
The day I met you.

Radical_Queen · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

The new kid

"Oh Abby your perfect, in every way. We should seal this moment with a kiss" *BUZZ* *BUZZ* Abigail lets out a sigh and slams her hand on the clock that read '6:30'. "Perfect" she mumbles as she drags her self to the kitchen where her mother was cooking breakfast. " rough night?" Says her mother, but Abigail didn't have to respond,her mother could tell. " Are you driving me to school or am I walking?" Abigail asks as she shoves buttered toast in her mouth. " Abby we live 10 minutes away I'm sure you can handle yourself, now go get ready school starts soon!". Abigail walks back to her room and ruffles through her closet mumbling remarks at every outfit 'ew too short' ' to yellow'. But after 10 minutes she chooses a maroon shirt with black skinny jeans and her all time favorite black converse high tops.

"ABIGAIL YOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Her mothers yell rings her ears, she grabs her phone, shoves her ear buds in, jerks her backpack on and runs out the door. The cold air freezes her nose almost instantly. She digs through her backpack to find her hoodie, but all she could find was a grey pullover. She slips it on and charges for school. Finally she sees the sign " Benton High School". She walks up too the front desk " Hi, I'm Abigail Mclain uhm I'm the new student" The principal walked out " oh you must be Abigail, here's your schedule and a map of where you need to go. You have 25minutes before class starts to find your way around." Abigail takes the papers and walks out of the office looking as lost as ever. She starts walking downstairs to her first class. ' Art class lower level room 124'. As she walks down to the lower level it gets less crowded. she makes it downstairs and realizes that none of the rooms are numbers nor have any signs. She walks up and asked the only kid she see. "Excuse me, can you help me? I'm alittle lost"

The random kid starts to blush and goes pale." Uhm uh wwwhat can I-" Out of no where here comes what seems like his friends. " hey your new around here what's up?" Burst one of his friends. " oh yeah I'm Abigail and I'm kinda lost" she blushes and pushes her hair out of her face. The random guy replies " well Abigail you've came to the right place, I'm Marcus, the tall one over there is Joey, and this shy piece of work is Justin" Marcus was kinda shorter than his friends, he had Auburn shaggy hair. Joey looked like he could punch you out with a finger, he had short black hair. And Justin was just a little taller than Joey but he was also skinner than them all. He had shaggy hair just like Marcus, but his hair was blonde. "Nice too meet you guys but can anyone help me to the art room?" Abigail slightly demanded. Marcus looked at her and smirked " you have 20minutes till class starts let's go get some breakfast I'm starving!" Abigail followed the boys upstairs to the cafeteria. Marcus rushes in-line and the boys follows, he grabs two breakfast sandwiches and three orange juice, Justin grabs pop tarts and milk and joeys gets his blain cereal. As Abigail is waiting at the table her phone starts to ring. Marcus finally talks his way out of getting in trouble for all the orange juices. "Let me see your schedule, I can see if you have any classes with us." As Abigail digs through her backpack while Justin and Joey sit down. " Ah found it." She lays its out on the table so everyone can see. Justin finally spoke " we have art class and Math together, then you and Marcus both have the same lunch. Then we can meet back up on free period." Abigail looked shocked but she had to push some words out " uhm okay thanks Justin." Marcus busted through the awkward with a knife. " Okay guys the bells about to ring I'd start walking to class before we get bombarded, we shall meet up soon." While the boy threw their food away Abigail folded her schedule up and waiting for Justin . "Okay are you ready" Justin said as he sneaked up on Abigail, she jumped and said " jeez Justin we need to put a bell on you." Justin laughs and pushes his hair out of his face " so tell me about yourself, when did you move to this small town?" Abigail skipped down the stairs and replied " well it's just me and my mom, she got a job offer at the hospital and the pay raise was unbelievable so she took it. I actually live 10minutes away."

Justin follows her down to the lower level and says " well at least you came here for something good, and believe me I may say this is a small town but there's a lot you can do and a lot you can see." They get interrupted by a teacher " Ahh welcome Abigail McLain, I see you have met my best student, I'm Mrs.Leach"

