
when he was suspected

once long there was a boy who's name was Sanul he has good life for many years but the situation started to make him depressed began from his uncle's house when he got the news that his mother has kicked bucket off .

From that very moment his life was like a hell even though he was not able to know which reaction he should give after having heard such horrible news At very next moment he and his father went to his uncle home so that they could witness his mother face last time and also join everyone in his mother funeral ,all this when went off so immediately that he couldn't able to know what should he now do with his life.

But the question arises that how his mother got expired ever since when the police enquired with his father he told that his mother was extremely well and was not suffering with any disease so the only question arises from that incident was that who his mother died.

Everyone including police and his fatherfelt and got doubt that his uncle who's name was Sammer killed his sister but no one could able to sort out the reason behind Summer killing his sister but there was only one person who felt that actually his uncle's not suspect but someone else.