
The CEO's Devilish Model wife

Rose Page 24 years old a fighter( only her close friends know it) , professional model, an actress and a retired musician on short she is beauty with brains and she is known for her curvicious body and beauty which makes any man surrender to her. Charlie Anderson 27 years old aloof and ruthless CEO of Anderson companies who is feared by all especially because of his ruthless means and bad temper. He is charming that ladies call him Adonis because of his flawless beauty and perfect features

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" mom, dad , uncle ,aunt good morning" Rose greeted everyone present even ivan greeted everyone and then they sat down waiting for the elders to talk but still no one said anything.

" so what's the meeting about" rose broke the silent

" It's about marriage rose" rose's stepmom Annette replied

" whose marriage" this time it was Ivan to ask but before they could provide an answer the door was opened and Charlie and Anna entered

" Rose dear it's about your marriage" rose's dad Andrew Page answered which left everyone quiet of course except the parents

" why do you want rose to get married" charlie asked while trying not to show his nervousness

" Because she is old and her late mother wanted her to get married before 25" Annette replied calmly while looking at Rose with affectionate eyes.

" So who is the groom you guys chose for me " rose replied while eating snacks that they had ordered as if she didn't care what they were talking about.

" my dear you know him though" this time it was Charlie's mom Eddy who answered her with a knowing smile making rose to have a bad feeling in her guts.

When charlie heard that he also had a bad feeling that something is wrong.

" Who" Anna who was silent all along asked

" Ivan" Charlie's dad Allan Anderson replied cheerfully leaving the children dump folded especially charlie.

Rose who was eating cake paused for a second before continuing meanwhile Ivan was loosing his mind because he saw Anna giving him a dead glare and a sneer.

"But we are not ready to get married we are still young" Ivan told them nervously trying not to look in Anna's direction.

" I think Ivan is right dad they are still kids" charlie told them which made rose to pause and looked at him and then answered immediately while frowning.

" But am not a kid anymore charlie that's why i agree with everyone here" rose agreed talking everyone by surprise including Ivan

" A- are you sure rose dear" Charlie's dad asked her cheerfully

" of course uncle if my late mom wanted me to get married before 25 then I agree but the thing is my groom is not willing" rose replied which pouting which made everyone to burst out laughing including Anna and Charlie though they tried to not show.

" I have a solution dear why not get married to charlie ". madam Eddy said stunning charlie

" but is he willing" madam Annette asked madam Eddy making everyone to look in Charlie's direction.