
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

ELLAMOON · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

the mismatch

A few hours passed and Area was sure that Luhan probably already jet off with the missing ship to outer space. She was circling the living room and looked at the pictures collection of her family when she heard a knock. 


Her eyes glistened with excitement, it must be Luhan. Maybe he changed his mind and decided to take her away. She happily walked to the door and opened it, pestering a huge smile in her lips. 


"Lu..." She exclaimed 


"Hey..." The guest answered


And with that, Aera's smile faded.


"Shit." She stated


Three people from her encounter last night stood in front of her. Acted with her instinct, she quickly response with using her power, trying to blow them away from her front door.


But unfortunately this time they were ready. Tao stomped one of his foot in the ground and with that created a deep hole and buried it, somewhat become his anchor to prevent him to blown away. Sehun meanwhile blocked the wind that was aiming to his direction, and Chen hide behind him. 


Chen grunted for not being able to use his power to at least hurt her to make this easier. 


"Would you guys be quick?!" Tao called out and Chen looked to him. The wind was somehow started to become strange and caused a few part of his clothes torn like sliced by sharp knives. Luckily the sliced wind was not cut deep enough to his body. But then Tao felt something running down his cheek; blood followed by a quick sharp pain after it. 


"Guys!" Tao yelled and Sehun then paced his foot to the ground and walked toward her. 


Aera started to walk back but Sehun speeding his way. He was just a half meter from her, and then to Aera's surprise Chen jumped out toward her. He pulled out his right hand gloves in one smooth move and quickly held Aera's arm which not covered by her clothes. 


Just as expected the wind stopped and Aera collapsed to the floor, groaning in pain. She tried to get up but then Chen stinged her again. She closed her eyes to bear the pain.


"Sehun!" Chen said and Sehun walked to her quickly.


He kneeled his feet to both side of Aera's body in the floor, straddling her. Then he held both of her hands above her head. Realizing this Area opened her eyes in panic and she was meeting face to face with Sehun. She tried to get away and move her hands.


"Let me go!" She screamed.


Sehun then a little bit surprised with the different view that he looked into last night, but decided to try his luck anyway.


"Stay. Don't move until I told you to!" he ordered and his eyes turning deep. He was compelling her.


Aera immediately stopped moving. Her eyes expressing a supriseness with what happened to her entire body. She couldn't move anything even a single finger. 


"It works" Sehun whispered and smiled to her. 


Aera couldn't believe how attractive the man that pinned her down in the floor when he smiled. But she pushed away the thought with the idea that she probably will be killed in here. So there was no point to admiring your killer at the first place.


"Damn it. It's been awhile since someone cut my face. Level 3 eh?" Tao walked inside and Area could see horrible cut formed in his cheek, not deep but it must be hurt.


Tao looked to her who was still pinned down to the floor by Sehun. He grinned in victory and grabbed Sehun's arms.


"Get up mate. You look like you are enjoying too much straddling her." Tao said, causing Sehun chuckled but get up. 


Chen put back his glove on and watched both of his friends then to Aera. He somehow feel bad. 


"Don't make her lay in the floor forever Sehun. We're not supposed to treat her in this way."


Sehun nodded and reached for Aera's hand. 


"Get up!" He ordered and Aera obeyed. 


She was having a hard time because of her limp body, but she success anyway. Tao then sneaked his hand into her shoulder to prevent her falling back to the floor. She seemed surprised but didn't dodge since she needed that anyway.


"This must be that guy from last night. If I wasn't wrong, Luhan?" Sehun pointed into one of the picture, framing her face with Luhan. They both using shades and on the trip to training last year.


Chen upon hearing the name Luhan snapped his head. He then looked to the picture too and saw Luhan's face. It was indeed the guy that he saw last night.


"Is he your friend?" Chen asked and walked closer to the other three.


"He..." Aera started but stop. 


"You know if you try to lie, I can just squeeze out the answer by myself." Sehun warned, and Aera flinched.


"He's my brother." She said. And that was not a lie. Her parents always said that to her the moment he first met Luhan.


"But I don't see the resemble in you both" Tao looked closer to the picture and then glances to the other.


"We have different mother" Aera added. 


"That explained it. Now, you will be a good girl and answer our question. We normally don't use power to girls, however it will be a different case if the girl is a guardian or Benders." Sehun looked intensely to Aera who was looking back at him.


"That means that I will gladly sting you while Tao probably would bury half your body in the earth." Said Chen calmly with flat tone. 


"And I wouldn't mind getting my revenge of this pretty cut in my face by asking Sehun to do the same thing to you." Tao playfully touch his cut and showed it to Aera who was gulping down, while still in Tao's arms. 


Three different benders were threatening her. One fire, one earth, and apparently a wind bender like her. She did not want to die in here, since she wanted to see her parents and Luhan again. So she nodded slowly and with that Chen smiled. 


"Now you must know that we're looking for something you must be familiar with. The missing ship from EXO, it was around 4 years ago." Chen looked to the floor and fixing his gloves, worried that he might accidentally touching someone if there was uncovered skin.


"It left." Aera answered.


"What?" All of them answered in unison. 


Chen could feel his rage started to boil so he gripped the nearest table. 


"What did you say?" Chen growled. Sehun and Tao glanced to him worriedly.


"It left. My brother already fly in it outside this planet." Aera repeated but this time longer 


And that moment, Chen could not hold it any longer. He pushed away Tao and grabbed Aera, pinning her to the wall by pushing her shoulder. Aera buldged her eyes in frightened mode, but he was too strong and she was to weak at the moment.


"If you lie. I swear I'll...." Chen stopped his words as he looked closely to her.


Aera looked him with anger and frightened face. She wanted to fight back but she couldn't. But that was not what make him stopped his words.


It was because he looked to the too familiar scene, most importantly her eyes. That eyes that haunted his dream and his mind apart from Luhan's name that mentioned since the prison event. It was the same exact one that he saw in his strangest experience in his room in EXO.


The darkest eyes he had ever seen in their people. He could feel he was beginning to have trouble catching his breath as he stared to her eyes which stared back to his. Then another words finally escaped his lips.


"Who are you?" 

