
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

ELLAMOON · Selebritas
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19 Chs

unexpected turn

Three figures were making their way breaking through the forest. The temperature was cold and the sun has disappeared, but the three of them did not stop at once.

Chen, Tao and Sehun were ordered to find the clue about the ship location while the rest of the team who were still on a bad condition stayed in the cave. Xiumin was on a mental break down after he stated that he didn't even deserve to be the leader, because he couldn't protect his members. After arguing for a long time, he finally agreed to stay in the cave. Much of relieve, Kyungsoo finally wake up from his sleep and decided to make the cave much more comfortable with his power.

There were not many of their equipments that can be saved from the ship. They only found one flying bike, food supplies that predicted to be last for only 3 days, and some medicines which already used a lot to treat themselves. That is why they should find the ship immediately or found a way to stay alive in this foreign planet if they wanted to survive.

"I really hope Kai is here. How long are we gonna walk?" Tao exclaimed in the middle of their walk and Sehun just glanced to him half heartily.

"Yeah, that means he could teleport us in no time and it will be faster to find the ship" Chen added and this time Sehun clearly realized both of his friends were ganging up against him.

They have been walking for almost 3 hours, and still the place that mentioned by Sehun earlier to be reside by the earth inhabitant was nowhere on the sight.

"Are you sure this is the right way Sehun?" Chen asked, feeling exhausted to continue their walk.

Tao then stopped walking and looked at Sehun "No actually the question is, do you even know where are we going?" he asked and with that Sehun stopped his step too.

"Okay fine, I'm not sure where we are going either" he honestly answered, causing Chen slipped into the ground.

Chen gripped his hair in frustration "Great. Now we're lost. How are we suppose to find the ship if we can't even get out from here?"

"Now what should we do? We can't go back to the others with nothing."Tao said out of his breath, looking to Chen as if he was asking what to do.

"We should've just brought the flying bike with us, that way we can at least go back to them faster or look into this place from a higher level."

"But that means the others can't run away if someone found them, we couldn't take the risk"

Chen and Tao kept exchanging words and completely ignoring Sehun, who was now put on a guilt face. He knew all of this was his fault. He was the one who told them about all the things that he heard last night, and yet he couldn't even lead them to the place.

Sehun tried so hard to not scream in frustration right now, and he thought he can go crazy because of this. He closed his eyes and wondering maybe this was why Yi Fan was so against the decision of him going into this mission.

But then in a sudden moment, something came to his ears. A voice. Softly talking, brought by the wind that blew in the cold night and passed his body. At first he thought it was because he was too tired of walking. Too stressed and full of guilt because of his action. But he noticed, it is not his imagination. He shook his head and try to find the source of the voice. The whisper was so weak, he could barely understand what it was all about.

"Mom, Dad." It whisper. A girl voice. Not loud but confirmed.

"It's my birthday." It continued. . .

This time, Sehun snapped his eyes opened and walked to Chen and Tao who was still arguing.

"Guys..." He said, making both of them turned to him and answered in unison.

"What?"The tone was obvious, annoyed.

Sehun surprisingly ignored this and continued anyway.

"Stop arguing, I can't hear it" he replied and rubbed both of his ears, hoping it could somehow enchanching his ability.

"Seriously sehun, if you think you can get away from this with the same reason again." Chen looked with his green eyes which glint in seriousness. Sehun could almost feel as if lightning and electricity shot up to him, but then Chen just looked down. He somehow looked tired.

"I'm serious. Trust me." Sehun try to convince both of them and finally Tao's body seemed to relax. He could notice that Sehun was not lying. He knew him for years and he was sure enough that this was not the time when Sehun merely decided to playing around.

"Aren't you gonna come and pick me like your promise?"The voice echoed in Sehun's mind. And this time, he wasted no time.

Sehun forced his ability and started to run. He knew for sure that this time if he lost that voice, then he might lost the chance to find the earth inhabitantfor for a long time and trap in this forest.

He could feel the breeze blew toward him, slapping his skins and making his hair flew all over his face. A few scratches started to appear in his torn outfit, but he didn't even care.

