
The crowned princess of paradise

Calista Galanis was always passionate about video games and science but she also has a passion for fashion. Being a prodigy also gave her quite a chance to create her own world. A sudden change will cause lots of confusion and thoughts. But only one thing won't be forgotten completely,the desire to continue on living.

Dorixxo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

As the creatures appear

The cold breeze was making its presence inside the house.

Rosé looks confused to the open window that faced her.

"Weird,I didn't open any window."

"I didn't open it,too."

"Me three."

They all stared at each other in confusion and joy. Rosé decides to go towards the odd drawer she had next to the bed. 2 golden strings were magically seen in her hand.

"I hope this doesn't scare you,but i want to give both of you this." Announces as she steps closer to Calista and Arlo. She goes towards Calista first and gives her the string.

"I know you are probably wondering why I gave away such odd feelings but I promise the explanation is complex and understable. With the strings I can sense when there is a problem,you see the two black dots on them are there so they can help me figure out how I should handle the problem or what it actually is. You can tie in any part of your body you want,but it's preferable around the hand and finger or if you can,around the neck."

"You are suggesting I must wear it as a bracelet?" Stated Arlo with an annoyed raise of voice.

"Yes, this is what I'm suggesting,Calista I gave you a bigger one because I was thinking that it will look beautiful on your neck."

"That's unfair."

"Can you shut up a little, not that you are necessarily bothering me,but you are definitely scratching my brain,I just gave one of that kind to her because I was thinking she would look beautiful with one."

"Are you insinuating I'm ugly?"

"No. I'm just insinuating you should mind your own business, you don't get to have a say on how I'm acting towards Calista."

"Ok,ok, dangerous lady."

"Anyways I think we should get going and search for whatever you said you're here for."

As they were getting ready to leave a strong falling noise was heard from a close distance.

"I think we should go and check." Said Calista with worry in her voice.

"Do you want to kill us?" Said Arlo with a super annoyed expression on his face.

"Just shut up! Let's go!"

There was a human laying on the ground,human is an exageratted term since,their limbs were spread on the ground and you could hardly notice some essential details.

"Disgusting." Screamed Arlo while he tried so hard not to puke.

"If you are gonna scream like this, you will for sure make me go deaf. Calm down and slow down your raise in voice,this attitude looks bad on you. If you really want to be of any help,search for something where we can at least burry or burn the remains of this fellow. By their face I'm guessing that they weren't some kind of royal, they're most likely a fellow from Nordia."

"Are you sure they're not from Iordia,their facial features look quite like the ones of a Iordian." Whispered Calista.

"They are probably mixed,but why are you whispering all of a sudden?"

"I think someone is there,since Arlo screamed the word disgusting,I've been hearing some strange cracking noises,noises that indicate that someone intentionally steps on twigs. We should be careful because this person's steps don't indicate something positive."

The steps grew bigger and bigger while the fright increases,the sound of cracking twigs slowed it's appearance while Arlo's only thought was to just run. He even prepared to do that but as he gets ready his whole body begins to tremble.

Eyes as green as the eyes of a serpent made their appearance in Arlo's dark brown eyes,the serpent eyes were filled with anger and also revenge,the looks they gave indicated that they were full of a insatiable lust.


"What happened?" As she saw the frightening man standing in front of Arlo she hit him with a limb.

"Are you out of your mind? How can you use another humans limbs as a weapon?"

"Shut up and watch!"

She picks up more limbs and throws them at the man that was now disgusted with himself and with the way he received the limbs.

"Stop that,do you really think you surprise me by doing that childish thing with limbs?"

"What exactly will assure me that you won't cause any harm if I stop and besides shouldn't the people that disturb peace,be punished? If I want I can crush any piece of you and turn it into wolf food."

At a fast speed someone stabbs the man leaving only black blood drip down his garments.

"Black blood?"

"He's from Lardia, people from there usually have black blood,the people from there also tend to give off criminal records like they're giving out candies.

It's no surprise he was so weak,his body was also quite deformed which could only mean he's not a pure Lardian. He may be mixed with a Nordian since the blood turned red after a short while."

"Turned red?" As she looks down,she remains stunned. She never saw something like this neither did she create so many kingdoms, something strange was happening as her world of thoughts collapsed quickly after seeing a white figure standing right in front of her.

"Oh my it seems like the little princess is here, Calista Galanis, you should be careful since we've finally met again,I hope you like the masterpiece I've done. That human was worthless anyways, it's not like she even had the chance to escape, foolish girl thinking she's gonna escape with her sister,the torture that awaited them was of a high intensity as they never felt so helpless,the screams I wanted to hear from them were big but also noticeable. But unfortunately this bitch died right when I pierced her body with giant pins. She ripped like a piece of paper,she was as ripe as the ripest fruit. And so delicate and untouched."

"You are completely out of your mind,what fault did she have that your horrible imagination gave away all of the insane signals, you should be in jail!"

The laughs of the man were getting louder and louder as he began to say.

"Dear princess, there is no jail,there is only fight, betrayal and murder,be honest with me,which one do you think it's most suitable?"