
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

ELLAMOON · Selebritas
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19 Chs

crash landing

Days passed by days and week changed boringly in their time. Almost all of them found a way to kill the time, but started bored anyway. They couldn't practice like usual, because it could damage the ship. And they also couldn't ride the bikes either in an outer space.

Finally when they just passed one of the satellite in Milky-way galaxy, all of them jolted up and got excited all of sudden. Xiumin decided to stop their ship outside the line of the planets that occupied in Milky Way galaxy. Therefore they would use a smaller ship and left the soldiers.

The X Team entered one of the units of smaller ships and ready to head away. Xiumin left the charge to one of the soldiers that he trusted the most, and ask them to always ready if they'd need them in Earth. At first Chanyeol hesitated to leave the soldiers and insisted to just take their ship and landed it in earth. But the size of the ships was too big and their presence might be caught by the earth satellite that was apparently a part of The Earth a technology from their habitant. Now that they were on their own, Xiumin already scolded his 5 members to behave and not cause anything that could draw any attention or threw them into a problem. He had enough of them created lots of problem in their trip and he didn't need any more trouble in Earth.

When finally their ship started to move toward Earth, they couldn't hide their nervousness. Their faces were pale and their body jolted up every time the ship hits the small asteroids that scattered all around them. Sehun clutched tightly on his seat belt, but he was trying to keep his face appeared calm. Tao who sat in front of him chuckled, even thought he was scared badly too.

"Kyungsoo, I need you to pull the shield as soon as we are about to enter the atmosphere. And once we're in the save high level, pull it back to the first position." Chanyeol gestured to Kyungsoo who sat next to him in the controller, and he only nodded in understanding.

"All right we're getting closer. On my cue Kyungsoo." Chanyeol warned as he looked the screen in front of him with full concentration. Kyungsoo started to sweat a little unintentionally, he doesn't even know why but somehow he has a bad feeling about being in the controller chair.

"Oh my, please dont let me die." Sehun blurted out and did not even trying to hide his scared face by now

"Shut up Sehun. We're not going to die" said Chen from his side, but Sehun seemed to not even listening.

"I am only 20 years. For the love of God I want to live." He continued and Chen groaned, completely annoyed by him that making the situation more tensed.

"And you call yourself a Royal Team? You cant even worth call as A Guardian again at this point mate" Tao teased him.

"Shut up!" Said Sehun angrily, but Tao just laughed

Kyungsoo who tried to concentrate yelled from the control chair "Quit it Tao! You only make him worst "

"I swear you'll get your pay back once we land on Earth Tao. I dont even care if you're older than me. I swear I will.." But Sehun stopped his words because Chanyeol shout to Kyungsoo and drown his voice.

"Kyungsoo, pull it now!" Chanyeol shouted out loud and made Kyungsoo surprised. Chanyeol's voice was echoed in his ear drum and he quickly pulled the shield in front of him.

The shield was covering the ship instantly and the atmosphere burned the whole area that surrounded them. Kyungsoo sighed and rubbed his sweating temple, while Chanyeol kept looking in the screen in front of him.

"Are we there yet?" Sehun asked and now Xiumin couldn't hold it any longer. He moved his hand a little bit and thick ice were covering Sehun's eyes and mouth even trapped half of his body to his chair, just like the time when they headed to the Atrium in the Palace on EXO.

"That should do it" Xiumins said and the rest of them were chuckled watching the youngest struggled to release his self, except for Chanyeol who barely blinked his eyes from the screen.

"Just like we expect from our leader "Tao raised his thumb up but Xiumin just looked him coldly.

"You'd be next if you not shut your mouth immediately Tao." Xiumin said "I mean it"

And with that Tao nodded and looked down to the floor

"Kyungsoo" said Chanyeol and Kyungsoo looked to him

"Yeah?" he replied unknowingly, totally forgot about his job because of the previous fuss.

Chanyeol almost jumped and snapped his head to Kyungsoo in horror "Holy crap, the shield you idiot. Pull it!" He yelled

It was like as if Kyungsoo was splashed with a hot water when realization hit him. He faced the screen and pulled back the shield. But it was too late. They already entered the part of the atmosphere where the air was burning the shield.

"Dammit, why must the shield clashed with the air?" Chanyeol yelled in frustration while the others clenched on their seat.

            The air kept burning the rest of the shield that hadn't wear off and it caused the ship shaking. Chen quickly released himself from his chair and ran to the controller, pressing few buttons for emergency landing. But then suddenly one of the engine stopped working.

Xiumin looked to the controller in panic. "What the hell is happening?" he removed his seatbelt and pulled himself up.

Chanyeol who was now standing up run his finger in the screen near his head "The gravity, it died the machine. I should've known it can have this kind of impact." He said as the ship now shaking hardly.

"Guys, what happen?" Tao worriedly asked.

"Chanyeol do something!" Kyungsoo said

"Im trying, the gravity is too strong. And it was your fault to not pull out the shield on time!" He replied harshly in a high tone

And just after that all the engine died, making all of them looked in each other with shocked face. The ship started to fall down in a full speed, and nothing seemed can hold it down.

Xiumin smashed his hand to the emergency button and hold down to the nearest member he could reach, Sehun.

The sound of the ship that fell down and stringed with the air was like a funeral ballad in their ears. Chanyeol desperately tried to turn on the machine, and Kyungsoo was grabbing Chen's shoulder and put him back to his chair. He tight the seat belt and made the metal around the chair covered Chens body safely.

"At least you have to survive Prince." Kyungsoo said and tried to reach the other chair but the ship was already reached the land.

It crashed hardly and jolted up few times before finally smashed something that seemed to be a big rock on the right side of the ship. Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, and Xiumin were tossed around the ship and their body hit the hard surface of the ship that made of the metal.

The ship move a few times after smashed the big rock, and finally after what seemed to be the longest time ever. It stopped moving.
