
The Hand's of Death

(A/N: Love y'all <3)


He looks up from his bow "May I face you at full strength. I want to face it for myself."

I shrug "Sure, I will only use physical strength against you."

"No, I want your full strength." He says with confidence.

I laugh a bit "That won't happen. I want you to have a semblance of hope when I'm done with you."

I hop down into the pit. I wave my hand causing my miasma to sweep over the ice crushing it all.

I look at Siro and the Ice Wraith with a nod. "You may leave." The Wraith runs up top quickly while Siro walks at a steady pace obviously upset over his loss.

I walk standing across from Darion and hold my arms wide "Just for you I will use 80% of my physical strength. Come." The power of death flows through my veins as I watch him grip his sword ready.

He launches from his position so hard he cracks the ground beneath himself. I stand there with no weapon in hand as I watch his slow movements. I say slow but this is the fastest anyone has moved today in the fights.

I smile as I grab the sword coming down at me pulling it from his grip easily with one hand. His eyes go wide as he begins to pull back. Before he gets even a foot away my hand grabs him by the head like a large ball.

I lift him in the air as he makes a spear of blood which fails to pierce my armor as I've already reinforced it with my miasma weeks ago. He looks surprised to see it doesn't pierce as I hold him in front of me.

"I think I am a benevolent God. But sometimes power must be displayed." I say with a toothy grin as I slam his head into the ground causing it to fracture and cave in. His head vanishes beneath my palm as the only thing left is a messy bloody pulp.

I stand straight as I watch his corpse twitch a final time before fully dying. I step back as I turn to face the other leaders.

"Would anyone else like a shot?" I say loudly with my toothy grin still stained on my face. I can feel Darion's blood drip from my chin as I frown and wipe it off quickly getting back my smile. I can see a few of them flinch when I wipe the blood off but I ignore it.

Seeing no one is planning to answer I quickly raise Darion again and get up the stairs. Darion holds his reformed head in pain as he wobbles to his feet.

Seeing him back on his feet I speak "Are you able to talk logistics?"

He nods as he slowly walks up the stairs "Yes, I need a new helmet."

I point at the shattered mess on the ground "And a new sword, sorry I gripped it too hard." I give an apologetic smile.

He shakes his head "It's fine, we have plenty like it."

"Good, I still want to pay you back, I was thinking of giving you one of mine. How do you feel about curved greatswords?" I ask as I grab a lesser Greatsword from my miasma. I collected them from my fallen subordinates in my past life so I have quite a few.

He lowers his head "I would be grateful." he accepts the giant sword with two hands as his eyes widen at the weight.

"This will take some getting used to." He adds.

"Well you have quite a while, it takes quite a long time to fly to Northrend," I say giving him a smirk.

He gestures for me to follow "Return to your training." He says to the initiates as I gesture the three other lords as well as Thassarian and Koltira to follow.

We walk through the portal to the lower level stopping at the meeting table we were at before. I gesture for my six servants to sit as I stay standing at the head of the table.

"I will be upfront with my plan. I will use the Ebon Hold as a rear base to be left above Strathholme ready to provide reinforcements whenever needed."

I point at Darion "You will work with Tsar'Rin, Prime, and Amal'Thazad to prepare a portal from the Acherus to the Sepulcrum. With the Acherus set above Strathholme, it will serve at the ultimate defense from attack as well as a key position for reinforcement."

"May I ask why we are here?" Thassarian asks in a rather polite manner.

I smile at him "Of course. Come. Kneel in front of me." I say stepping back from the table.

They both look at each other questioningly as they stand up and walk up to me. They slowly get on a knee as they lower their heads.

"I wish for you Thassarian, to be the right hand of Death, and you Koltira Deathweaver, to be the left hand of Death. You will be the emissaries between me and the mortals. You will be given the same privilege the Lord's will be given. The right to speak to me." I say looking at their confused faces as they look up at me.

Seeing their confusion I speak again but this time directly into their heads. 'The right to speak to me.'

Realization dawns on their faces as they lower their heads again. "I accept the role given to me as a Hand of Death," Thassarian says first.

"I accept as well," Koltira adds with a low head.

I nod "Then accept five death knights to train, they will be your fingers. When you leave, take them with you, you will have full control over them."

I turn to face the Lords and pull back a bit till all of the six are in front of me. I hold out both hands as dark light bathes the room and their connections to me become more robust. I can now feel if they wish to speak to me and the telepathy now goes both ways.

"This is a gift to you all, for your protection and my convenience. Do not abuse this." The lords lower their heads at my words.

I gesture at the two kneeling "Sit, we have more to discuss."

"The Forsaken are currently cutting out an area where the intelligent undead can live peacefully. A place where they will not be scorned. While I will not directly interfere with the Horde I will be overseeing the Forsaken to a degree." My eyes skim over the lords to see their reactions.

"I come from a land where the undead are the majority, where only the stupid and the old fear them. I plan to make this world similar in the fact they are not seen as 'monsters' as some of you have referred to. Since I have raised you again I'm sure you know what I mean by a TRUE UNDEAD."

"I want you to take a second. Feel your own heartbeats for the first time since your rebirth." All of them stop and put their hands over their hearts.

"As long as those hearts beat you are not monsters. You are free to leave at any time, even in war, but those hearts belong to me until that moment... Remember that." I look over them and none of them look very opposed to it so I continue.

"With our new connection, you'll be able to better gain the powers of death without the interference of the shadowlands. Also over the next few days, you will learn from Xavier how to properly raise undead without relying on pulling souls from the shadowlands."

"Relying on the shadowlands is a weakness that can be exploited. I expect no such weakness from my chosen. We will leave as soon as your men are ready, Darion." He nods at my words with a more confident gaze.

I smirk at his confident gaze "Good."

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