
The Demon God is Reincarnated

Demon God… That was his nickname, the people in Heaven Divine feared him whether they were Mortals, Gods, Immortals even Devils were afraid of him. Upon hearing his name, everyone knew that only one thing would happen... Massacre. One day the Demon God cornered by his enemies died, thinking that this would be his end, somehow in the last second of his life he was able to understand the Dao that he always longed for, that always feared and made him paranoid with the enemies he killed... But who would have thought that in order to understand the Dao of reincarnation he had to die... Yan Shun... That was the name of his new body he reincarnated into, he was a prince who had his memories sealed and had all his meridians sealed so he couldn't cultivate. In the sect he was in he was treated like trash and everyone made fun of him. But who would have thought that overnight the trash would turn into a genius... Or rather a demonic genius thirsty for power, blood and revenge. ... The MC will kill a lot and will have no mercy on anyone, but he has feelings for his women, but in some cases he will emotionally manipulate them to take advantage of them in their fragile moment. He is a Demon God don't forget that. –––––––––––– - Tags: Villain MC | OP MC | Rape | Gore | Dual Cultivation | Virgins | Harem | Yandere | Incest | Milf | Loli | Pregnancy | Gender Change | Netori | No-Sex Toys | No-Futanari | No-Yuri | No-Netorare | Notes: English is not my language, I am translating everything with Google translate, I expect a lot of misspellings and errors. The cover does not belong to me, I found it on Google, if the owner wants me to remove the image, just say so and I will remove it immediately.

Dashlin_King · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Removing the meridian sealing matrices

Meng Meiling after escaping from Yan Shun came to her dwelling where her house that was inside the sect was located, closed the door, leaned her back against the door, and slid down until she was on the ground.

The color of his eyes was a brilliant ocean blue.

"H-he k-kissed me." Meng Meiling said breathlessly as touched her cheek with his fingers at the place where Yan Shun kissed and smiled sweetly.

"It was so smooth." He murmured and brought fingers from her cheek to her lips.

"I would like a kiss here." He said and a few tears began to fall from her eyes that blink from blue to black.

'Why do I think so? He... he Surely he was joking with me, why am I still delusional? He likes women and I'm a man, it's impossible for him to feel something for me.'

'Yan Shun... How would you react if I confessed my feelings to you?'

'Will you accept me despite knowing that I am a man?'

'Will you reject me and we'll still be brothers?'

'Or...will you reject me and start making fun of me like everyone else?' Meng Meiling couldn't help but think, his tears had not stopped flowing from his deep black eyes.

"Why did I have to be born as a man? If I were a woman, I wouldn't have to keep what I feel for you brother Yan Shun, I could confess what I feel for you and not be afraid that you will abandon me as everyone has done with me." Meng Meiling muttered through her tears and began to close he eyes as he sat on the cold ground.

Meng Meiling had imagined various scenarios of him and Yan Shun together, but due to his condition, they all ended with Yan Shun rejecting him and leaving him.

If Yan Shun did that, his heart couldn't take it and life would no longer have meaning, so in the past he kept his feelings to himself and decided to follow Yan Shun in silence and keep everything he felt for him in his heart.

But every day that passed was torture for him, and now with this simple kiss on his cheek he had brought everything he felt for him back to the light and now he didn't know what to do or think. The only thing he knew was that he did not want to lose Yan Shun.

That's why he decided, even if it hurt him, to continue being Yan Shun's brother and pretend that nothing had happened, to think that what had happened was just a joke and nothing more. And with those thoughts Meng Meiling fell asleep with tears streaming down he face as he muttered in his sleep.

"I just want to be with you brother Yan Shun... Yan Shun... Yan Shun... Shun... I love you... Don't leave me."


Yan Shun was now at home sitting on his bed in the lotus potion.

"Well, it's time." He said and closed her eyes while he concentrated on his 12 meridians that were sealed, blocking the entry of Qi that was in the environment.

First adjusting his soul force and concentrating on all the sealing arrays that were blocking Qi from entering, Yan Shun now that he looked closely realized that one of the arrays was half broken.

'Ohhh, that explains why despite having all my meridians sealed, I'm at Level 2 Body Tempering Realm, but…'

'How strange, despite having all the meridians sealed by the arrays, my body somehow managed to break through a rank 5 array seal, hmmm... Was it this new physique that did it? And if so, how did he do it?'

