
Don't you dare hubby!/ You have to feed me hubby.

"S... Stop saying that. You're the naughty one. Hmph!. You're teasing me... S.. stop it". Violet said out. She was still facing to the other direction. 

"Darling... What's wrong?. Are you shy of me?. Is it because of last night?". 

Shin Yu words strike right into Violet's chest. How can he say that so easily!?. 

"Yah!. Don't say that!". Violet yelled out while using her both hands to cover up her ears. The least thing that can happen was for her to listen to anything coming out of Shin Yu's mouth.

Shin Yu walked step by step over to where Violet was standing. He stood by her side before leaning over so that his head was beside her right side ear. Violet felt her body getting cold caused by his closeness to her. His body sure does something to her... She just can't describe that yet.

"Honey... About last night...".

Shin Yu couldn't finish his words because Violet had already make use of her hand to cover up his mouth.

"Don't say that!... Yo... You are doing this on purpose!". Violet didn't just know the exact words to say to this mischievous hubby of hers. She could only say the words that comes to her mind at the moment. 

[Shin Yu: ...?]

Violet was still using her hands to cover up Shin Yu's mouth, when her stomach sudden grumbled!.

[Violet: "Oh my!. Fate just isn't by my side today. No doubt about that!. She thought to herself].

She finally let go of her hand on Shin Yu's mouth since she saw that he was trying to say something. But before she finally let go of him... She made sure of it that she threatened him a little with her eyes sign. 

You're hungry darlin... Let's make something for us... Or do you want to eat something else?. Shin Yu wore a mischievous smile on his face as he said this.

[Violet thought: How should I shut this mouth of his!?. Seems like all it do is never stop with talking. Ha... Oh well, I'm too hungry to think about this for now, so I'll just let you my hubby be for the meantime]. 

Wait let me think... 

[Violet spanked Shin Yu's head hard in the process of her thinking. "Hmph!. That serves you right hubby"]. Violet said. 

Hehehe. It's not painful darlin... I want more. How many of those do you still have?. Shin Yu said with a wide smile.

I'll kill you later... But please hubby, I'm hungry. You have to feed me. [Boohoo].

"Ok ok... I get it. My little wifey is cute like this". Shin Yu leaned forward to give Violet a kiss on her forehead before focusing on what to prepare.

["Finally!". Violet thought]. "Don't over think it baby... You'll only teach me on how to make it myself. I can't let you do all the hard work yourself". She winked at Shin Yu after she said this.

"Sure darling".


After 2 hours later...

Violet tried many attempts and failed multiple of times. She burnt almost all the meals during the process of her attempts... But after an hour she finally got it. 

[There was even some point that Shin Yu told her to stay back... But Violet was strong headed, so she didn't listen to a thing that he said. She make sure to stick throughout with her hubby. And that was a must for her!].

"Finally!. I did it! Thanks baby for teaching me on how to make Steamed Stuffed Buns and Dumblings!. This is actually the first time of me hearing something like this. Hehehehe". She said out to Shin Yu that smiled at her. 

"My cute little bunny!". Shin Yu pet her head after he said this.

She giggled after seeing the way that Shin Yu pet on her head. "I'm a cute baby... But I'm not little as you said". Violet corrected Shin Yu that was still petting on her head. 

I know darlin... But you're my little baby. 

Hehehehe. "Hubby you should not call me little again... It always makes me feel that I was cheated because of my average height. You see... People should not call others that are big adults little, it might break their heart... Just like it is with mine now". After saying this... Violet finished with her speech. "Yes!. This should keep him shut for the meantime. There's no actually way that he would call me little ever again after this my speech!. Violet thought to herself".

Shin Yu already knows what V was thinking. He pretend as usual and kept his face expression like that of an innocent kid. "Ok I get it". He said before smiling mischievously. "My little bunny".

Oh no you didn't!!. Violet started chasing Shin Yu about inside the kitchen. This was their second run in the morning inside the kitchen.

Back to present!...

After 2 minutes of their running.

Violet was done with chasing Shin Yu... Her stomach was disturbing her that she couldn't feel her stomach again.

"Hubby... I'm tired. I want to eat already!". Violet said out. She already was tired of her run this morning. Since!... It's been over 3 hours they have woke up from bed and she was still yet to eat!. 

Sure sure... My li...

"Don't you dare hubby!. I really mean it!". She said out with her threatening eyes. This hubby of hers should better behave himself or else. 


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
