
His Touch

<<<< Ashlie >>>>

Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum

My heart, it's so loud, pumping my blood throughout my veins. How I wish I could keep running like this forever. The wind shifting through my fur made me feel alive.

"Ashlie" a soft male voice called out

That voice, it was enough to stop me in my tracks. I swung my head to the right in the direction it had come from. There he is, Seth, beta to the High Alpha and my childhood friend, standing before me in his wolf form. His brown coat glisend in the sun.

"Come on we have to go back!" he shouted

Back - I didn't want to go back. The lupercalia season was coming in just a few hours; a season where were's and other creatures are overcome by a lustful desire, a sexual hunger to find a mate or plaything.

"Do we have to though?" I whined

"Yes, you know very well you need to take part in the Lupercalia ceremony this year." he replied with a grin

Seth was right, I was now twenty one. Honestly, the season scared me, the thought of giving into a lustful hunger did not settle well, making my stomach turn.

"Thanks for the reminder." I replied in a sarcastic tone

Seth nipped at my muzzle for the sarcasm, which in response I gave him a side glare.

"Why the sarcasm? Tonight is going to be a blast!"

I could hear the excitement in his voice. Of course Seth would be excited it was his third year attending the Lupercalia ceremony.

"Easy for you to say, you've already done it so many times you've lost count." I said rather bluntly

"You can say it Ashlie, sex." he smirked

There it was, that word. It was going to be my first time. The very thought of it made blood rush to my cheeks, if I was in my human form Seth could definitely tell I was blushing.

I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize we arrived back at the village. Everyone was scrambling to get ready for the ceremony before nightfall. Seth nudged my shoulder roughly with his muzzle.

"Come on, we have to go shift."

Seth and I walked towards some brush, where we left our clothes. Our bones cracked as they shifted and stretched into our human forms. I hid my breasts with my arm and my groin with my hand.

"Hey, don't be shy. We've shifted in front of each other so many times." he said with a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

Seth had a point but I still had the need to hide. I could feel his eyes beaming on my back. A part of it gave me satisfaction but the other part made me want to grab my clothes and run.

"Can you stop starring and pass my shirt please." I said sternly

Seth rolled his eyes, bending down to get my shirt. I couldn't help myself, my eyes started to scan his body. When he stood, his 6ft 5in body was now in clear view. First my eyes traced his chiseled jaw, making their way down towards his pecks. Oh my.....

"Getting a good look?" he teased

His words broke my gaze, making me quickly look away. 'Seth has grown into a fine male.' I thought

A warm feeling flooded my cheeks, what was I just thinking. 'Deep breaths now.' I had to calm down.

"Ya know, you're going to have to move one of your arms at some point." he smirked

Seth was right, which hand would it be? 'This is embarrassing.' I decided to move my arm from my breasts and grab my shirt. To my surprise he didn't let go, making me tug for it. Next thing I knew he pulled, sending my body forward, crashing into his chest. The sudden action made me gasp.

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