
chapter 1: The Dream

"The car moved faster, the breaks could not stop. The car was filled with blood. It could not stop, he was inside until the car hit a huge tree, his body flew from the car and landed on rocky stones.

"Ahhh....., is a dream I thought holding my chest, As I got up from the bed and walked to my window.

I opened the curtain the sunlight shun to my face, as if the world was watching me.

It morning I said washing my face.

"Erin" my mom yelled from downstairs as I heard a voice echoing.

"Just a second " I said brushing my hair while facing the mirror.

I heard noise from downstairs, it sounded like footsteps , I followed it, the body image looks like a girl, or am I seeing things cause the girl was gone ," it must be Brian"I thought.

I sat down and had my cereal breakfast. "son remember the driving test"  dad said checking his time, "we don't have all day" he completed.

I remembered my dream vividly, "

Mom I had a terrible dream last night"  I said trying to remember the dream.

"whatever it is it can wait am going out, you and your younger brother, Brian should go on a stroll since we will not be here with you"  mom explained

"Kyle" I said knocking at the door. "come in" he replied. I opened the door and remained there. "The dream I was talking about,  it is about you" I said

"Damn it,  Erin what is it about this time, let me guess, the driving test, right" kyle said tying is shoe lace.

"Yeah" I said noticing he was not interested. "It just a dream"  he said and pushed me from the door way.

"Dreams come true" I said almost shouting. I felt disappointed as I walked to the middle of the room.

I peeped through the window and saw him, mom and dad downstairs entering my old dad car.

Suddenly the door shut and the key fell and the door locked. "Who's there" I said looking for a weapon. No response.

I heard a girl scream really loud that revealed the girl I saw walking downstairs. I banged the door so hard in fear.

"Open the door" I added I went to the window to check it was kyle hopefully, cause my brothers jokes about and then tease me about it, but the car was gone.

Meaning it was not any of my family it should be the girl in my I saw, I thought.

The lock, unlocked. I carried my brother baseball bat. The door opened in motion, I was surprised with who I saw.

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