
Chapter 2: The Sea Coast Village Part 1

Lily walked into the village and found that it was busy with people working and talking all over. She walked towards where the ship builder is to talk to him about buying a ship. She asked one of the assistants where the ship builder is. They point towards a tavern where some drunk was just thrown out of. She walks to the tavern and goes in.

In the bar people are drinking, singing and having a good time. Lily walks to the bar and sits down. The bartender comes over and ask her what she'd like to drink. "I'd like some red wine and some information." Lily smiled at the bartender.

"What kind of information you looking for?" Said the bartender while handing her the glass of red wine. "I'm looking for the ship builder you know where I can find him?" The bartender rubs his chin and when he's about to answer a bunch of bandits kick the door down. A guy with one hand that was burned off comes in while the others all spread out in the room.

A tall man with muscles comes through the door. His silver hair tied into a ponytail and his brown eyes scanned the room. "Who burned your hand off Ray?" Ray looked around the room and saw a familiar black jacket near the bar. "There she is boss that's the bitch who burned my hand off."

A vein popped out on Lily's head when she heard him call her a bitch again. The boss walked up to the bar and sat down next to her. "So you're the one who burned Ray's hand off huh you don't look strong but you do have a nice body." Lily looked at him with death in her eyes. He smiled at her and took her drink.

He drank it and put the glass down in front of her. She stayed still with a frown on her face.

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