

Damon said nothing, but his eyes were hooded and heavy. “Just one kiss, Wendy. Just one. I have to kiss you. It’s all I’ll demand for now. I can wait for more until we have this account settled.” he said, and then he put his arms around her. She stood frozen in the circle of them as his heavy dark gaze followed the line of her throat Without waiting her consent, he swept his mouth over hers. Finally. Her sweetness exploded onto his tongue the moment he licked over her lips. Her mouth parted in a gasp, and he took full advantage, delving deep into her moist heat. It was everything she’d dreamt about, their kiss. The taste, the feel, the joy at the sheer fineness of Damon Paige, in all his tall, beautifully built splendor, thrilled her and filled her with exquisite sensations. And for that moment, all the complications of getting involved with Damon melted away as if they’d never existed…. When he raised his head abruptly, she thought it was so he could say something personal and intimate that would put the perfect seal on their togetherness. He didn’t. He stared down at her, and she could see his tortured expression before he closed his eyes briefly and then put her away from him. The look in his eyes was brooding and somber. “I should never have done that.” he said. ---------------------- Wendy Morgan relocates to New York and reunites with Deborah Paige, her best friend from high school, despite the fact that her father disagrees with her decision. But Wendy is tired of letting her father dictate every aspect of her life, especially now that he has arranged for her to marry Jordan Baker, so she is convinced that she has made the right decision by leaving. Soon, Wendy finds herself in the same situation with Damon Paige.... Will she walk away this time? She only has to pretend to be Damon's fiance for a while though.... She could do that. What could possibly go wrong?

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31 Chs

Chapter Twenty Five

Damon made a strangled noise and promptly took a long drink of his wine. Wendy kept a perfectly straight face as she took in the reactions of Damon's family.

Martha looked wary. Debbie was smiling. Grace looked murderous. Sam had a strange look that could only be interpreted as a cross between regret and sadness, his father, Ben looked distracted, while Ross nodded approvingly. He reached over to slap his son on the back.

“You’ve got yourself a winner here, son. I heartily approve. This one will keep you on your toes well into your old age. I like her.” he said.

Greaaat, Wendy thought. She had the approval of her fake father-in-law to be. She looked over at Damon as guilt swamped her. She’d gotten carried away and hadn’t been able to resist the opportunity to needle Damon a bit. Though he deserved it, she still felt bad about carrying things so far.

To her surprise, he was staring thoughtfully at her, his eyes warm with something she was afraid to analyze.