
The Devil of One Piece

A descendant of the devil is taken in by Silvers Rayleigh. eventually he sets out to get revenge for his ancestor against the Celestial Dragons and their leader Im. to get his revenge he will change the world and fight against those who oppose him. ( Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its characters only the OC. I do not own the book cover)

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27 Chs

The Devil VS The Empress

It's time for the fight so me and Rayleigh head to the arena for my fight. When we reach the arena I'm amazed at the thousands of women in stands cheering but I know it isn't for me which I don't know care because it will be even more funny when I beat Hancock's chosen champion.

I said my goodbyes to Rayleigh "good luck kid and show them not to underestimate a devil hahahaha". I just grin at the old man " of course I will I wouldn't want to disappoint".

I leave him and enter the arena to await my opponent but imagine my surprise when I see Boa Hancock enter the arena "so Empress you're my opponent are you". Boa Hancock just smiles at my easy acceptance of the situation " yes but before we fight why don't you have a warm up so you're fully prepared for the fight"

I know what she's really saying which is basically I got to prove my strength to deserve a chance to fight her. So I walk straight up to her " bring it on little Boa lets see your worst hahaha".

Hancock gains a tick mark on her forehead in response to my comment "don't get cocky boy" she then points towards the gate " bring out Bakura!".

Soon she said that the gate lifts and a giant 15 foot panther strides out * what is with these women and violence* the panther prowls right up to me baring its teeth at me " come on kitty cat lets see how sharp your claws are".

Boa Hancock walks out of the fighters pit and sits on her throne " let the fight begin".

Soon as she said that Bacura launches at me with her claws out but I duck when she gets near me and when she passes me overhead I grab her tail and spin in rotation, when my grip starts to weaken I make a final swing and let go sending her crashing into pit walls.

The stadium is stunned into silence as Bacura who always win was just thrown like a toy by a 10 year old.

After watching this Boa Hancock's interest in the boy only increases. Her sisters on the other hand are starting to believe Samael's story from earlier.

Rayleigh catches everyone's attention " Gua hahahaha little Boa let me give you one piece of advice don't underestimate Samael because if you do you'll pay dearly for your mistake".

Hancock starts to sweat at Rayleigh's comment because she can tell he's being dead serious. She turns back towards Samael who is just giving her a cocky Grin " bring it on empress"

She walks down to the pit " the rules for our match will be anything goes with a time limit of 3 minutes if you're still standing and conscious you win but if your unable to stand or knocked out you'll lose"

I just give her a thumbs up " fine with me it gives me plenty of time to beat you hahaha". I jump back to get ready for the fight to start.

Hancock gains another tick mark on her forehead "keep dreaming little boy you may be strong for 10 years old but I'm on a whole different level". We both stare at each other until the signal is given for the fight to start.

She wastes no time in charging at me and throwing punches at my head and chest but compared to the punches of Rayleigh these are slow so it's easy for me to dodge them.

I keep dodging her punches until I find a momentary weak spot in her defence and capitalise on it by stepping to the side of one of her punches and before she put her guard up I send a kick to her stomach causing her to retreat a few steps " come on empress where's the infamous strength that I've heard about you hahaha".

Hancock is frustrated that she let her defence down " you want to see me at my full strength so be it". she charges in faster than I anticipated and kicked me in my head sending me flying a couple of feet into the ground.

When I stand up to look where she is I can't find her until I look up into the sky "mero mero mellow" next thing I see is a heart shaped pink beam heading straight towards me so I jump back into the air and narrowly miss the attack

When I land back onto the ground I look towards the crater in the ground where I just was. I look around again to find Hancock but once again she appears out of nowhere to attack me.

Luckily I activated my observation haki when I couldn't find her. After missing her mark Hancock is surprised I was able to dodge her attack " well isn't this surprising you dodge my mero mero mellow but also dodged my fast attack if I'm not mistaken you used observation haki."

I'm getting more excited after each attack " you would be right princess" not giving her a chance to attack next I sprint forward go to send a kick to head but when she goes to block with her own kick I duck and jump to send an uppercut coated in armament haki to her chin sending her flying into the air then crashing into the ground.

After that attack the stadium goes silent after seeing their beloved empress crashing into the ground. there's only one person who isn't surprised "gua hahaha that kid sure is unpredictable" Rayleighs who is enjoying his son's fight.

The little elderly woman standing next to Rayleigh is shocked to see Hancock being given trouble by this boy " Rayleigh what is with that boy he isn't normal to be able to put up a fight against Hancock ". Seeing her confused Rayleigh just shrugs " want to know Nyon whats really unnatural is Samael can use all three forms of haki and this fight you haven't even seen his true potential yet hahaha"

Back down in the arena Hancock decided she's had enough and is time to end this fight so she charges in and unleashes a barrage of kicks that are coated in armament haki which I can't defend against for long. When my defence is down from the barrage of kicks that have turned my arms blue from bruises she kisses me on the cheek and then kicks upwards towards my chin sending me high into the air.

When I'm defenceless in the air still stunned by her sudden kiss I look toward Hancock and she's smirking thinking she's already won " too bad I was just starting to have some respect for you. It will be a little sad when I hand you over to the marines."

Shes then sucks in her breath "mero mero slave arrow" then breathes back out forming a pink heart shape which she grabs and pulls backs aiming right at me. As I'm starting to fall back down towards the ground she releases her grip firing a barrage of pink arrows but when they hit me nothing happens to me.

Smirking at my plan actually working I coat my bruised hand in armament haki for one last attack. With the momentum of falling I aim towards Hancock who's dumbstruck from her attack not working so shes reacts late to my incoming attack.

I hit her straight in the stomach when I get close enough sending her body into the ground causing the ground around us to break and crack into pieces. When the smoke clears she starts to get up and looks at me who's barely standing thanks to my body being exhausted " well it looks like the time limit is up and you're still standing so I guess you win". I look at her with a massive grin " damm straight I win" then I fall to the ground from exhaustion.

I wake up in unknown comfy bed and the first thing I see is Boa Hancock looking out the window in the room " you're finally awake I'm surprised you're not still sleeping.

I try and get up out of the bed but nearly fall so I grab onto the bedpost " well what can I say I strive to not disappoint".

Before our conversation can continue the doors open and Rayleigh comes in " finally awake are you lazy bones hahaha" . He then moves towards me " we're leaving for Rusukaina tomorrow seeming as your awake".

I just nod at his declaration " well let us have a farewell party then hahaha'. Hancock nods in agreement " there's one thing I need to know how did you not get affected by my last attack"

I move from the post and walk towards the window " that's easy when your attack hit me I didn't have any prominent lust or perversion feelings for you. Your little kiss was a good trick to increase them but when you were bragging about how you've won I broke my pinky finger so when your attack hit me I was only filled with the feeling of pain".

Hancock mouth is wide open after my explanation while Rayleigh is nearly keeling over from laughter " gua hahahaha brilliant absolutely brilliant hahaha".

Hancock still can't believe how I negated her attack " you're crazy just like your father but you did give me a decent fight that I haven't had for a while. There's a saying when your fighting you can see your opponents true self and you are a person who's willing to die for his beliefs while not ever accepting defeat".

I just smile at her opinion of me " you're not too bad either little Boa now let us go and party shall we". All night we partied until it was time to leave for Rusukaina.