
The Dao Must Be Crazy

'The weak fear the strong, and the strong fear nothing, but I am not strong, and I have offended a lot of scary people.' Such were the thoughts of the cultivator who defied time as he created a technique that would allow him to escape those he feared. The same way you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, the soul of one unlucky youngster traveled through the stream of time in search of a bloodline connection that would take his place. By the time the soul of the descendant traded places with the original soul of the body, the demonic cultivator, who sacrificed the whole village in what he believed to be another failed attempt at his forbidden technique had left to ruminate over what went wrong while searching for another village. Chester (Chen) Wang had spent the last seven years trapped in the VRMMO called Brave Quest. On the morning of his 6th re-class, 5 years before the game was finally cleared, had his soul transported into another body.

DaoistKushMountain · Fantasi Timur
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31 Chs

Back to the Grind

Chester reached the camp, deciding to hang the meat in a nearby tree before proceeding with his preparations. With the pot and bow drill in hand, he settled down on his makeshift bed of leaves, ready to process the events that had unfolded since he awakened. Seated, he delved into a visualization of his avatar and the intricate skill tree. Closing his eyes, he directed the mana through his body, searching for any signs of change. Though he barely completed one cycle, a faint glimmer caught his attention, hinting at potential advancements within the interconnections of the skill tree.

Days turned into a week of tireless experimentation, during which Chester made remarkable discoveries. Through careful calibration and blending of paths, he unlocked two incredible effects. The base calibration setting granted him passive experience gain and increased mana regeneration, the ratio compared to the experience gained by killing the parrot was massive. Additionally, activating the mana flow through his healing core resulted in a slight enhancement of his skills. While his damage output still felt disproportionate to his level, Chester realized that his other stats were severely lacking. Frustration crept in, for he had no understanding of how to raise his stats without the aid of the game's user interface.

Amidst relentless training, Chester's paths began to complement each other, spending the mana from the healing core during experimentation and practice and later replenishing it through the base path circulation. With nearly a week's worth of practice, he could now use his [Throw] skill twice in succession. The healing ability progressed from being a mere drain on mana to relieving him of fatigue, offering hope that the true effect of [Heal] might be within his grasp by the next level.

Running low on chicken jerky, Chester ventured out to hunt, mindful of not drawing unwanted attention. As he neared the location of the bird carcass, a stinger, comparable in size to his arm, whizzed past him. He swiftly evaded the attack, but his attention was diverted by a rodent that got impaled to a nearby tree, its screeches filling the air. Six giant rat-like creatures emerged from the surrounding foliage, converging on Chester.

This time, armed with a makeshift spear, Chester plunged headfirst into the fierce battle with the relentless rats. His heart pounded in his chest as he deftly darted and dodged, utilizing his newfound energy to outmaneuver the onslaught of adversaries. Each movement was calculated, his body fluid and nimble as he danced between the attacking rodents. With every dodge and maneuver, he could feel the weight of the battle pressing upon him. His instincts kicked in, his body moving with fluid grace as he analyzed their patterns and looked for openings to strike.

Seizing a momentary opportunity, Chester activated his xp gathering path, and a mesmerizing red mist-like energy enveloped his body, mirroring the crimson dots within the gray core. As the energy surged towards him, he stood his ground, allowing it to be absorbed. The sudden influx of power caused his movements to come to an abrupt halt, freezing him momentarily in time.

But salvation came in the form of the spider-wasp. Its lethal stinger tore through the rat's head, saving Chester from a potentially fatal blow. It was a spider-wasp like creature that seemed to be hunting the rodents, joining the fray with lethal precision. The battle came to a momentary stop with the Spider-Wasp jumping from a tree and landing on the ground.

As the battle escalated, the remaining rats scrambled up the surrounding trees, seeking higher ground. Chester's eyes darted across the battlefield, searching for his next move. The spider-wasp fought fiercely against the rodents, its agile movements a stark contrast to the chaotic frenzy unfolding around them. Chester seized the distraction, his mind racing with strategies and possibilities. He absorbed the xp from the impaled rat on the tree, the power now coursing through his veins. He took a moment to breathe and formulated a plan of attack.

With calculated precision, he took advantage of the momentary reprieve granted by the clash between the rodents and the spider-wasp. His eyes darted across the battlefield, scanning for his next move. "I have to strike when their attention is divided," he thought, his determination resolute. "This is my chance."

With unwavering determination, he sprinted towards the fallen spear lodged in one of the half-eaten rats. Grasping the weapon firmly, he felt a surge of renewed confidence coursing through his veins. It was a crucial moment, and he knew he had to capitalize on it. With precision and agility, Chester executed his plan. He threw his spear, incapacitating two creatures simultaneously. The satisfaction of a successful strike coursed through his veins, bolstering his confidence.

As the battle raged on, the last remaining rats, driven by a frenzied desire to survive, leaped onto the spider-wasp. Their razor-sharp teeth and claws clashed with the arachnid-like creature, creating a chaotic frenzy of violence. Sensing an opportunity amidst the tumultuous scene, Chester swiftly executed his plan to exploit the distraction.

As the battle reached its climax, the spider-wasp found itself momentarily overwhelmed by the relentless assault from the rats. Its attention was fixated on fending off the determined rodents, granting Chester a rare opportunity to strike. He lunged forward, his body moving with fluid grace, he retrieved and stabbed his spear right on its head. The spider-wasp ignored the rats and turned to Chester. He took a step back and grabbed the sword. He raised his sword high above his head, taking a step forward, he put all his strength into the tip of the blade.

With a resounding cry, Chester brought the blade down upon the exposed back of the spider-wasp. The metal met flesh with a sickening thud, slicing through the creature's exoskeleton and severing vital internal structures. The spider-wasp let out a screech of agony, its legs convulsing as it crumpled to the ground, defeated.

Now that the immediate threat had been neutralized, Chester shifted his attention back to the remaining rats. Though exhausted, he knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down. The relentless creatures still posed a danger, and he couldn't risk underestimating their tenacity.

With a steely resolve, he advanced cautiously towards the rats. Their attention was still partially focused on the dying spider-wasp, providing Chester with a slight advantage. He analyzed their movements, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Timing his actions with precision, Chester launched a series of calculated attacks. Using a combination of swift strikes and agile footwork, he danced around the rats, striking with deadly accuracy. One by one, the creatures fell under the weight of his relentless assault, their lifeless bodies littering the battlefield.

As the final blow landed, Chester stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment etched across his face. His face lightened up with a sense of triumph and self-assurance.

As the dust settled, Chester stood amidst the carnage, his body heaving with exertion and adrenaline still coursing through his veins. The battle had been fierce, but he had emerged victorious. With a mixture of relief and grim determination, he began the arduous task of collecting the red cores and salvaging what useful materials he could from the fallen creatures.

Though the fight had taken its toll, Chester knew that there was no time for rest. He needed to retreat, tend to his wounds, and prepare himself for the challenges that lay ahead. With each passing battle, he grew stronger and more adept at navigating this new dangerous world.