
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Chapter 23

Right when the sun set, four executive level experts met each other at the city's southern gate. Each of these experts held with them a formidable and suffocating aura. However, next to one of these executives, was a male roughly Nathan's age at about the same level of strength he had.

"Executive, will we be able to reach the village by morning?" this male asked his household's executive that seemed rather annoyed at his tone.

"Lannister, our Moon household is entrusting you with an extremely serious role. Once we arrive to the village, we will introduce you as Nathan's replacement and you will oversee leading the village's warriors against any waves of monsters that appear." the executive leveled expert responded with a neutral expression.

"Hmph! Our main objective is to escort that small squad back to the city, but here your Moon household is only worried about real estate you could control. Figures!" the executive expert from Jack's Mist household quickly said while chuckling from what he was witnessing.

"Enough you two." showing no weakness within her words, the Sacred Flame's household executive expert reprimanded the two others. "Our main objective is to escort that squad back to the city, but we also need to bring this kid there as well. Let us hurry along because it will take some additional time to arrive since we need to bring this guy along with us."

"She is right, let us move out!" the executive of the Crimson household agreeing with the woman was the first to make a move while the other executives followed. Unfortunately, the executive of the Moon household needed to carry Lannister on his back so that they could keep up with the rest of the group.

"Hmph, stupid goblins think that they can live while attacking us in a sneak attack?" the Crimson household executive shouted out as he made his move. Almost arriving to the outskirts of the mountain between their group and the village, a massive army of one hundred goblins jumped out to kill the group in a sneak attack.

With his scimitar, he quickly killed over twenty of the goblins with a single strike from his weapon. What was even more shocking, was that the other executives also made their move and killed fifty other goblins with a single strike of their weapons. In just a breath of time, the executives killed roughly seventy of the one hundred goblins!

"N-N-N" shocked from seeing multiple executive level experts making their move, Lannister was speechless. Just how many regular household members would it take to fight off just thirty goblins?

"Lannister, you need to keep your cool. One day you will have the ability to reach this level of strength just like every other household member with your age and potential. Use this experience to give you incentive to continue your path towards greatness." the executive level expert carrying Lannister explained to him.

"Kiiiii!" instantly seeing so many of their tribe members being killed like ants, the remaining goblins retreated with all their strength away from the group. As they were retreating, they continued to howl to make sure that all the other goblins in the area could survive the night!

As the morning sun rose, the group finally made their way to the village and were greeted by Hans immediately. "Oh? I heard about Lannister's strength from Nathan. It is absolutely an honor to serve under your command!" Hans after saying this slightly bowed to show his respect to his new leader.

"With that settled, I hope that your men can leave that squad in our care. Losing a single day of training can be rough, especially with the danger of waves of monsters attacking this village at any given time." The executive of the Crimson household cut in.

"Of course, they are still in that building. Thank you for your kindness and swift response to our reinforcements call." Taking a full bow towards the executives, Hans pointed to the building and quickly ordered the men to introduce themselves to their new leader Lannister.

"Executive?" Jack called out as the squad made their way out of the building while just so happening to bump into the group of executive level experts at this time.

"I recognize that executive as well. She is from my Sacred Flames household. What is going on here?" Natalia told the squad as they were approached by these experts. The experts kept a calm demeanor as they started to explain the situation to the squad.

"We were ordered by the alliance to safely escort your squad back to the city by the alliance for questioning. However, the Sacred Flames and the Mist household leaders gave us the task to check your current level of strengths and to appoint your proper household positions." The Moon family expert said with a small groan.

"Jack, come with me to the west side of this village. I would like to spar with you, and if you hold back, there will be consequences." The Mist household expert told Jack as he led him away.

"Natalia sweetie, please follow auntie to the other side of the village as well. I need to test your strength so that when we return, the household can give you proper training resources." The expert from the Sacred Flames household called out to Natalia. Grabbing hold of her hand, the expert led Natalia away as well leaving Leo and the remaining two executives.

"Since I am still currently an outsider, does this mean that you two will test me as well?" Leo asked sort of taken back by these current events.

"To prevent this guy from harming you and referring to it as an accident, I am here to be your bodyguard while we wait for those two to test your squad member's individual strengths. I am not happy to be called a body guard given my high position, so just do not say anything you might regret." The Crimson household's expert told Leo as he patted the Moon household expert's shoulder while giving Leo a thumbs up.

"Will those two be ok?" Leo asked the two experts. "If not, we might have a problem on our hands."

"Your squad had killed off both Martin and Nathan as well as many warriors within this village. The alliance is confused on how your squad members hid their strength, but they ordered us to bring them safely back. You might not know this, but the city can break out into a terrible war at any time."

"Any individual that shows promise in any household now plays an even bigger role, so you do not need to worry about those two being tested." Shoving the other expert off him, the other expert explained the whole situation to Leo to calm him down.

From hearing about how formidable executive level experts were in the city, Leo had no choice but to accept the current circumstances. It helped him to know that the experts who were testing Jack and Natalia were from their respective households. Leo accompanied by the two experts returned into the building to await the results of the tests.