
The Diary of an Anonymous Freak

Penulis: TEILUJ
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What is The Diary of an Anonymous Freak

Baca novel The Diary of an Anonymous Freak yang ditulis oleh penulis TEILUJ yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. You wanna join the freak club? just follow the rules and everything will be fine! But their are some pages with forbidden words that are just so hard to not read!!!To read the rest contact me by my em...


You wanna join the freak club? just follow the rules and everything will be fine! But their are some pages with forbidden words that are just so hard to not read!!! To read the rest contact me by my email....

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“ I Am Become Death”

A man once quoted the words, “ Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” It was a well known phrase, the embodiment of guilt for deaths he had caused with his own ideas. Some would say he made the right choice to cause such destruction, others would say the lives lost were not worth what was learned. This is different. I am Narcissa, a girl born powerless. In this world, that might as well be a death sentence. In this world, power is inherited through genetics, magic power, that is. Power that allows people all kinds of possibilities. These powers are often specific, but with each power comes purpose. Those born without power, however, have no purpose. For the first fifteen years of my life I’ve grown up in a government-managed orphanage. They say I’m one of the lucky ones, because I can eat, I can drink, and I can learn. If anything that just shows how disgusting something like “luck” truly can be, cruel enough to spare me nothing when it matters, but merciful as to keep me alive afterwards… or perhaps that’s just cruel in itself. The children in my orphanage undergo yearly tests as to confirm whether or not they truly have a power. It’s necessary, as, oftentimes powers may take longer to develop, or the individual may not even realize they have a power at all. To see if they have a purpose in this world. I was the same not long ago. Until I realized my purpose was to destroy. The destruction of matter was once considered impossible, but now, a mere child can do it at will. All I wanted was power, but now I hate to think what may become of that power. I worry for the day I may be commanded to use said power against another person, regardless of innocence.

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一朝穿越,精英律师叶长歌变成叶氏长女,父亲不喜,继母陷害,连抚养自己的祖父,对自己也满是利用和算计。 父亲要她顶替叶府嫡女的身份嫁与天离的残废太子,但凭什么,她偏要争上一争,为了复仇,为了集齐四块甲骨,找到回到现代的机会,也为了——他—— “我叶长歌是叶氏嫡女,太皇太后钦点的太子妃,我母亲是蛮荒大泽圣女,我是少主,祖父是帝主,拥兵百万,你跟我谈身份?你也配?” 面对旁人的嘲讽和奚落,她肆意张狂,冷静自持,但是对他,却无法保持冷静,一场博弈中,芳心萌动,可他却冷静的划开他们的界限,他说他与她只是盟友,只此而已。 当她开始决定抛弃过往,重新启程时,缘分却悄然而至。 “不为,曾经我把我们之间的缘分一点一点的撕碎,现在我要一点一点的拼起来,这是我的劫。”过尽千帆,当他开始有能力给她幸福时,她会不会回头? 小剧场: 轩辕昭:“叶长歌,你看着我,你当真不想留下来?” 不为扶额:“主子,太强势了,太子妃娘娘不会喜欢的——” “启禀殿下,太子妃娘娘她——她——跑了——” 轩辕昭:“好,很好,叶长歌,你记住。” 离开天离的叶长歌打了个喷嚏,揉了揉鼻子,随即拉过一个老伯道:“过了前面那座城就是北崎国境了吧——”

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