
The Darkness of Exusiai

I wanted to write something similar but entirely different than Madness of Lappland by Elizjumgarden the fanfic author inspired me to make my own RWBY fanfic that has a character from Arknights in it. Now without further ado here is the synopsis A Dark Exusiai will be in the story she isn't the optimistic dreamer we all know and love but a darkened version. Will someone from the RWBY universe change her or will she continue to be a cold-hearted assassin? Warning there will be vulgar language so if that isn't your cup of tea you might not like the mc as she has a venomous and vulgar tongue. All music in this Fanfic does not belong to me. The music is simply from my favorite artists and I wanted to share it through this fanfiction. If Artist wants me to take down the Cover notify me at this email. lumine.stan@yahoo.com

Crimson1997 · Komik
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32 Chs

Meltdown and dislike of Manga

"HEY STOP! You are hurting people! Innocent people!" Ruby Rose finally caught up to Exu.

"Stay out of this little girl!" Exu makes her voice slightly husky to make herself seem older.

"I know you are Exe... Uh... Exy... Um... Exu I'll just go with Exu since I can't pronounce your name... Sorry..." Ruby Rose and Exusiai finally meet. Exu looks at her like she is looking at something very bright.

Exu decides to walk away and forget about this girl.

"Wait, cousin!" ~crack~ Exu narrows her eyes behind her mask and her fists clench so hard she caused fractures in her fingers but they already healed within seconds due to her drinking from the pools of eternal life... Only successors and the most trusted among the sisterhood can drink from the pools instead of bathing in it. Her already impressive healing factor now heals almost as fast as Wolverine from X-Men.

"Say that again!" Exu walks menacingly toward Ruby all the while growling... Her steps cause the asphalt to break with each step.

"Uh uh Um... Eep!" Ruby covers her face in fear as she has never been subjected to so much malice.

"TELL ME!" Exu punches a brick wall breaking it into pieces from sheer force.

"My uh... My Uncle is your dad... I'm you...I mean I'm your cousin!" Ruby covers her face as she sees a fist coming her way only to stop at the last second. Of course, they aren't actually related by blood but she is Qrow's honorary niece and already sees him as her real uncle so she automatically started to see Exusiai as her cousin.

Exu chuckles darkly... "Where is your uncle!" Exu grabs Ruby tightly and a sickly cracking was heard.

"AHH! You're hurting me stop, please!" Exu becomes dizzy and falters in her steps and almost falls down. She remembers saying those exact same words so many times and now she starts to have a breakdown in front of Ruby.

"No... No... no no no... URH..." Exu starts to have a meltdown seeing flashbacks and runs away in her state of darkness she leaves her gun on the ground and drops of blood from harming her hands.

'What is happening? This hasn't happened before....' Exu looks up at the night sky and powerlessly slides down a wall and sits in the alley until daylight came.

"My daughter... What has you so distressed?" Cordeva gives her a breakfast platter she got from a fast food restaurant.

"I hurt an innocent person... I felt her bones break... I learned my drunk fuck up of a dad is her uncle... I'm her cousin... I don't know how she knows who I am as I always wore my mask. My face was only revealed when I ate apple pie at this one place... I swore I would never hurt an innocent person... I know all too well what it's like to be an innocent person who has to powerlessly accept all the abuse thrown her way... I promised myself I would never harm a person who is innocent... And that girl was so innocent it was blinding... I'm confused. What do I do..." Exu starts to eat the breakfast platter and quickly. Exu tells of her experiences when she is powerless as a form of catharsis to keep herself sane.

Exu enters her hideout and lands on her bed face first and lots of what-ifs are going through her mind. She regathers herself after a few hours and dresses as the Singer Lyra Crimson.

"Whoa, it's Lyra Crimson!" The woman starts taking pictures with her camera.

'Fuck... You damn paparazzi you are lucky I need this identity to walk around in broad daylight if I didn't I'd kill you!' Exu starts walking at a quicker pace.

(It would seem no matter which world a celebrity will be harassed no matter what...) Jason the cute little pocket ghost chimes in.

"I did not foresee this outcome... I probably should have gone into a business and drawn those weird comics you cram into my head whenever you get the chance." Exu talks about Manga and she isn't much of a fan. Of course, the reason she dislikes Manga was all Jason's fault.

People that are walking by notice who she 'is' and surprisingly thought it was cute that she talked to herself and thought it was just a quirk of the famous. They all start to get excited thinking that Lyra was going to draw comics oh how wrong they were.

Jason was adamant about showing the wonders of the world of manga and wanted to have someone to talk with about it and so he naturally chose Exu and crammed thousands upon thousands of Manga into her head causing her to black out and wake up in a puddle of blood that came from her nose. Exu stopped talking to Jason and ignored him for an entire year because he nearly killed her by overloading her brain.

Ever since she ignored him and never spoke to him for a year he would only send a single Manga into her head once a month... The Otaku ghost was socially awkward about trying to gain forgiveness and thought giving some manga once a month would be a good apology until Exu for the first time in a year glared at him and grabbed the poor little ghost and squeezed him hard. A simple I'm sorry worked and not cramming in more strange art from a different world.