
The small town

2 am, it's been years since a new car drove to this place, the air seems gloomy, with peaceful streets around, and nobody seems to wander, a recommended place everytime you're soul searching.

Ben had live his whole life in this country side, he'd been living with his mother who's already in a mature age but her strength is as much as that of a young one.

When people dream to leave the place and aim to settle in the city, Ben never entertain those thoughts, even if his friends keep on telling him that greater are the opportunity outside the old town.

He understands what they were all saying, because who wouldn't want a successful life they were all describing, those fancy cars, big houses, delicious foods and all.

But for him success was different, he sees the place differently from what others is seeing, he saw an opportunity that others couldn't.

Nature is all he wanted, simplicity at it's finest, no pollution and all his dream was to have great adventures around the world still going back to his home which is this small town.

As the world changes it goes the same with the town, eventually the small town is having a decent road, a stable connection and pretty much now people are recognizing the beauty and simplicity of the place.

Ben tried his best to improve the town, established a small coffee shop which most of the tourist came in to dine in.

After a year of hard work when everyone was leaving he stayed together with the old people who live here for decades.

He transforms the place and for once a lost foreigner got enchanted with the town that he stayed for a while, the incident opened opportunity to Ben unknowingly and that's where it all started.

Tourists flock in, the young man couldn't believe though it's a place that is far away from city, where every people in his town wanted to go, the people in the city wanted the place and appreciates it more.

It was then that he realize people get to value what they have when others recognize it, but even if it wasn't recognized but you yourself know what your worth one day eventually some will see how precious you are.

His friends who left, came home and in awe of how the town become, they couldn't believe that what they knew has no hope had actually something inside.