
Daring Descent


"Dammit, Neri, we need to leave now! The mythic beast will be here any moment."

"No way. We're so close. We've made it this far. We can't give up now," Neri gripped my hand and gazed into my eyes.

"Please, Snow."

I was torn. I didn't want to agree with her absurd request, but the cave was collapsing before my very eyes, making the decision for me.

"Do you see what's happening? I understand the challenges we've faced to get here, and I know what you've been through. But there must be another path. These pillars won't hold much longer."

"BOOM!" Another deafening explosion echoed through the cave, leaving no time to spare. I grabbed her hand tightly and shouted, "RUN!"

We took off down the same path we came from, but we soon realized there was a big problem.

"Oh no," Neri seemed to have realized our mistake.

"Isn't that the place with the zombie bombs?" she said, not slowing down.

"Yes, I know. But we have to keep running. We can't afford to slow down like last time. We can outrun it," I hoped with all my might.

The ancient ones left behind the zombie bombs as traps for any intruders, but we were able to dodge them when we entered the cave. Although some of them were triggered, we were still able to outrun their explosions and escape with only minor injuries.

As we ran into the next room, the bomb started ticking and we didn't stop. Our running caused a chain reaction, setting off multiple bombs and making the cave's collapse even more imminent. But we made it to the end of the cave where there was a cliff.

"We have to jump," I said.

"WHAT?? But there's no water," Neri cried out.

"Just jump," I said.

"NO WAY!" The final explosion propelled us over the cliff. Neri was right, there was no water. I hugged her close, bracing for impact with my back facing the ground. I was fortunate that the drop wasn't too steep, but some of my bones were broken from the fall. I placed Neri beside me, shielding her from the falling debris.

I looked at the girl I was willing to risk my life for. A drop of blood from my lips fell on her face, and I wiped it away with my thumb. Her eyes were closed.

"Neri, are you okay?" No response. "Neri? Come on, stop playing." I shook her, but still no response. Did the explosion get her before the fall?

"Neri, open your eyes. This isn't funny," I said, tears starting to form in my eyes. "Please, I love you, Neri. Please get up."

"HEHEHE, my hero," Neri mumbled with a smile before I could finish my sentence.

"No way, you did that," she continued to laugh, but I wasn't finding it funny.

"You scared me to death, you know," I said, holding her by the collar and shaking her.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," she continued to chuckle, raising her head and placing her hand on my face. "By the way, I love you too."

I was stunned. My mind went numb. What was happening? Why was she kissing me? Had I finally won the girl's heart?

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