
Chapter 1

The Devils

Little angel~

The story is about a devil and his little angel, this story happens when the devil himself came down from hell because he was tired of his continuous mischief, he somehow wanted to live a normal life until he fell in love with a pure innocent princess called Seraph, Seraph didn't only steal his heart and also stole his powers he didn't know that the feelings were love. Let's dive in together to the Love story of Lucifer and Seraph...






~ The Devils 😈💍❤️

Little angel ~😇🙏❤️‍🔥

Chapter 1

Author Okoye Obinna David

Don't copy or repost

Seraph was a princess of the kingdom of Profilia, she never did anything wrong because being the only child of King Jeffrey and Queen Amber. She had long wavy brown hair, pink plum lips, cute blue eyes, long lashes abd a curvaceous body. She is 16 and soon to get married. Seraph loved her parents too much to fail them so she agreed to get married to Prince Felix.

"Are you ready dear?" The lady with blue eyes said to Seraph.

"Yes mum!"

"You look beautiful my dear" she said as she admired her daughter in a red ball gown with gold embroidery, corset at the back which accented her curves. She wasn't happy about the marriage but what could she do her mum married at 16 so did her grandma.

Amber escorted her daughter down the stairs, as every eye in the room looked at her, she never lacked when it came to drawing attention, she ascended from the stairs like the angel she is and went to meet Prince Felix.

"My lady" he said bringing forth his hand. She brother hand and he kissed her hand.

"Please follow me my Queen"

"Thank you!!"

As they started walking to the court yard, they sat down on the swing and started talking. She wanted to introduce herself and tell him more about herself but he didn't give her the chance to speak, he started talking about himself, his achievements and she just looked at him she couldn't believe a man could be this proud.

After the conversation they went back to the ball room where her dad and Felix's dad were talking and as soon as they entered the Jeffrey asked if she liked him and she said

"Dad I don't like him"

"What but this is the third one and best one yet how can you not like him"

"Dad he is so obnoxious and annoying"

"But his father is the wealthiest in the land and when you marry him your kids will have a bright future and our kingdom will expand"

"So dad that's all you care about??"


"Do you even care about my happiness at all how can you be so heartless towards me"

"Seraph wait!!!"

She ran away in tears she didn't want to get married to just anyone she wanted to marry the one, her one and only, she read romance novels alot and wish her husband would treat her like that, she wanted some to look her in the eyes and tell her that he loved her, someone who would comfort her when she is sad, she wanted someone who valued her for her body but for her character as a whole. She didn't want an obnoxious man....

Jeffery knocked at her door repeatedly she didn't want to open she had, had enough. She felt like running away from this, but she couldn't...


Lucifer looked down on the peasant life he lived, he was tired of torturing people he had done it so much it became boring, he was looking for someone to prey on, maybe play with the persons emotions.

Lucifer the light pale skinned demon with red eyes and blood red lips with horns long black hair, and muscular body, he then decided to kill Jeffery.

Jeffery had sinned so much that if Lucifer wasn't as wicked as he was, Jeffery could have been the devil himself.

He then snapped his fingers and at that moment, Jeffery started having a heart ache he called for help but nothing came out, he looked at the side of the room and saw a demon appear from the darkness. He saw the Demons smile before he then died.

~ The next Day~

Amber woke up and saw a dead body by her side, she couldn't believe what she saw was her husband, she started screaming

"Somebody help please help" the guards got into the room and started to gasp, they all froze.

"Why are you all standing still help me"

"I'm sorry ma'am he is dead!!"


She said with her voice almost cracking, she stared at the lifeless body by her side she couldn't cry she then told the guards to inform Seraph that her dad was dead.

Seraph woke up the next day more weak and hungrier than the last, she then heard a knock on the door she stood up with her weak body and opened the door the guard then said

"Ma'am your father is dead"

"No it isn't possible"

"The queen asked for your presence"

She ran as fast as she could to her parents quarters in the palace, she then saw her mum emotionless near the dead body of her dad.

"Daddy" she said as she broke down into tears

"He's gone!!" She said with tears in her eyes. She kept repeating to herself that she was dreaming that her dad was just getting more shut eye but he was gone, gone for good.

I hope you enjoy this new novel it is.an idea that just popped out of my head, please react to the post, and share to as many people as possible. This novel will be posted with Samantha's Inheritance so expect the two as often as possible

Love you fam ❤️💗💕


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