
The Director that Buy me lunch

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What is The Director that Buy me lunch

Baca novel The Director that Buy me lunch yang ditulis oleh penulis Leslie_Rubio_3776 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Resident evil:Anomaly

"first of all if the creator of the cover image wants me to remove it, just let me know and I will do it in my two stories" Raccoon City was a city with strong mountainous roots in the Midwest of the United States, in which the first incidents in the history of the saga took place, in addition to being the first in which a mutagenic Umbrella virus was spread, with fatal consequences . for human inhabitants. At least that's what was said after the first outbreak of the virus, which turned the entire city into a zombie and caused Raccoon City to be wiped off the map by the bombing of the city. But the first place where the first zombie outbreak that claimed hundreds of lives began was several kilometers from the city of Raccoon City, in the small town isolated from civilization near the mountains. Which was used as a test base for the umbrella corporation Ethan, the sole survivor and the only case of a perfect fusion between viruses and humans, now seeks revenge at all costs. I am new to writing stories, I ask for patience to read my story and I do not speak English so I am using google translate. I do not own residen evil, or any of the characters in the story and maybe just oc, if I decide to put them. The stories will not follow a chronological order, because all the girls will be the same age, an example is Sherry who will be the same age as the main character. There will also be more changes, one is the fact that the planet will be much larger and the year will be made up of 120 months and not 12. I hope you like it and the reason I expanded the planet and made humans live longer is because I want to develop romance better and I don't want everything to rush because the characters get old and there is no time to talk about the girls. . or meet and learn about the female characters that will make up the harem. Also what I hope is to achieve the growth of the protagonist well, the story is slow and I do not want insults in the comments, if someone wants to help me translate from Spanish to English for free, I would appreciate your support. Maybe you hire an editor to upload more chapters and maybe you pay a translator to upload chapters with better quality. "Gogle translator"

kurumi654 · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs


Brenda : Punya kakak cowok itu indah nggak sih? Harusnya indah kan, ya. Bisa minta dibeliin ini itu. Sopir banyak kalau udah akrab sama temen-temennya. Bisa curhat dari sudut pandang yang berbeda waktu punya gebetan. Merasa dilindungi. Intinya, kalian bisa jadi princess tanpa kehadiran sosok pacar. Nyatanya realita nggak seindah ekspektasi. Sejak SMP sampai sekarang, kami merahasiakan hubungan persaudaraan kami. Kenapa? Kalian akan tahu jawabannya dalam novel ini. Bahkan, Kak Brandon pernah mengakuiku sebagai pacarnya didepan cewek yang menyukainya. Mulai saat itu, aku merasa sering dirugikan daripada diuntungkan sebagai adiknya. Pedih, kan? Brandon: ALERT!!! YANG NGGAK PUNYA ADIK MINGGIR DULU. Xixixi, nggak kok. Siapa aja boleh baca novel ini. Oiya yang belum punya adik minta mama papa buatin dulu aja. Semangat Om… Tante… Kiwkiw. Punya adik tuh rasanya kayak ada manis-manisnya gitu. Hmmmm… Wait a minutes jadi keinget sesuatu, apatuh. Forget it. Lanjut… Aku seorang anak pertama sekaligus seorang kakak. Ehem… Ehem… Keren nggak sih? Woiya jelas, jelas banyak tanggungan. Hadeh… Sebenernya waktu pembagian urutan kelahiran, aku absen jadi kebagian lahir duluan deh. Eitsss tenang karena posisi kakak sudah diserahkan buatku. Bakal kujalanin kok. Walupun mungkin masih jadi kakak yang buruk bagi adikku. Aku paham tentang konsep perkakak adikkan. Namun sulit untuk mengekspresikannya. Maybe, my sister, thinks “gini amat punya kakak”. Aku sayang pakek banget nggak pakek loch sama dia. Aku selalu berimajinasi jika nanti kami sudah memiliki kehidupan masing-masing. Apakah aku sudah bisa jadi kakak yang baik buat dia?

Gap_Dikara · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


命途多舛,本该是风流少年饮酒笑红尘,只奈何步步陷他人谋—— 痴情女皇,一生谋算,只为当年一抹柔情相待;无望涯上最孤傲的狼,一生只许一人,从此青丝换雪,爱情与忠诚,孰轻孰重,谁来抉择? 豪门闺秀,少年痴情,彼与彼间深仇、隔血海。多年后,她是深宫高品女官,他是一国年轻丞相,再遇见,是厮杀于朝堂,抑或云雾终散见月明? 癫狂神兽,噬神成魔,为爱囚绝千年;红衣赤焰,上古之咒,转首处,谁人白衣倾魂? 千年逆转,风云变,英雄出,谁来破谁的诅咒,谁又是谁今世的劫? 迷雾层层的赤云大陆,隐世千年的神秘家族,波诡云谲的朝堂政局……这里有涅灭而生的神族之裔,隐于妖境的魅惑之王,人、神、魔、妖共现于世,展开争夺。 她是逍遥不羁的楚小王爷,前世果果,今生纠纷,是一场意外的穿越之旅,亦或是一局别有用心的谋划? “我怕的从不是那些躲藏在黑暗深处的狡诈心思,什么阴谋阳谋,终究敌不过温情暖语后的无情背叛。” 一朝突变,一夜崛起,她化身勾魂夺命的暗夜使者“帝飒”,掌握神秘莫测而遍布四方的无双暗卫,覆拥震慑江湖的邪恶组织,无所不知的百晓书生……夺江山,断情根,翻手成云,覆手为雨,天下纷争扰扰,战火一触即发!

泠泠清 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
305 Chs


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  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
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