
The crowned princess of paradise

Calista Galanis was always passionate about video games and science but she also has a passion for fashion. Being a prodigy also gave her quite a chance to create her own world. A sudden change will cause lots of confusion and thoughts. But only one thing won't be forgotten completely,the desire to continue on living.

Dorixxo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

The unspeakable truth (Backstory)

As peace was going through everyday in Iordia, nothing was expected.

A boy recently bought a gaming table,it was made out of wood on which you could only play chess,the smile on his face was so wide that every villager that saw him smiled with him.


"Stop screaming, what did you buy?"

"A gaming table!"

"Does this look like a gaming table to you? It looks like a piece of wood that was modified into some kind of puddle just not a watery puddle."

"You're so mean."

"Let's just play chess." Said the girl with a wide smile.

"You always beat me!" Rolling his eyes Elias could only hope to win next time but deep down he just doesn't want to upset Alyssa,she always cared for him even at her hardest times,when he needed a shoulder to cry on she was there. When he needed someone,she was there. She was his sister,his best friend. At times she may have made fun of him and his lack of knowledge but it wasn't directly meant to upset him,it was just the humour she had.

Days have passed like they never were real,all the stars flew away,came back,flew away, came back, flew away,came back until one day,the village suddenly turned silent,after celebrating the birthday of the princess. A bunch of royal guards entered the house of villagers to rescue them since a sudden attack from Nordia was inevitable, if only the king respected his promises,a war wouldn't have happened,little Elias didn't know why his mother was so scared after hearing the news, they were spreading fast enough.

Alyssa was panicked but she didn't know the entire meaning of what happened,she just wanted to protect her little brother even if it costs her,her own life.

The guards were already sheltering people,it hurt to see how many people were feeling fright and the babies...they were just crying and crying, Alyssa's green eyes were looking gently into Elias's eyes.

"What's happening? I'm scared." Said Elias while he quietly for a second stuttered while muttering a phrase that wasn't recognizable. the only part that

was heard clearly was: This...

This,what? This happened? This is terrifying? This is...? What does he mean by "this"?

Are we gonna to die? Are we gonna end up as corpses? He's too young! I don't care about myself, I just want him to be safe, he's only 11. he shouldn't know what pain feels like...

"I would like to talk to all of you. I suggest you abandon the children here,we will shelter them later or we will just order the other guards to do that I need to bring you to a safe place." Said a guard with a regretful sound in voice.

"Are you for real thinking we are just going to leave the children here? Who do you think you are to tell me how I should manage my children?"

"I'm afraid that if you will not obey, I'll have to punish you with prison at least there you won't complain and you will also be safe."

"I'm afraid they're not being safe." A Nordian guard added.

"I suggest you surrender." After these words were said,the Iordian guards throat was split open.

"Oh my,it seems like we have kids here...too bad,you will be a good dinner for the royal wolves, I'm sure the meat on you is tasty,child meat I never thought about that. Let's see which one of you looks the tastiest, I'll choose three of you but if you throw tantrums or try to escape, I'll kill you with my bare hands or at least feed you to the wolves alive,or instead of feeding you to them, I'll just burry you."

"The one over there looks good,I think I'll only chose him,his will to live might drive him crazy to the point where he will kill for a piece of serenity."

"I don't want to go with you!"

"Oh my, throwing tantrums? That's rude! Bad kids need punishment."

*He gets a knife out of his long pocket and runs to Elias.* "There you go!"

Blood was dripping down and silent screams could be heard from the stabbed,the guard took it out so that blood would drip more but it seems like the one he targeted wasn't the victim... Alyssa was.


"Don't look so panicked,you're making me feel sad. Just calm down..."


"Quiet down a little, he might get annoyed by you,you should just,focus on yourself and on mom. You two need to escape and live a better life."

Says as she slowly dies.

Having a smile on your face before dying is something that can be classified as a disturbing thing by others but by other people it can be classified as a beautiful thing,a thing that resembles the peace the human felt before death occurred.

Some years later, Elias was into a house full of kids, poverty was the only thing that bothered him at the moment. The soldiers started recruiting people without their consent but Elias wasn't scared,he knew that if he wants revenge he should train more and leave the excuses away.

A soldier was waiting outside for him.

As he packed some things,he leaves the house in a quiet pace,he didn't want to wake up the little kids.

His mother died from a heart attack 2 weeks after his sister's death.

"You are finally here,boy."

"Let's go."

"My life is significantly changing."

Thinks as he goes with the soldier.