

Where am I? Who am I? What a I? I have no clue. It's too dark to be able to see and I have no memories of who I am. I've tried moving and I felt a slight movement. I also tried blinking but its still too dark. 'maybe my eyes are open and its too dark' I thought as I look down and see a white bone.

At first I screamed as I thought I had a broken bone and it was poking through the skin but I looked again and noticed there was no skin. I started to question as to why I had no skin and could still move but then a screen popped out in front of me.


[RACE] skeleton

[HP] 15/15 [MP] 100/100

[LEVEL] 1/10 (XP 0/100)

[CLASS] necromancer





[SKILLS] Raise Dead, life drain, analyse

[TITLES] reincarnated, the destroyer of all

RAISE DEAD: revives a nearby corpse and fights for you

LIFE DRAIN: drain the life force of a target

ANALYSE: view other peoples stats

REINCARNATED: start with slightly more mana than those of the same race.

DESTROYER OF ALL: start with 15 extra points

So this is like a game system where you level up and get stronger. well I suppose I should spend my points. I'll put 5 in strength, 7 in agility and the rest in intelligence. after spending my points I was looking at what it changed and but then I could hear sounds of destruction taking place. I decided to investigate to find out what's making that sound.

As I was approaching the sound from around the corner I could see a man and a women fighting what looked to be a big bright red wolf. I decided to use my analyse skill on them.

[NAME] John

[RACE] human

[HP] 210/2000 [MP] 100/1000

[LEVEL] 20 (50/2500)

[CLASS] swordsman



[HP] 500/1000 [MP] 456/1000

[LEVEL] 25 (21/3000)




[HP] 106/500 [MP] 158/500

[LEVEL] 26 (5910/6000)

wait elves so does that mean im in another world. oh wait im an idiot im seeing a game like screen and my race is a skeleton, so of course im in another world but I never expected to see a elf even if it was another world. while watching them for a while I can see that the wolf is gonna die. So before it dies I'm trying to come up with plan that includes killing the human after they kill the wolf and rest.

so the plan I have come up with is to let the kill the wolf and hopefully bee able to resurrect its corpse and then kill the humans then level u seems like the best plan, I could come up with that amount of time I had as the wolf is just about to die.

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