
The Cutey I Admire

Zoey Gillbert is a local farm girl from Texas who joins a prestigious school FIA college in new york to study. There she meets a rich troubled billionaire play boy Nate Lee Liu who supposedly causes trouble for her. She tries to avoid him but can't stay out of his orbit and soon they connect . The journey these two have is wild but does it bring them closer together or it only tears them apars

Lyne_Adassah · Masa Muda
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8 Chs

6. The Crew

A familiar faced walked through the main entrance with three other good-looking guys and instanter I recognized him. My eyes locked with his and i felt an electronic spark ,passing between us.Butterflies danced in my stomach.My palms began to sweat and i tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear whilst crossing my arms. Natalie bawled Nates's name and he strolled to the counter. He faced me for a few minutes and grinned until natalie grabbed him by the shirt collar and gave him a petty kiss by the cheek.

He was numbingly cute. I scoffed at their interaction and at my stupidity and for some reason I didn't like that one bit. Nate appears to be a player, guess i should have known he was too good to be true. Well most of my relationships of crushes(admires) are. I rolled my eyes at natalie and moved on to one of the lunch tables with Bee.

My cellphone suddenly rang frantically and i rushed to answer it. My eyes widened once i heard a friendly husky voice. It was Zake, my little brother. I was startled. Zake hadn't contacted me since my departure from Texas. We bickered before I left and didn't talk for a few days. I felt anxious everytime i remembered it but i am happy he finally called. I excused myself to answer the call at the bleachers. I spoke to my brother briefly and then hung up the phone. Turns out he missed me and wanted to find out how i was doing. I appreciated his thought.

Zake and I are very close since from a young age. He emotionally supported me through every thing. When dad wasn't around for us, we had each other. When I used cry myself to sleep every night, he would bring me a slushy and tell me how he loves me a lot. He is my best friend and i missed him lot. My brother is the best thing that happened to me, i cant bear to fight with him. Tears flushed through my cheeks and in a jiffy I saw a hand offering a handkerchief. I glanced up to see one of Nate's minion friends eyeing me.

" While I know you won't answer me why a pretty girl like you is crying at least take this and dry up ur tears" he mety grinned.

"Name is Arthur, nice to meet you" he gently smiled. He had a heart melting smile and i couldn't resist taking his handkerchief.( out of kindness)


"So does brunette lady have a name? ". I stared at him in curiosity. Where was he going with this or was i getting the wrong idea.

I cleared my throat and replied sternly. "Zoey"

We both sat down by the bleacher seats and started talking. I texted Bee to alert her I would see her after recess. Luke is sweet, funny, geeky and i started warming up to him. I asked about the school, his interests and why he hanged with The crazy jester crew when he had a different personality from them. He kept quiet and bowed his head down and soon prolonged bells chimed. I informed him i had to go and that we would catch up some other time when his schedule is not hectic. Luke is in standard 10 so I wouldn't be seeing much of him. I waved my hand goodbye thus taking my leave.

I got to class and sat down next to Bee who seemed to be distracted by a maths equation ( Pythagoras).

When the last bell of the school finally chimed, i was so exhausted. Eventually Bee's driver arrived to fetch her as usual while River was nowhere to be seen. After waiting for what seemed like forever i got annoyed then i decided to look for her.

I hunted her down throughout the school to find her by the recreation ground next to someone. I zoomed in my eyes to see her clearly and I couldn't believe what i saw. She was delving into someone else mouth with her tongue. Passionatel kissing him, whereas i waited for her. I wonder what would aunt think if she saw this. I was so revolted by the view. Aunt May had asked to let River drive me home due to work and for some reason i agreed.

On the way home in the car it was silent. River kept on exchanging glances at me while driving and i knew she had something to say.

"please don't tell mom!? " She begged. "why?" i asked

"she would kill me and right now I am only dating him because I really like him " she replied.

So she likes him but why doesn't she tell her mom. There must be something about this guy. I think its a good idea unless she is hidingit from her. I gwaked at her for a few moments wondering a few things then smirked. I had a great idea.

" Ok I won't tell, for" I kept in suspense " If you let me meet him.

Just a meet and greet. I promise to not utter any word to aunt... And you get to like him all you want, internally and externally. So deal?"

I stared at her as she thought about it then she let out a sigh.

I didn't feel bad. It was either that or a rigid high school and I wanted explore.She nodded in agreement and we had a deal.I texted Bee of my plans and operation <FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT> started. It's going to be fun

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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