria suddenly appeared beside her, wearing a sinister smile.

"Where do you think you're going?" Saguitaria taunted before slashing her claws against Rinoah.

Rinoah managed to block the claws with both of her arms, but her eyes widened in shock as she felt one of the mechanical spider-like arms pierce through her left side. She fell to the ground, blood splattering across the ground.

Kristine, realizing the dire situation they were in, made the difficult decision to activate emergency mode.

"No, Kristine! Please!" Michelle pleaded, fully aware of the potential consequences it could have for Kristine.

With no other choice, Kristine knew that their enemies were far more powerful than them. Her eyes suddenly turned pitch black, and her mechanical limbs began to emit a glowing red hue. Nano bots crawled out from the mechanical parts of her body, while her chest core and eyes emitted a red glow.

In a flash, Kristine appeared right in front of her opponent, causing Divina's eyes to widen in surprise. Divina instinctively raised her two crimson swords to block, while her crimson tentacle-like tails curled around her body, providing additional defense. All of her floating bladed weapons swirled around her, further enhancing her defensive capabilities.

With her glowing katana, Kristine unleashed a powerful slash against Divina. The swirling crimson blades that made contact were effortlessly severed in two, and even the curling tentacle tails that provided defense were penetrated. One of Divina's swords was also cut, leaving only one that was on the verge of being separated by the force of Kristine's attack. The impact sent Divina flying, crashing heavily onto the ground.

As Divina struggled to get back up, she spat out blood, clearly feeling the effects of Kristine's devastating strike.

Witnessing the sudden transformation in Kristine, Airag, Saguitaria, and Jorcelle redirected their attention and launched simultaneous attacks against her.

"Kristine! Please stop!" Michelle pleaded once more, tears streaming down her face. "You'll die if you push yourself to your limits."

Michelle found herself with no other choice but to leave the unconscious Mika behind and join Kristine in the fight. However, just as she made her decision, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Nia, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to attack. As soon as Michelle dropped her wide force field, Nia launched her assault with incredible speed, making it difficult for Michelle to keep up. Despite her four arms, tails, and three eyes, Michelle struggled to block Nia's relentless attacks.

"I am so sorry, Kristine, everyone. I have failed all of you," Michelle muttered to herself, tears flowing uncontrollably from her eyes as she fought to defend herself.

As Kristine continued her fight against the four Shadow Rippers, she demonstrated remarkable resilience in her "emergency mode." She was able to hold her own against their combined attacks, matching Airag's blinding speed, blocking Saguitaria's bladed projectiles, and parrying the strikes from Divina's bladed weapons and Jorcelle's light arrows.

But despite her valiant efforts, the battle remained evenly matched, and Kristine struggled to gain the upper hand. Handling all four opponents simultaneously proved to be an immense challenge, even in her heightened state.

However, as the battle prolonged, Kristine could feel her energy depleting. It was only a matter of time before she reached her limits, and the odds began to shift against her.

With the dire situation they found themselves in, and their friends and allies lying unconscious and unable to move, Michelle struggled to focus on fighting against Nia's relentless attacks.

Suddenly, Nia seized an opportunity, swiftly moving with such speed that it appeared as if she was teleporting. She materialized beneath Michelle, poised to bury her sword into her opponent. However, Michelle reacted quickly, catching Nia in her arms and thrusting a pointed weapon into her chest instead.

Feeling a sense of relief, Michelle believed she had defeated her opponent, only to realize that the Nia in front of her suddenly popped out like a balloon. It was a clone all along, and the true Nia appeared behind her, delivering a fatal stab to her back.

Michelle fell to her knees, blood spattering from her mouth. Desperation filled her eyes as she looked towards Kristine, who was still fiercely battling her opponent. Tears streamed down Michelle's face as she whispered, "Is this the end for us, my friends?"

Kristine's movements gradually slowed down, her energy completely drained. In a moment of desperation, she pleaded to herself, "Just a little more." As she descended from a high leap, her eyes reverted back to their original form.

The Shadow Rippers noticed the sudden change in Kristine's speed, and then suddenly halted, her arms struggle to move. Sensing an opportunity, they all launched a coordinated attack. Airag hurled both her daggers, Saguitaria unleashed bladed projectiles, Divina's floating crimson blades dashed forward, and Jorcelle's light arrows flew towards Kristine, aiming to deliver the final blow.

In that critical moment, Kristine's gaze shifted towards Michelle, who knelt on the ground. Their hands seemed to reach out to each other, a silent connection amidst the chaos and uncertainty. A sudden white light flickered in her vision.