
The Child Soldier

Xiao starts as a self-pitying and rebellious preteen in a poverty-ridden slum. Aiming to reclaim her freedom in a patriarchal world and make the money to live on her own terms; Xiao disguises herself as a man to climb the ranks of the military. She soon realizes all is not what it appears to be on the surface. Her country is declining, and her government is self-serving and corrupt. If only she could do something to change it? Year after year Xiao trains in mana with the help of many new comrades. Over time she'll grow with them, building a bond one can only find in times of war. When a rash girl frequently scrapes past adversity, mental wounds accumulate. When will she burst? Please take a chance on this novel, I am constantly improving and I write every day. Thank you if you choose to read, your support gives me the strength to continue and improve :). contains romance.... eventually (so sorry). Contains a magic system. -Some LGBT Content, skedaddle if you don't like it.  It won't happen immediately though, so don't get too excited you perverts. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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33 Chs

Yuto's Common Sense

Two carriages take them to the young woman's mansion, one for Nel and his mother, and one for the four "bodyguards" and Johnathan. The journey was unbearable for both groups. Johnathan enjoyed storytelling, mostly about "Nelson's" youth, and Nel's mom enjoyed pestering her son on whatever she deemed wrong with him that particular day. It wasn't a long journey, but Xiao found herself adjusting her men's clothing anxiously and counting the number of times the carriage would jostle her violently. After forty-four jostles on the cobbled roads, they arrived.

This house appeared nearly identical to Nel's, with more perfected shrubberies concealing the mansion from outside view. Johnathan assists Nel's mother from the carriage and the mansion butlers bow deeply as they walk past. A white, smooth path leads them to the front entrance, and when a maid opens the door for them to enter, they are greeted by two grand staircases on either side of the entrance. The young woman, standing between the staircases appeared like a bug next to them. She was attractive, with long brown hair, cascading in waves and a sea-blue dress that spread down to the floor and revealed the tops of her shoulders. Nel approaches the young woman, bowing to her deeply and introducing himself. His mother looks on, dabbing at her teary eyes with a handkerchief. Johnathan dotes on her, repeatedly handing her fresh handkerchiefs.

"Stick to the plan."

Xiao nods, knowing that Yuto's words were directed at her. Christopher stays with Nel, keeping up his front as a bodyguard. Yuto walks in front of Xiao and Chance, navigating the labyrinth of the house with ease. Reaching the end of a hallway, Yuto points at the door in front of him, the trio exchanges a serious look. Yuto signals for Chance to stand guard outside while he gently twists the door handle. He peaks in and after spotting a large man napping on his desk, he walks in confidently as though he was supposed to be there. Taking a rope from underneath his shirt, Yuto ties the man to the chair like he's done it a thousand times before; a rather jarring visual for Xiao to watch. "I can't believe this was the plan. So what? You're gonna wake him up now and torture him for information?" she scolds while whispering.

"Pretty much," he takes a black cloth from his back pocket and ties it around the man's eyes, all while he continues to snore. Then, abruptly and with a startling sound, he slaps the man across the face. The man wakes up terrified. "I need some information," Yuto says in a deep and cool voice. Xiao hides her face in her hands, she thought she might laugh at Yuto's attempt at being intimidating if she looked. "Where am I?! I am a military official!" The man screams.

"Yes, we know Mr," he looks down at a paper on his desk, " -Portworth, that's why we need to know about a man."

"That's it?! That's why you've taken me from my home?" Mr. Portworth sighs, "who is it?"

"Captain Daniel Dunder, where is his location."

"Oh, that sucker," he clicks his mouth, "he got stuck with the savage so the upper rank told him to leave so they could kill em'. He didn't want to so he's been arrested for treason."

Xiao clenches her fist, then marches over to the man, "repeat what you just said," she whispers into his ear in a vicious tone. "Get away you Bitch-," his words are interrupted by incoherent sounds of pain brought on by the kick to his crotch.

Yuto stares with wide eyes, then jolts the man with electricity to knock him out, "that was definitely not part of the plan." Yuto hurriedly searches through the filing cabinet, looking for Prison locations and manifests. He grabs an entire stack of possible locations.

"How do you plan on getting that out of here?"

"Taping it to my stomach," Xiao looks at him blankly. "You can't be serious-," she's interrupted by the obnoxious sound of tape being unrolled.

Yuto tapes the files securely around his abdominal muscles.

Chance peaks into the room at this moment, "-hey what was that lightening sound, keep it down-," he pauses to stare at Xiao assisting Yuto in taping his stomach. "What are you guys doing?"

Yuto shuffles his shirt over the bulky folders. The look of disappointment on Chance's face is uncanny.


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