

(A/N: Man, I've been tired all day and I have no idea why. There is a poll for the good wife in the discord, the options are meh since no one gave me ideas and I couldn't find any not taken females in warcraft lore. Thank you to Decide and Breezy for the entertaining conversation in discord lol.


Enjoy <3 )


Darion raises a hand leaking decay onto the floor. The stone floor seems to turn to dirt as the hands of death rise from the ground similar to the other fights. He holds out his other hand and a serrated runed greatsword with a skull-shaped crossguard appears in his hands.

Siro slams down his hammer as black frost turns the decaying ground into ice. Darion looks surprised as he raises the hand leaking decay instead. Tendrils of death magic shoot into various places on the pit and summons five ghouls who force their way onto the plane.

Siro smiles "Let me show you how to raise dead properly." Darion's eyes narrow at his words.

Siro looks towards the edge of the pit where bones are piled and grins. He raises a hand towards them using tendrils of death magic to pull the pile to him. His mist of black frost washes over the causing them to float and assemble themselves until six skeletons are standing in front of him.

The skeletons have glowing blue eyes and frost expels from their mouths with each breath. Darion looks confused as Siro holds out his hand showing a fairly powerful soul in his hand.

"I learned this one a few days ago," Siro says as the soul vanishes and death magic erupts from his hand showering the surrounding area in a thick layer of frost. Once the frost clears it reveals a frost wraith with a glowing blue skull standing in front of Siro.

Darion's eyes narrow at the creatures as he commands his undead forward. Siro stands back as the wraith holds both of its skeletal hands forward and a nova of frost baths the ghouls Siro smirks as his skeletons go one by one smashing the ghoul statues with ease.

Darion rushes forward cutting down two skeletons with a single slice before moving on to the next. To his surprise one of the skeletons he cut down grabs his ankle causing him to almost miss his attack. Darion quickly crushes the skull of the skeleton to and falls back.

His eyes widen as he sees the skeletons he cut down getting back up. Even the one he destroyed the skull of begins to reassemble.

He grits his teeth "I didn't think this would be a minion fight." He says in an annoyed tone.

Siro shrugs as he points his hammer forward. The Wraith begins flinging bolts of frost at him while the skeletons charge. Darion quickly raises a hand in the air as he deflects a frost bolt with his sword.

"Come," He says to nothing as over a hundred tendrils of death magic leave his hand summoning ghouls, geists, a behemoth, and a few zombies raise from the ground of the pit, the stairs, and even outside of it causing the acolytes to back away terrified.

Siro rolls his eyes as his wraith forms a giant lance of ice above its raised hands and throws it at the behemoth causing it to wail as it freezes falling to the ground shattering. The skeletons and wraith fight the uphill battle against the over a hundred undead holding up incredibly well.

The skeletons reform over and over again tearing their way through the lesser undead while the wraith safely casts from behind. Siro and Darion both calmly watch the show but I can tell Darion is shocked.

Siro seems to grow impatient as he slams his hammer against the ground. Black frost washes over the pit freezing every creature except Darion who is protected by an anti-magic barrier and the Wraith who protected itself in a ball of clear ice.

Siro picks up his hammer as he slowly marches at Darion who stands there waiting. Siro is surrounded by a strong wind carrying shards of black ice. They see to make a snow globe effect around him as if they cannot leave his side.

Darion narrows his eyes as his shell gets thicker as his sword begins to bleed as if it were a butchered cow. Once Siro is within range Darion attacks first slicing at his chest with a blade covered in glowing red blood.

Siro actually blocks the attack with the handle of his hammer and strikes back with the pommel only for Darion to avoid it by bobbing his head to the side. Siro sends a kick to Darion's chest seeing that he missed but Darion easily blocks it with the flat side of his blade.

The shards of ice around Siro shatter as they hit Darion's barrier. Darion strikes again glancing off Siro's chest plate but causes him to stagger back. Darion see's the opportunity and raises his blade high to get a good hit on the staggered death knight.


Darion goes flying backward as a giant ray of ice strikes him from the side. Darion skids across the ground but doesn't fall over. Both his and Siro's eyes shoot in the direction of the beam. The wraith stands there with ice in both of its hands. As its eyes meet Darion's it quickly forms another ice barrier.

As the ice barrier is erected three skulls of decay and death strike it shattering it causing the wraith to hide behind the frozen undead statues. Darion gnashes his teeth seeing he missed. He raises his hand ready to fire again but he is forced to stop since he sees Siro's hammer coming at him.

He quickly dodges as he kicks his leg causing him to stagger a bit to the side. But to Darion's surprise, Siro is smirking. Darion looks at his leg to see the ice shards flying around have cut the back of his legs where there is no armor. His eyes narrow at the black veins now present on the back of his thigh.

"I will finish this now..." Darion says as he pushes a hand towards Siro. A blast of frost knocks away the frozen shards around Siro as Darion rushes. Siro raises a free hand as a black ice crystal floats above his hand. With a smirk, he smashes the crystal as he grips tightly.

A lance of black ice raises from the ground piercing through Darion's chin coming out the top of his head. Darion's helmet falls off revealing the mutilated face causing Siro to smirk. Siro's smirk fades as Darion's eyes go black and his skin darkens.

Darion snaps the ice shard and pulls it out of his head as he tosses it at the ground with a blank look. Siro ready's his hammer as he stares at the motionless Darion. Darion slowly raises his blood-soaked sword with his dead black stare.

Siro's eyes go wide as he looks down at his chest to see it pierced by a spear of blood. His eyes look back up at Darion with shock only to see another spear hit him between the eyes right through the slit in his helmet.

Siro's head is completely smashed by the spear of blood as he falls over dead. Darion marches over to me and kneels down still not yet out of his death saving ability yet.

I stand over the pit looking at him giving him a nod of approval. It is only fitting that the leader of the lords should be a user of all forms of Death Knight magic.

Seeing his unfeeling form and that he will not die soon I sigh "Can you just die already, or at least stop the ability."

Alistra speaks up first "The ability only ends when he runs out of power, he dies, or he is saved from the point of death."

I nod as I gesture a hand to him and he is quickly bisected by a giant sword rising from the ground. I feel the spell break as he falls over actually dead. I raise a hand to the two corpses who are raised in my miasma like the others. I give a quick smirk to the Wraith hiding behind a frozen skeleton.

Siro is still standing up while Darion drops to a knee quickly lowering his head "I, Darion Mograine, vow to serve Siro the Dead God to the best of my ability until I am no longer fit to be the Deathlord. May that day be the day I die."

Black light covers the young-looking death knight as I feel the connection binds us. The connection's strength is fairly strong similar to Siro when I first raised him.

I nod at his words "I name you Deathlord, Leader of the Four Dead Lords, my patrons. How long will it take for you to ready your troops to leave?" I ask as a grin grows on my face.

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