
The Celestial Thief

Noctus as been roaming the earth and the universe for thousands of years. After having meditated two centuries in an ancient Kree city, doing something (?), he awakens just in time to participate in the event leading to the Inhuman outbreak.(Agents of Shield season 2, predating Age of Ultron) The MC do NOT have meta-knowledge of the future but he knows more than Odin or The Ancient. Spoiler Warning ! The Mc is a shape-shifter that change it's genre regarding it's humor and actions. He is calm, calculative and a bit of a nerd. He love RnD and History but prefers observing without intervening. She's a battle junkie, always ready for a fight (especially in bed). She's joyfull but a bit narcissistic and kleptomaniac (the author deny any similarity with another fiction character, she's not that crazy). And never say that they are two different personalities if you can't stand a death glare of someone who gave Hela cold sweat.

Darkiel · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 1

Skye was on Raina's trail, running through the maze that was this alien city. She had just passed Mack, the team's engineer. A mountain of muscles with a soft heart and wielding an axe like nobody else.

Unfortunately, that was before he was possessed by the thing, she wasn't sure what it was, guarding this cursed Kree city. It had causing him to lose consciousness and attack his teammates, probably mind-controlling him.

She didn't know why he hadn't attacked her when he had attacked the others but she would deal with that later. It wasn't her job to figure out how alien technology works after all.

For now, the priority was to prevent Raina from using the Obelisk in any way. They had enough trouble without having to deal with the repercussions of using an alien weapon.

After another turn, she finally saw a lamp on the floor. Slowly with the gun in front of her, she approached to see to her right what appeared to be a lighted room.

'The temple. She should be here.' Entering the temple, the young woman saw some sort of display stand in the center of the room. The light from the ceiling was reflecting off her chestnut hair when she stepped inside the room and her eyes landed on Raina, the Obelisk firmly held in her hand. .

"I knew you would come." Raina began, completely unfazed by the gun pointed at her.

"Someone had to come and stop you." Skye said, paying attention to the Obelisk in Raina's hand. It was an oddly shaped metallic object and the subject of the current conflict between the Shield and Hydra. They weren't sure what it could do but the trail of death left in it's path wasn't auguring anything good

"No, you're not going to stop me," Raina replied slowly, the two starting to circle around the display. "Your whole life, of our lives, have always been pointing towards this moment."

"Sorry but I don't believe in destiny stories. We take the Obelisk and we leave, there are too many lives at stake Raina."

"You got it all wrong, Whitehall, everybody got it wrong. This object does not destroy anything, it gives life, new life. We are finally going to find out…"

"So loud." As Raina was about to finish her monologue, a third voice was heard from above, followed by the fall of a human landing right next to Raina, taking the Obelisk from her hands.

The stranger stood a head above Raina and wore some sort of black leather jacket with mirrored half-moon designs on either side of the zipper in the same color as his eyes, just like his pants. .

"As soon as I wake up I already come across a drama worthy of a play." The stranger said with a slight smile as his dark blue eyes, just like the night, seemed to pierce into Raina's soul.

"Who are you !?" Skye shouted, pointing her gun at him, causing the stranger to focus on her as the Obelisk began to faintly glow orange in his hand.

The stranger, not seeming to notice the phenomenon, replied with a smile. "I had many names but I go by Noctus most of the time. And you pretty girl ? What is your name ?" Noctus asked gently, sounding totally out of tune with the current events.

Skye, alerted by the Diviner's reactions, didn't answer him. "Let go of the Obelisk and stop what you're doing now !"

Seeing her staring at the object in his hand, he looked at it before answering her. "I'm not doing anything, it's the normal reaction of a Diviner when he's brought in a temple with people who can pass the Terrigenesis, which you and the little lady here are if I believe what she said. Now, if you really want to stop it from doing what it is intended to do, it would be better that I didn't let it go."

Raina, who had been quiet until now, chose this moment to intervene, catching Noctus' attention. "My name is Raina, nice to meet you Noctus. You seem to know the Diviner's purpose. I wonder if I can ask you to let us receive what is rightfully ours ?" Turning to Skye, she continued. "She doesn't understand what it's supposed to do, she believes it's a weapon, I think she just needs a slight push to understand her destiny."

Noctus remained silent for a few seconds observing the two women before finally deciding. "I see, then let's see what fate had in store for you if I hadn't intervened."