Justin blushes at Mrs.Leach compliments hims. " go ahead and find your seats, Justin can you catch her up on how to start class" Mrs. Leach says as she holds open the door to welcome students. As Justin shows Abigail how things work she realizes that the only friends or people he talks to are Marcus and Joey, so she starts feeling pretty special. Justin sits down and offers Abigail the desk next to him. They joke and goof off the entire class. *BUZZ* Mrs. Leach walks around and hands out an homework assignment. Abigail shrugs the homework off as she gathers her stuff, she see Justin heading out the door and she grabs his arm just before he left " Justin wait I need help finding my classes" Justin blushes and pulls her out of the door way. Abigail blushes and whispers " so are you going to help me?" Justin looks at her with a dumb founded look and says " we have free period,till the band kids get out. So we will meet up with Marcus and Joey unless you have somewhere else?" Abigail rushes for the opportunity to see Marcus again. She blushes and shakes her head no "oh no I would enjoy hanging out with you guys." Justin turns and starts walking up the stairs and Abigail follows. As they reach the top they see Marcus and Joey talking to some girls. Abigail's heart stop and she pulls Justin to the side and ask " does Marcus have a girlfriend or you know seeing anyone?" Justin slumps down at the question and replies " no but I would catch him before he's off the market." Marcus notices them and runs towards them " Abigail hey! I was thinking we Usually eat after school and maybe you would want to join me I mean.. us join us!?" Marcus blushes and shakes his hair out of his face. Abigail nudges his shoulder and replies " I would love too" they walk over to Justin and Joey. Joey looks at Abigail and smirks while saying " that was fast, you guys better slow down" as Joey laughs Marcus playful punches his arm. Joey sighs and says " okay guys we have 45 minutes what do you guys want to do?" As everyone was thinking this guy ran up, he had longish hair and small gauges, he wore a black shirt and black jeans with a spiked belt. After he finished talking with everyone he walked over to Abigail and smiled and held his hand out and said " hi I'm Bryan, I see you've been hanging out with idiots" as he laughs Abigail shakes his hands and replies " I'm Abigail, their the only people that actually noticed me" Bryan smiles and walks over to Marcus " so Marcus have you asked this girl out yet? I can see it in your eyes man" he nudges him and laughs Marcus blushes and sighs. " Marcus I'm teasing you man." Abigail pulls her phone out and texts her mom

" Hey mom I met some friends and they asked if I can go out and eat with them after school, I already said yes.. but I'll be home around 8! Love you!!"

Marcus walks up to Abigail and blushes and smiles " so tell me about your self?"

Abigail smiles and replies " well me and mother moved here because she got a job offer at the hospital and I live like 10minutes away. And uhm I'm 16. Uhh yeah" she giggles and Marcus gasps and says " no way I live about 10 minutes away!! I skate to school and

Because my mom has to take my little brother and sister to school. But that's awesome your mom got a job opportunity down her that doesn't happen a lot." *BUZZ* Abigail walked to math with Justin. Abigail felt like the day was just drilling by. When she checked the clock she realized there was only an hour left of school. She dragged her self to lunch and she sees Bryan in the back of the lunch line as joins him she gets a text from her mother.


"Abby darling I'm glad you made friends, be careful and do not stay out late. If you need money you can stop by before you leave. Love you"

Abigail smiles and puts her phone away. Bryan notices her and nudges her with his elbow " hey abs you seem pretty happy, what's up?"

Abigail blushes in embarrassment and explodes with excitement " well I'm going to hang out with you guys after school and I'm really excited because, Marcus! He seems really nice. I just hope I can get to know him a little better, ya know one on one"

Bryan laughs as he pays for his lunch. " oh abby your something else, I'm sure he'll like you and I'm damn sure you'll like him. You just have to get past his strange addiction to video games" Bryan throws his head back and laughs. Abigail pays for her lunch. Her and Bryan quite down their conversation as they sit down with Marcus. Bryan shoves popcorn chicken in his mouth while him and Marcus talk about what to do after school. Abigail sits back thinks to her self about Marcus. Before she knew it the bell rung and it was time to leave. She raced to throw away the tray and meet up with gang. She saw everyone standing outside by what seemed to be Joeys car. She pushed open the door and everyone greeted her. " guys I need to stop by my house and get some money, I only live 10 minutes away." Everyone said they would meet her at the coffee shop on the corner. As she was walking Marcus ran up too her and asked to walk with her, she happily accepted. They walked and talked and joked around. " oh Abby is this your friend." Abigail mother was standing outside. Abigail didn't even realize that she had made it home, she was so caught up in Marcus and his lovely eyes. Abigail stuttered but finally pushed some words out." Oh well this is Marcus he walked home with to show me the coffee shop." Abigails mother stuck her hand out " well Marcus thank you for walking with my daughter, I'm Linda. Take care of her" as she was talking to Marcus she handed Abigail a twenty and shooed then away. They started walking down the hill to the coffee shop.

-end chapter-

This is a rough draft let me know what you think please. I do have this on WattPad

Radical_Queencreators' thoughts