'As far as I know, for a physique to work, first a body must have Qi and second is that it must be activated to function at 100%, but the physique has managed to break through a rank 5 seal. But my physique was not activated and I also didn't have a single thread of Qi in my body. So, how did he do it?'

'The only ways I know of that an array can be broken are: With enough Qi to break the array, with the power of the soul, or with the strength of a body cultivator's body, and the latter is very difficult to do.'

'With Qi it didn't happen because I didn't have it at the time, with my soul power it didn't happen either because I would know, and... Could it be because of the multiple beatings I received? I don't think so, the force they exerted in those blows wasn't enough to even break a rank 3 array, so it's impossible for them to break a rank 5 one.'

'The only option I have left is that it was my physicist, if I'm right that would be incredible, I have never seen or heard of a physicist doing something like this. Breaking through a rank 5 array with no Qi, no soul power, and no brute force, my physique only repelled it, as if I didn't want any universal laws to interfere and delay my cultivation progress.'

'I thought my new physique might be Heavenly or Divine rank, but… Could it be a brand new rank, one that has never been seen before?' Yan Shun thought excitedly, but soon calmed down and decided to investigate his physique later, at this time he had to remove the sealing arrays that were on his meridians.

Yan Shun concentrated his soul power and carefully introduced his power through the shape of the array, little by little he filled the sealing array with his soul power and once all the arrays were filled with his soul power, began to exert pressure with his soul on each of the arrays.

Yan Shun's face turned pale as the minutes passed, he had been trying to break the array for about 10 minutes, using his soul power with his weak body was a truly commendable feat.

The pain he was experiencing was horrible, but he didn't scream, not even a growl came out of his mouth, he was in the lotus potion like a statue pressing his soul power into the sealing arrays.

Five minutes later it was heard as if multiple windows were breaking from inside Yan Shun.

Yan Shun immediately widened his eyes, opened the vial that had the rank 2 recovery pill in it, and swallowed it without a second thought.

After breaking the matrices of his 12 meridians, the Qi from the environment rushed directly towards his body as if it were a black hole, attracting and devouring everything in its path.

Because his meridians were flung open like a door, the surrounding Qi rushed into his body, although this may sound like a good thing because he will finally be able to raise his cultivation realm, it was actually bad because his meridians were not used to absorb Qi, let alone that large amount.

Well, actually only one meridian was used to absorbing Qi and was only half used to it.

Babies when they are born have their meridians unblocked and the Qi from the environment naturally enters their bodies accustoming the meridians and the body to the Qi, and once the babies mature and are old enough to start cultivating, they begin to absorb Qi without getting hurt because their meridians are already used to Qi passing through those places.

But Yan Shun already had the sealing matrices in his body since he was born, he could not get used to the Qi passing through his 12 meridians like other newborn babies.

Because of that, his meridians right now were being torn causing internal bleeding, but thanks to the pill he had swallowed earlier, his meridians and internal organs that were being torn by the fierce Qi were healing at a rate that rivaled with the damage caused by Qi.

Once the torn part healed, it would tear again to regenerate, to then tear again, this was a cycle that was repeating itself over and over again.

Normally, a pill would not be able to regenerate at such a fast rate all the internal damage that Yan Shun was taking right now, the pill was only a rank 2 pill. As Meng Meiling had said, after taking the pill, upon The next day, his injuries would heal, but the pill that Yan Shun took for some strange reason became potentiated as soon as it touched the pit of his stomach.

Although this greatly surprised Yan Shun, he did not think twice and started cultivating completely forgetting about his first plan.

He had originally thought that he would have to boost the medicinal power of the rank 2 pill with a rank 4 array, in the state that Yan Shun was in right now he couldn't use such high rank arrays, so he came up with a plan, to sacrifice the Qi that entered his body, in order to feed the rank 4 array, in order to enhance the medicinal power of the pill.

But somehow, the regeneration pill's medicinal power was empowered without using Qi from a medicinal empowerment array.

Although Yan Shun at this moment did not have a clear answer as to why a normal Rank 2 Recovery Pill had the effect of a max level Rank 4 Recovery Pill.

He did have a vague idea of ​​what it could be.

He would have been born with an overpowered physique!