"No !" Skye shouted but it was too late, at the moment Noctus released it, the Diviner moved to the center of the room on the display stand as the temple began to close. "What is happening ?"

"You don't have to worry, it's just a catalyst to activate latent genes and facilitate your mutation. It's not going to cause disaster or kill anyone. The Diviner won't even act outside the room" As Noctus finished his explanation, a new person entered the temple next to Skye.

"No, Trip!" Shouted the girl as Trip, a dark-skinned, bald-headed young man entered the temple, holding a torch.

Skye looked stunned by the newcomer as Noctus focused on the other side of the room where a much older man entered. He was probably in his 50s and looked to have just got out of a fight, wearing a bulletproof vest over a blue shirt. He seemed reassured to see that Skye was fine and walked towards her while keeping Noctus and Raina in line. "Skye, Trip!"

Skye turned quickly upon hearing the new voice, speechless at the other extra comer.

Seeing this, Noctus chuckled. "So your name is Skye. You seem important to a lot of people."

Hearing Noctus speak to her, Skye focused on him. She didn't know him but he clearly knew the purpose of the Diviner, maybe even better than Raina, so he might be able to answer her most pressing question. "Is it dangerous for them?"

"Who is it, Skye?" Coulson asked, seeing that the temple was already almost closed and clearly not knowing their surprise guest.

"I don't know, he said his name was Noctus but he came out of nowhere." Skye replied, supporting Coulson who looked like he was about to fall.

"I didn't come from nowhere. I was sleeping just above when you woke me up. And no sweetie, I can guarantee you that no one is going to get hurt." Noctus replied, sounding indignant at first before just changing the subject to reassure Skye in a playful tone.

"We'll see about that later, how do we stop that?" Coulson asked, as the Diviner began to open, revealing beautiful blue crystals.

It was surprisingly Skye who answered him. "I don't think you can, according to him, it's an automatic reaction."

As Skye finished her sentence, a strong blast of blue gas escaped from the display surprising everyone except Noctus who warned them. "If you start to get covered in stone just know that this is normal and it will only last a few seconds... So, don't panic ?"

Even as he spoke, Skye and Raina began to be covered in stone, Skye staring at this strange dark haired man who looked barely her age but seemed to know so much about these things that they didn't understand. Seeing this, Coulson and Trip tensed and turned to Noctus.

"Are you sure of what you said ?" Coulson asked in a strained voice, his gun pointed at the unknown young man.

Seeing this, Noctus gave him an understanding smile. "This young woman, Raina seems to have lured you here without you knowing what she had come for. Don't worry, I'll explain everything to you when they're done."

As he finished, the stone began to fall, but something unexpected happened when Noctus noticed that Skye seemed to have accumulated a large amount of energy and was about to release it.

Feeling this force, the young man moved with a speed that left the other two men in disbelief. Arriving in front of Skye in an instant, he deployed some kind of golden energy field just around the two of them.

'Just in time.' thought Noctus holding the young woman in his arms as she expelled the stone covering her body with powerful shockwaves.

Skye quickly felt something boil inside her and she knew it would destroy everything if she released it but she had no control.

However, as she could see around her again and felt herself explode, she felt strong arms holding her in place. The young stranger, Noctus, had appeared in front of her and held her while a golden sphere surrounded them both.

He didn't even flinch as she released powerful shockwaves, watching her the whole way with a slight smirk.

Finally, as the shock waves escaping from her body subsided, he gave her a slight smirk. "That's a powerful power you developed there, certainly one of the most powerful in Inhuman history. You are really lucky that I was present, without my intervention the whole temple would have collapsed." Finishing, he pulled her to her feet and then let her go as she stared at him in shock.

"You, you… what are you?" Skye asked still trying to figure out what happened next as the bubble of golden energy began to dissipate, allowing Trip and Coulson to check on her condition.

Noctus just continued to smile at her as he backed away, moving towards Raina, who looked like she had lost the genetic lottery given her condition, while answering her.

"I told you, I've had many names throughout history but you can call me Noctus. What am I? I am just a traveler who happened to be at the right place at the right time, as always."

And done ! First time writing, this is a translation of the french version I wrote for fun. Maybe I will post it one day.

Anyway, comments are appreciated, especially the constructive ones, have a nice day ! ;)

Darkielcreators' thoughts