
The Sky King!

Dodging another round of punches, Ghidorah slipped through Zeus' defenses and nailed him with an uppercut. Sending the god tumbling back as Ghidorah retreated. Creating more distance between himself and Zeus.

The area around them had long since been destroyed by their auras. The constant rain of yellow and blue lightning bolts had seen to that. However, the humans that inhabited these lands were nowhere to be seen. Having long since been evacuated by Athena and Hermes.

Stabilizing himself using air manipulation, Zeus was suddenly catapulted through the air back toward Ghidorah. Showcasing a level of flight that only a Sky God could possess. Quickly arriving before Ghidorah, the God King tried to decapitate the dragon with a lariat.

Only for the dragon to manifest a magic circle and appear above the airborne god before he could land it. Spinning in midair, Zeus blocked Ghidorah's counterattack with a blast of his Master Bolt that sent a dazed Ghidorah into the sky.

Clenching his fist, Zeus made a pulling gesture. Commanding the sky to bring Ghidorah back toward him. Propelling Ghidorah back toward the ground at an insane pace before being hit with a nasty right hook to his jaw. Sending him flying to Zeus' left.

Before crashing into a mountain with enough force to shatter it. Making Ghidorah cough up blood as he struggled to stand up. His body creaked and cracked under the effort. Taking a noticeably longer time to heal as time goes by.

'I'm running out of energy.' Ghidorah noted. After 5 hours of continuous spell work, his reserves are finally reaching their limit.

Yet, he had no time to think about it. Looking forward, Ghidorah barely had time to react as Zeus zoomed through the sky and smashed into the mountain. Like a humanoid rocket, Ghidorah compared from his new location a mile away.

However, even this small usage of space magic was all Ghidorah could spare at the moment. The rest of his diminishing energy was currently being used to heal the injuries Zeus had inflicted earlier.

Speaking of the god, Zeus slammed into the ground before Ghidorah. Displaying his battered and bruised form to the dragon. For Ghidorah was not the only one nearing his end. The God King was not far from running out of energy either.

Not that it stopped Zeus from throwing his 3 m-long lightning bolt toward Ghidorah. Its blue light illuminated its surroundings as it soared toward Ghidorah with enough speed to create a sonic boom.

Knowing that he could not afford to waste a spell, Ghidroah manifested his dragon gate. Transforming his magic circle into a portal that looked eerily similar to a black hole. Which Ghidorah positioned so that the Master Bolt would travel through it.

Sending Zeus' trump card to outer space. A place so far away that Zeus would not have the time to recall the weapon of mass destruction. Not from a lack of trying, mind you. The god just could not focus on his weapon when Ghidorah suddenly charged at him.

Arriving before him in no time flat, Ghidorah and Zeus entered a straight-up brawl. With the dragon lashing out with a cross that Zeus blocked and countered with a left hook that forced Ghidorah to lean back. Allowing Zeus to follow up by manipulating the air to lift him so that he could perform an Axe Kick.

Which Ghidorah could not dodge thanks to him already leaning back. Therefore, all Ghidorah could do was cross his hands to block the attack. Which slammed Ghidorah into the ground. Creating a crater and an audible snap that signified the breaking of Ghidorah's left hand.

However, Ghidorah had no time to heal his arm as Zeus continued his onslaught. Attempting to stomp the downed Ghidorah but the dragon quickly rolled out of the way. Making Zeus' kick pierce the earth instead.

Which was capitalized on by Ghidorah as he used a cheap spell to harden the soil. Keeping Zeus in place just long enough for Ghidorah to grab onto Zeus' leg and apply the Electric Shock Pulse through his hands.

Forcing his otherworldly lightning into the god's body. Paralyzing him and allowing Ghidorah to finally put some distance between them. Giving him time to heal his arm. Snapping it back in place.

Looking at his opponent, Ghidorah knew that he had to end it. If things continued at their current pace, Zeus would win. During that brief confrontation that was proven true. However, Ghidorah could not lose and he would be damned if he did not give victory one last shot.

Taking his stance, Ghidorah glared at Zeus. Who copied his movements after shaking off Ghidorah's electricity. Staring back at him, the god suddenly smirked in satisfaction.

"I like that look in your eyes, dragon. Let's see if that determination will lead you to victory." Zeus observed. His condition was arguably better than Ghidorah's. Leading him to attack first.

In the face of this attack, Ghidorah's eyes followed the god's every move. Watching as Zeus lead with his right foot and pivoted with his left. Which Ghidorah instantly recognized as Zeus preparing to unleash a Cross Punch.

This was proved when Zeus pulled back his left shoulder and struck out with his left fist. Which struck nothing but air as Ghidorah pivoted on his right foot to dodge the strike. With his current position, slightly above the ground to Zeus' right, Ghidorah was able to counterattack with a punch to Zeus' jaw.

All of this is possible thanks to Ghidorah's time magic. Having accelerated his own time by 2 times to surpass Zeus' speed. Allowing him to dodge the punch to begin with. Even so, Ghidorah was not done as he used the read of his magic power to increase his time even further.

'Time Accel x4!' He roared in his mind.

Accelerating his pace to the point that the stunned Zeus could no longer even see his movement. Allowing the dragon to follow up on his attack with a left uppercut that connected with the bottom of Zeus' head. Before finishing it with a left roundhouse kick in one continuous motion.

