
The Dancing With death (outer-versal story)

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What is The Dancing With death (outer-versal story)

Baca novel The Dancing With death (outer-versal story) yang ditulis oleh penulis insatiableinsanity yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Have you experienced death a real one no never there was never death only thin line of life and the never ending abyss deeper than the sub-conscious mind even deeper than eternity all stopped there wa...


Have you experienced death a real one no never there was never death only thin line of life and the never ending abyss deeper than the sub-conscious mind even deeper than eternity all stopped there was no laws only the vast emptiness all of it for merely living my life for 16 years the cost of wanting to be alive the cost of wanting to "DANCE BETWEEN DEATH AND PLAYING TAG WITH A REAPER" ------------------------------------ the real synopsis is down bellow ------------------------------------ a man of unknown origin was staring at the vast space from bellow the rooftop a 4 floored school a big school as he was watching there was a distinct sound of gunshot down bellow yeah you hear that right a school shooting the stupid reason why the teacher always say that just leave it they would stop it eventually yeah all they blabber but who in the right mind would stand a gun shop besides school that was a stupid dumb ol business idea and the student buys guns and the owner or the seller allows it but i have one its on my back tucked on the belt of course with the safety on like there was an incident where a student accidentally shot his own d*** poor him but that not the story so i continue i was here watching the shooting apparently the casualty this time is 24 9 less than previous one like that guy also thrown grenade middle of a gathering this was the most lawless school in the world but that is not the reason i died ahem i never died to begin with until i learned it

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赵清是大裕丞相,承家族大任女扮男装为官多年,好不容易等到新帝执政有方,海清河晏,百姓安居乐业,准备回家好好过自己的生活,却被人暗杀,心里一阵不爽,想自己年纪轻轻还没有抱美人、逛花楼……人生的快乐一点都没有! 骂骂咧咧“投胎”去。 再睁眼发现自己竟穿到了另一个身体,大国司苏家女儿,上有偏偏宠爱的父亲母亲,下有俊俏可爱的蠢萌弟弟,生活太滋润啦!一直秉承“万花丛中过,片叶不沾身”的理念,撩起人来毫无压力,没想到撩完冷面国师给玩脱了。 临钰:“近来京中皆传苏式官心悦于我,为何还不见对本座表明心意?” 赵清听这话心一跳,连忙回答“此为何处谣传?当彻查,莫要损了国师声望” 临钰嘴角勾起附身靠近她,轻声道:“彻查什么” “自是下官心悦于国师大人”……之事,话还没说完就被打断。 “哦,本座知晓了”笑着转身离开了。 留赵清一人在风中凌乱,哦!?他知晓什么了就,……感觉周围的大臣表情有点复杂。 有日刚下早朝,便被他逼到宫闱墙角,浑身散发戾气地问“清清还给多少人送了香囊,嗯?” 赵清:“不多,就给平日常书写劳神的官员每人……一个” 临钰:“清清不知道香囊是赠给倾慕之人的么?以后只准赠我一人!” 赵清:“?”

月十二柒 · perkotaan
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They Called Her Alpha

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SisiIbiere · Fantasi
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Unrivaled Demon Knight (Sidonia)

(A/N: Not Harem. Jason X Kobayashi.) At first, Jason Star seemed like an ordinary handsome man who didn't stood out much, but secretly, he was the number one ranker of the most popular virtual game in the world which had the theme of robot vs aliens. The most notable thing about him was his exceptional piloting sense, and rational decisions. Still, he was a human who also usually makes mistakes when faced with sudden situation. While relaxing on the rooftop, Jason suddenly met his demise after an unfortunate accident of getting struck by lightning. However, he soon found himself being thrown into a futuristic sci-fi reality where his life is always at constant dangers. However, despite that, he now seemed to found a place where could truly belong. Along with his alien parasite buddy, Jason will use any means to survive. Helping humanity along the way is just a stepping stone for that. As for girls? Pftt! Who needs those thots when you can have those beautiful mechas for yourself! But it might change soon... who knows... .... This is me trying to explore and create some of my ideas about the world of sidonia, so expect changes. A/N: This story is not about some loner or selfish MC. He will instead help humanity and it's sanctuary by 'indirectly' helping advance the technology. The reason is simple. He will die alongside it because there are no other place. Suggest some good weaponry and other technological stuff There will be many mistakes done in the grammar because of this shitty auto-correct. This is also an uncharted territory for me so please pardon my mistakes.

Ishya_Chan · Komik
71 Chs
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Jilid 0 :Auxiliary Volume


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very very shameful author I must say I actually wrote the prolonge in the synopsis lol but I would write so it's a OK 👍


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