
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

ELLAMOON · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

controlling wind

"What the hell just happened?" Chen almost yelled as he walked to two of his friend that scattered opposite him.

Tao was rubbing the back of his neck while glancing to his arm that started to feel numb, while Sehun laying on his back and looking into the sky with eyes wide open, still couldn't believe with the recent scene.

"Have you seen the way she threw me?" Tao showed his not so usual shocking face. "It was almost 50 meters and now i barely feel my arms." He pointed the fact that what the girl did surely shocked the hell out of him.

"Leader should've warned us the habitant in this planet are strong. Just imagine if we met 2 people like that at the same time." Chen remarked as he sat down in the grass right next to Tao.

"We probably will not walk back alive, unless we use our power obviously." Tao replied and Chen glared to him

"We are too far from the pith, our power will not easily use in this planet. I feel like my power a little out when I burned the tress before. Also have you forgot we forbid to hurt this planet habitant? "Said Chen.

"Maybe that's why leader said we shouldn't use our power a lot. It requires a lot of energy. Do you think that's why you couldn't compel her Sehun?" Tao asked and Sehun now just sit in silence. Realization washed his mind over and over.

"It was wind power" Sehun simply said.

"You think so?" Said Chen.

"So that girl was not earth habitant?" Tao almost shrieked in suprise

"It doesn't even make sense, why would a wind bender in here? In earth?" Chen asked

" I don't know. At first it was not clear, but her movement is too familiar. Plus I feel like she can bending when I look her closely."Sehun added. He slowly started to get up and walked to the way where the girl ran away.

"Sehun, where are you going?" Tao half yelled when he noticed his friend act.

"I'm going after her. She definitely a bender, and there's no way she doesn't know a thing about the ship. There's no other reason why a wind bender exist in here, in earth"

"He's right, this might be our chance. Come on Tao" Chen pulled Tao up and he obeyed. Together they walked to Sehun.

"What if she's not a bender at all?" Asked Tao

"She is, and quite a powerful one. I'm guessing level 3?" Sehun replied and making Tao scrunched up his eye brow.


"Yes, but now the real question is, why she didn't affected when I compelled her? No one could ever get away from that."

"Except my father."Chen added. He reminded them about the event when Sehun's ability was put on a test a year ago.

"That was probably because of the crown." Tao answered out of the blue, but no one seemed to talk about it any further.

They walk for a few minutes in silence until Chen suddenly think of something.

"Okay now here's the rule." Chen started and stopped his step, looking to both of his friends.

"Both of you will not, I repeat, will not talking or even whispered to each other. That girl will probably hear us again. We just need to follow her. Until the right time when we can interrogate her." Chen talked in the way that stunned Tao and Sehun. He talked and act like the real prince, full of authority and charisma. They rarely watch this side of him, and just as expected, they responsed at the same time.

"Yes prince." Both of them said and Chen furrowed his eyebrow.

"What is wrong with you? I thought I already said to never call me that if we're not in formal occasion?"

Tao and Sehun looked to each other and burst in laugh, causing Chen to glare at them.

"What so funny?"

"You should've saw yourself mate. It was kind of our automatic response to reply in that way." Tao still laughed and pointed Chen's face, making him now embarrassed.

"Whatever. Let's go, before we lost her. She must be not far." Chen just ignored both of his friends and started to walk .

It only a few minutes, but they found the girl stood anxiously in the side of the road that seemed to be the end of the forest.

The girl seemed to be in panic mode and she waited for something while kept turning her heads back to their directions, afraid if she might be followed.

This is actually true, but the three members of X team hiding their self between the dark and big trees, preventing the girl to notice their presence.

A second letter a voice of something which seemed as a car could be heard, along with a bright light which coming from the right side of the road started to get brighter.

A black car suddenly stopped and a young man figure hopped out from it, not bothering to even closing the door.

"Lu!" She exclaimed and quickly running to him.

"What are you doing in here Aera?" He asked and grabbed her shoulder while looking intensely at her.

"Later. Come on, we need to get away from here. They might be following me."She shrugged off his hands and quickly walked to the other side of the car.

"They? What happened?" He asked.

"I said later. Just get in the car Luhan!" She yelled and get in the car before slamming the door closed.

Luhan was about to burst in anger for Aera's behavior but he walked to the car anyway. He get inside the car and slammed the door closed as well. Seconds later, the car drove away and the three members of X team came out from their hiding place.

"Hmm.. I already marked their vehicle." Tao said while looking at his device, he was watching the car moving speedly in the road. "And it so soon also a map to approach them" he added, almost smiriking for his idea to caught the car appearance and fly the signal dust on it.

Sehun grinned and sign his thumb up. Tao was always good in this kind of thing. There will be no doubt again, they will found the girl again in no time. They just have to wait, so she could not run away again.

Chen at the other hand looked strange. His face a little bit pale, and his eyes was blank.

"Chen? What's wrong?" Sehun asked and walked beside him.

"Nothing, we will go after her tomorrow." He said shortly. Sehun nodded in understandment, thinking that Chen must be thinking a way to approach the girl.

He just didn't know that the reason was the other thing. Chen couldn't believe his ears, but the girl which named Area called the person that picked her up as Luhan.

No matter how hard he tried to forget that fact, he couldn't. And now, his mind traveling back to Rodin's words back in the prison.

"How's Ree and Luhan?"

Chen sighed and closed his eyes. Because he maybe, if it actually true and not just overthinking, found Luhan, here in the earth.