The increased time of this combo gave Zeus no time to evade. Causing the God King to slump to the floor from the combined assault. Marking the first time in history that Zeus was actually knocked out.

However, Ghidorah had no time to relish in his achievement. Not when his body felt like it was breaking apart from the inside out. The strain of Time Magic taking it's toll on his body and leaving him in intense agony.

But he still had to finish the battle. Forcing himself to move, he collapsed on top of the downed god and grabbed Zeus' head. Clenching it tightly, he began to absorb all of Zeus' power with vigor.

Feeling this thievery, Zeus was forced to wake up. His body working on it's own as his brain was far too jumbled to think straight. So, with pure instinct, he grabbed Ghidorah's hands and tried to pry them off but Ghidorah was using Zeus' power against him.

The God King's power was nourishing and healing his body, allowing Ghidorah to overpower Zeus and keep him pinned. All the while the dragon sapped his power further. With a grunt, Zeus finally came to as the fog cleared his mind.

Causing his eyes to open and stare at Ghidorah. Quickly realizing his peril, the god acted quickly and called his Master Bolt. Sending the lightning rod soaring through the cosmos as it made it's way back to earth with a speed faster than light.

"It's useless, Zeus! By the time it arrives, it will be far too late and you will be long dead!" Ghidorah roared out. Having sensed Zeus' action. Knowing that the god no longer possessed the power to teleport the Master Bolt here.

Grunting in pain, Zeus yelled right back. "You underestimate the Master Bolt, Dragon, It will arrive in mere seconds! Will you be able to absorb my power before then?" he asked rhetorically. Already knowing the answer.

Sensing the location of the bolt, Ghidorah knew his words to be true and redoubled his will. Forcing more and more of Zeus' power out of him until the Master Bolt finally arrived. Tearing through the stratosphere with a boom, the lightning rod descended upon the world.

Not even giving Ghidorah enough time to register this, the weapon of mass destruction pierced Ghidorah's chest. Charring and incinerating his midsection as he was knocked off the god. However, this action caused an unforeseen consequence.

Ghidorah's hands, still glowing golden, began to absorb the sky itself. Shocking Zeus and leaving him transfixed as Ghidorah siphoned out the remains of his grandfather, the primordial sky himself, into his body.

The dragon had not even sensed Uranus, the last remains of the god being so little that he may have ignored it, who had little to no will at all and was instantly absorbed by him. Yet, the power of Uranus caused his body to react differently than when he absorbs normal energy.

Instead of it being converted into his own power, the Primodial's power left it's mark on Ghidorah. Transforming and mutating his energy and gifting the dragon with power over the sky. As what Ghidorah absorbed was not energy but Uranus' existence.

Which was only possible thanks to the physiology of the Primordials. As Uranus was not the God of the Sky but the Sky given a will. Meaning that their bodies and energy are one and the same. Allowing Ghidorah to achieve this incredible feat.

"Unbelievable..." Zeus whispered in awe as he struggled to stand up. His body is no longer as muscular as it used to be.

With his newly enhanced power, Ghidorah ripped the Master Bolt out of his chest. Standing up, he reveled in his newly achieved status as a Sky Dragon and manipulated the air to lift himself off the ground. Which he found as easy as breathing.

Gazing at the lightning rod in his right hand, Ghidorah decided to make good on his promise. Grabbing it with his left arm as well, Ghidorah forced his power into the Master Bolt. Creating a contest of blue and yellow lightning as the weapon resisted his will.

Proving to Ghidorah that this weapon was truly worthy of him. Looking up, Ghidorah manipulated his hurricane with newly acquired grace and struck himself and the Master Bolt with a large lightning bolt.

Giving him the power to overpower the Lightning Rod as the blue electricity was expelled from it. Reshaping the rod into a large bastard sword that crackled with his signature lightning. Feeling his new partner in his grasp, Ghidorah smiled at the feeling of strength it gave him.

But before he could continue inspecting his new weapon, he was interrupted by clapping. Reminding him of the other man present. Raising his head, Ghidorah bared witness to the frail and older-looking Zeus. Who was barely standing and looking at him with something Ghidorah could not decipher.

"I can't believe I am saying this, kid, but it looks better with you than it ever did with me." He said with a bitter chuckle before turning serious. "But enough of that. We have a battle to finish!"

Even if he had lost almost all of his power, Zeus would not be put down like some animal. He lost, he knows that, but he is not dead. And so long as the fact remains true this fight is not over. This sentiment caused Ghidorah to let out a grin. Only now realizing just how similar they truly are.

Raising his newly made sword, Ghidorah took a stance. "How true." he smirked.

Using his words as a cue, Zeus and Ghidroah charged at one another. But before Zeus even took his second step, Ghidorah had cleaved his head clean from his body. With the sword atomizing his severed head and body in an instant.

Killing Zeus before the god could even understand that he was cut. For he was far too weak after Ghidroah siphoned his power to even put up a fight. Not when Ghidorah had also devoured a fragment of a primordial, shooting him higher and higher up the totem pole.

Placing his new sword in his pocket dimension, Ghidorah manipulated the skies and took flight. Leaving behind a destroyed Greece in his wake.

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