Tao and Chen were shadowing him from behind. They trained together for years, and this is basically the basic formation of their team when they are on a battle field. Sehun who has the ability to hear from a far range distance will work as somehow their radar. He would jet off to the target without mistake, and the rest of them will follow him from behind. Protecting and guarding for other obstacles that might be come after him.

This is just like those countless times when they were training. As soon as Sehun started to run, the two of them were following him. Without question, it was almost like it was already a part of their instincts that automatically work without doubt. They trusted him, that was what they believe all of these years.

Sehun run like a hostage who got away from its cage. He could sense that he was getting near to his target, and he need to be fast or he will lost it. A little blood started to drip from both of his ears. He knew he probably pushed himself too far with this ability. He always need Lay to keep him good beside him because this ability has  weakness too. He couldn't use it for more than an hour straight, but back then he has Lay who will heal him right away.Right now he was on his own, pushing himself to use his ability for almost 3 hours already. He need to fight and do something important for his team too. He didn't want to stay and do nothing and being a burden for the rest of his team.

"Sehun!" Chen yelled from behind, he knew something wrong with Sehun. He knew exactly that Sehun was already way far in limit.

"We almost there!" Sehun yelled back to answer him, and instead of stopping he increased his speed, pacing his foot on the solid ground as the voice that lingered in his mind getting louder while pushing away the wind that getting stronger with his power.

"I thought you promise to me? Same place in 4 years, exactly on my birthday."It said, now a little bit hoarse.

Sehun could not hold it any longer, with his last try he paced his foot and saw a small field in the middle of the thick forest. Moon was shining brightly and illuminated the entire place. He was out of his breath but he made it.

He stopped then stood tiredly and fixed his vision. His eyes locked with the figure in front of him. The source of the voice, a girl standing in the middle of the field. She was closing her eyes and pointing his face toward the sky, as if expecting for something to fall down in her. She barely noticed his presence, but it was soon changed when his two team members approached him.

"Sehun!" Tao voices echoed and Sehun cursed under his breath.

Chen and Tao arrived beside Sehun and immediately checking to his ears, badly swollen and blood dripping from it.

"You're bleeding mate." Tao warned. Chen on the other hand tried to find something to wipe the blood but then he stopped because of the voice.

"Who's there?" The girl asked. She barely could see anything because the three of them were standing inbetween the trees that was dark and out of the moonlight reach. She may not see them, but she was aware of their presence after Tao practically shout out loud to look for Sehun.


"Hello?"she asked again, not sure if she rather had to run or stay.

"Great, now you're scaring her." Sehun said, feeling annoyed. He didn't want to lose the target after willingly let his ears bleeding and running for 2 miles.

Tao who probably felt this kind of his responsibility for posibbly scaring the girl, stepping ahead. He slowly approached her, hoping she will not running away.

"What are you doing?" Chen asked as he saw Tao walked to the girl "Tao! Get back here, she may be fully armed." Chen warned worriedly.

"It's a girl Prince. Relax." Tao replied and continued to approach her.

The girl seemed surprised when he saw someone walked out from the dark side of the edge of the field, she thought it was one of those serial killer that will rape and brutally kill her. But Tao's face getting clearer in her sight and the moonlight shine in his face. She notice, that this boy looks strange. He has the appearance of what would rather an Asian look, but at the same time it is not. His hair was brightly silver platinum and his hazel eyes glimmering under the moonlight. She found his appearance was rather appealing than frightening, but then her eyes travel to his clothes. Some weird guns attached to the belt that circled his outfit, and in addition to that, a shape of what might looked like a sword showed up from its case in his long legs.

At the other hand Tao seemed surprised too. He was face to face for the first time with the earth inhabitant that he thought would look like a green disgusting creature with horn, but instead he just looking into a girl. Just like the other girls back in their place.

So this is what they looked like, he guess that Kai would be jealous of him, because it seems like the rest of the inhabitants will look exactly like her.

"Who are you?" She asked, full of authority and power. Which Chen and Sehun found amusing. Normal girl will be running away or scared to death when meeting with some unknown guy that approach them in the middle of the night and fully armed.

