
Prologue: Ente Isla(END)

Everyone was in shock as they stared at Emilia who "stopped" her attack. They thought that she really couldn't bear to kill the father of her child.

Even Alciel was shocked, though for different reasons. A chubby, child-like hand popped out of the apple on his King's lap!

Emilia's sacred sword shrank before vanishing as she took several step back, staring at the apple warily.

However, to others, that action alone was enough for them to come to a conclusion.

Everything that Maou said was true, and Emilia really couldn't kill him.

Alex stared at her daughter with a wide smile. 'She's here, she finally woke up after being exposed to another Yesod Fragment!'

'Hahaha! Great! Great! Wake up now Alas, the sun is already shining in your little butt.'

The Apple released a purple light that circled around it, and right before their very eyes, the apple changed into a young girl around one or two years old.

She has a long silver hair with a curl of purple, she also has a pair of beautiful and bright purple eyes, a small crescent light shone on her forehead for a second before disappearing.

The little girl yawned cutely before scratching her eyes with chubby little fists.

Alex smiled and caressed her head, "Good morning, Alas=Ramus."

"...ohh...mornin?" Alas=Ramus closed her eyes as she enjoyed Alex's hands caressing her head.

"Th-That—" everyone couldn't believe what they are seeing. The girl actually really do possess similarities to Emilia.

They both have silver hair and purple eyes. Though in Emilia's case, it was only because of her Angel Form that she has a silver hair and purple eyes.

Second Generation angels tend to have purple eyes, like Lucifer, one of Satan's generals.

"I can't believe this..." Emeralda crouched down as she held her head in disbelief.

"Hmm? She really is your daughter Emilia, congratulations?" Said Albert as he gave her a grin.

"THAT CHILD IS NOT MINE!" Emilia denied with a blush.


"What?! No! No! I—" She tried to come up with an excuse, but couldn't really think of one. The little girl just really look a lot like her!

"ENOUGH!" Olba shouted as he pointed his staff at Emilia, before sighing, "Emilia, I will give you one chance, if you can prove that—that child isn't yours then—"

"No need," Alex interrupted them, "We can ask our daughter herself."

Alex stood up and carried Alas in his arms, "Alas, tell me, who's your papa and mama?"

Alas tilted her head before sniffing Alex's hands as she gave a smile, "Papa is....Satan."

Now this doesn't surprised everybody, The Demon King himself declared that the child is his daughter. Now, they were anticipating on who is this little girl's mother.

Alex gave her a kiss in her cheeks as she giggled. "Now Alas, tell me who's your mama."

Alas=Ramus gave a nod and looked at the Hero and her Party before raising her little hands and pointed at Emilia.

"Mama." She said, pointing at Emilia, before once again pointing at Alex, "Papa."

At that moment, Alsiel—who was already exhausted from flying all the way here from the east continent and then fighting the hero and her party—passed out directly.

His eyes rolled back and his mouth was releasing a white foam. He expected this, his king himself declared that the Hero was the mother of his child, but still!

Emilia herself wasn't any better. She is someone who doesn't even flinch even at the face of death, she wouldn't even frown even if she confronted an army of demons.

But that one word uttered by a child—who claimed to be her daughter—was enough to cause her to undo her Angel form and return back to being a Human.

Olba snapped out of his shock when he saw Emilia returning to her human form. Thinking its a chance to finally deal with her. he raised his staff and attack.


Emilia also snapped back to reality when she saw Olba attacking her, but it was already to late for her to react.

A large beam of light was about to hit her, and with her being in her human form, she will die if that attack hit her.

However, a large green magic circle blocked the attack for her.

"Eme?" Emilia muttered as she stared at the green haired petite girl in front of her, blocking the attack.

Olba angrily snarled, "Emeralda, do you know what you are doing?! Protecting Emilia is equivalent to going against the Church! Do you want to make the Church your enemy!?"

Emeralda just glared at Olba, "I don't know about trying to make the Church my enemy, but if you try to hurt Emilia, you will surely be my enemy, Olba!"

"Well said!" Albert grinned as he stood beside Emeralda, "Emilia is our friend, there's no way we will abandon her."

Emilia looked at her two friends in shock before she began to tear up, "You guys..."

Olba glared at them and conjured a large magic circle in front of him. "Very well, if that is your decision, then from now on, you are my enemy!"

Alex merely watched them until he felt someone tugging her sleeves. He looked down and saw Alas=Ramus looking at him with a worried face.

"Don't worry, Mama still has some work to do, so she won't be coming with us, but I'm sure we'll meet her again."


"Yeah." Alex gave her a smile before he walked and picked up Alsiel, who was unconscious on the ground.

Then, a large demonic looking wings appeared on his back as he flew up. He honestly doesn't need the wings to fly, but it also helps to greatly increase his speed and mobility.

The hero and company stopped their battle and look up at the sky with grim expression. They were so occupied by their own fight that they forgot the greatest enemy of mankind.

Alex grinned and shook Alsiel awake.

Opening his eyes, Alsiel was startled when he found himself upsidedown in the sky, his king holding his leg.

Seeing that Alsiel already woke up, Alex let go of him as Alsiel balanced himself in the air and floated beside his king.

"Alsiel, hold Alas for a bit." Said Alex as he handed Alas=Ramus to him. "Alas, stay with uncle Alsiel for a bit and close your eyes okay?"

Alas nodded and held Alsiel's cloak tightly as she look at her mama and papa worriedly before obeying her papa and closed her eyes.

Alex glared at the people down below before caressing Judecca and took it from his neck.

Almost immediately, Judecca enlarged and became a sword. The Hero and her party could barely stand from the pressure released by the Demon King.

"I don't want my daughter to be exposed to bloodshed at such a age! So I will give you the Ente Isla for now. But remember this! Once my daughter is finally ready to take the throne, I will return and take back the world once again!"

Raising Judecca, Alex started to release a lot of his endless magic power, covering the sky with dark clouds and crimson lightnings.

"Let this sword be the reminder of this oath!" Alex then compressed those magic power into Judecca before swinging the blade.

"Absolute Severance!"

An enormous dark crimson light was released from the sword. That single swing of Judecca, was strong enough to the point that it split the entire Central Continent in half.

With another swing, Alex created a portal and went towards it, followed by Alsiel, who was carrying Alas=Ramus.

The Demon King left, leaving behind the Central Continent which was now separated by a wide cliff.

The Hero and her party were actually very lucky that Maou did not aim the attack at them, and they were far away from the attack radius.

Albert's cheek twitched as he looked at the cliff that separates the Central Continent in two. "Absurd...This much power....By the gods, this is beyond mortals....So this is the power of the Demon King huh?"

Emeralda and Emilia nodded at his words, they were stunned silence by the display of power.

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