

The idea of imortality as a whole.

There are a multitude of different kinds of imortality like when you can't die by any natural means like elves or just can't die as a whole. I had this conversation with a good friend of mine and we had a scenario of what would we do if we got imortality but we got sent back in time to the beggining of human time ( we thought of 20,000 B.C). our version of immortality was that one couldn't die by any means other than by one's own body part. So said imortal can create a rope made ot their own hair and hang themself per say, but a normal rope wouldn't kill them and only be very uncomfortable.

In my discussion I came up with a form of forced hibernation I guess? Basically you would just starve and dehydrate yourself until you're in a comatose state so you can skip primitave humanity. The only problem would be getting out of the comatose state, as an imortal you cant die by an external force( in this case self starvation and dehydration was external in our conversation). But lets say I somehow woke up in the time Mesopotamia was developing. As an imortal I could just show up and claim to be a diety or god in physical manifestation and they would possibly begin to worship me, or they could attempt to execute me as being an imposter or something.


How are you doing today?


As an immortal, would our past selves still exist?

Like would we still be our past selves but just evolved or would our non immortal selves still exist and lives their life just like us and gain immortality and go back ~22K years?

Would we have never existed at that time period and our parents just never gave birth to us?

I'd like to think that I would still have the same DNA but with a mutation or something like that, but our past selves would still exist and just haven't become immortal yet. Maybe if my immortal self interacted with my mortal self the immortal just wouldn't exist anymore like *pop* and he's just not in existence anymore.

Aight, imma head out.

Hello, if you've got any suggestions for a question type it in the comments please!

Thank You!

Kitrevcreators' thoughts