"Hey. Listen, we mean no harm." Tao answered

"We?You mean its not just you?" She asked, this time a little worried.

"We mean good." Chen said and showed himself, followed by Sehun.

The girl face was shocked as he saw three guy, fully armed and now approaching her. If it only one, then she probably can handle it. But if this is the case, then no one can guarantee, she will survive this alive.

"Shit. What am I get myself into?" She breathed heavily and without doubt started to running away. Tao who seemed surprised but move automatically,trying to get her.

Chen also instinctively run to help Tao, but Sehun who was too exausted just stood there. He was sure, even Tao alone could handle a mere girl by himself.

The girl was trying to get away but Tao's speed easily catching her. She was about to enter the dark forest, when her arms caught by him. Tao smiled a little when he noticed that he got her, but what happened next  sure was not in his prediction

The girl grabbed his hand that caught her left arm and twisted it with an unbelievingly strong power. Tao then swiped around from the land and without knowing what happened was thrown away 50 meters to the field.

Chen who was surprised noticed this and quickly stomped his feet to the ground, causing the tree behind the girl lit up in fire, preventing her to run away. He then approached her while running and tried to predict her move.

Who knows what earth inhabitants capable to do. He should prepare himself. He had already warned Tao, but it was Tao's fault to ignored his warning.

However despite that, Chen tried to not using his powers to hurt the girl, they were restricted by the King to do it, except their life in danger. Sehun meanwhile just gawping in awe while keep looking at the girl.

The girl cautiously looked to Chen who was now half sprinting to her, when Chen hands reached her shoulder, she quickly grabbed it and to Chen surprised she started to climb his body.

She twisted around, using her power and caused her to falling down into the earth while bringing Chen who landed first in pain.

She then tried to get up and get away from Chen but accidentally touched his bare skin face in the process, which causing her to groan and jolted up. She just stinged by Chen's skin that radiating the electricity.

Chen saw this as an opportunity and yelled to Sehun.

"Sehun! Make her stay." He yelled as he try to recover and saw the girl beginning to get some senses and started to move away.

She tried to drag her limp body which is the result after stinged accidently by Chen's skin and her speed decreased.

Sehun quickly blocked her and held both of her shoulder. He looked to her eyes and notice that it was glistening in a strange blue-green color under the moonlight. He concentrated quickly and his eyes was turning deep for a second as he compelled her.

"Stay." He said and the girl looked at him in an unreadable face.

Sehun's smiled a little, guessing she must now under his control. Even Chen who was a few feet away from them grined in relieve.

But then the girl blinked several times in confusion, she then tilt her head and looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Not a chance." She replied and Sehun looked to her in panic. His special power didn't work on her.

He wasn't even fully recovered from his surprise when the next thing he realized is his body was flying, just like the way Tao before.

And with that, she took this as a chance to run away. She made her steps quickly to the forest part that wasn't burned by Chen's earlier. It was located in the other side of the field, across the part where the three members of X Team came out before. Her body was still limp and felt numb, but she still try to bet her luck running out from this place before everything is too late.

She made her way passed a few tall tress when she already quite far before suddenly a tone ringing from her pocket, she unwittingly takeout her phone out and put it in her ears without even looking at the caller id.

"Hello?" She answered quickly.

"Where the hell are you? I checked your room and you're gone. It's midnight." A guy voice echoed in her phone, clearly mad with the fact that she get out from her room without saying anything.

But she wasn't even in a mood to replying his words with excuses right now. Instead, realizing the caller now, she replied to him with a scared tone.

"Lu? Oh God. You need to pick me up. Like right now. Please."She said

"What. What happened? Where are you?" The guy answered, clearly worried now.

"Pick me up in the Bear Hunt right now. I need you to come right here in 10 minutes or you will find my dead corpse instead of me."

"I'll be there" He said and cut the line.

The girl then put the phone back to her pocket and kept walking towards the border of the forest, where the big city lies down under the sky.

"Please be hurry Lu..."She said, hopefully he can heard her.
