
The Business Associates

Excert from Chapter 11: " "You're killing me, " he groaned at the moon lite woman in from of him, as Rosalinda raised a brow and the smile never left her face. "How?" She asked curiously, as she knew she bugged him, but didn't think it was too bad. Maybe she'd be able to get her diner back if she kept 'killing' him? But, Alistair had other plans, or an idea on the word 'killing'. He took a step forward and gently grasped Rosalinda's face between his hands, his eyes flickered back and forth from her lips and eyes. He began to lean in, Rosalinda registering what he meant, but didn't catch on until his lips lightly pressed against her own. " ___ Rosalinda Scott is a woman who makes sure all of her hard work pays off. But, what happens when a billionaire businessman, Alistair Hamelton, is able to walk into her life and get her to sign away her hard work, causing the two to be business associates? Will the two make sure to piss one another off so one gives up and allows the other to have control? Or, will the two butt heads so much that they'll learn more about one another and fall in love? ___ Will try and update every week, hopefully on Mondays to start your week of nice with a new chapter if you're enjoying the story! I also am a writer who enjoys to write chapter at least 2,000+ words or more instead of writing short chapters and leaving things out.

Kyaira_Mitchell · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


Alistair tapped his foot violently against the concrete sidewalk, as he waited for the Mediterranean owner to open the diner's doors for him and all their impatient customers. She was 20 minutes late, but he began to see curls move through the crowd of people, but couldn't see the rest of her short stature.

But once the woman was through the crowd, Alistair couldn't help but blush softly when she leaned past him to unlock her door. She wore skinny jeans that accentuated her hips and bottom more since he never really noticed how well-shaped she was. She opened the door, as her employees and customers flooded into the diner, waiting patiently for them to fill in.

Rosalinda held the man back as well, as he continued to look over her features, and blushed more when he was tall enough to see down her shirt and at her breast. He quickly looked back up and gulped, as he tried to relax his mind. He felt her touch leave a burning feeling when she stepped away from him and inside.

Alistair broke from his thoughts and followed behind her. As she headed into the back she slammed the kitchen door closed on his face, as he furrowed his brows in confusion at this act. He stepped inside and noticed how the kitchen was a disaster, as the cook and the young woman began to put food together. The cook, Randy, noticed the man and narrowed his eyes.

"Fuck off! You're just in the way!" He spat to Alistair. He nodded quickly and noticed Rosalinda glance at him, then look back at what she was doing. He went out to the counter to try and find a seat, but the whole place was packed to the brim, people still trying to come inside. The businessman smiled to himself, glad he now owned a part of this money-guzzling diner, as a waitress pushed him behind the counter.

"I need you to make more coffee for the customers, you can't just stand around and do nothing." The waitress. Julie, said and rushed off to give food to the next table.

Alistair scoffed and shook his head. He doesn't do that, he helps the business from the money and affair parts; what people don't see.

After a while, the rush began to die down, Alistair actually complied and made coffee for the waiters and waitresses. He now sat at the counter, sipping his own cup of coffee, as the place was being wiped down and prepared for the lunch rush. He noticed Rosalinda come out from the kitchen and quickly stood up and followed her, as she began to put away the clean dishes.


"You can call me Ms. Scott," she interrupted as he looked at her with confusion, but pushed it away.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, I'll be having men come in for lunch to talk to you and try your food so we can make changes-"

"Nope, I won't be making food for your men. You don't work here with my employees, you don't get to have free food or try it. My menu is staying exactly the same." She stated and looked back at him.

"Also, I did read over that contract and it never said you get to change my menu. Also, I do have the right to decline any of your men coming in. You are the only one I'll allow in here. If your men come in, I'll take your contract to court and you'll be broken from it." She smiled and headed back to the kitchen as people began to flood in again by 1:30.

Alistair just watched with amazement at how she just saw the little holes in the contract. He then saw his men getting ready to step through the door, as he rushed through the crowd and told them to leave. Rosalinda watched from the window in the kitchen with a fiendish smile, as Alistair growled under his breath.

This woman was manipulating his contract and wanted to understand how.


Once Rosalinda turned the sign to 'Closed', she dimmed the lights and began to clean up the establishment. Alistair watched from the counter, as Rosalinda looked at him and raised a brow.

"Go home, Mr. Hamelton. I don't want you dirtying up my floors with your pettiness and high-end attitude." She said and grabbed his wrist, as she led him to the door. He watched in her amazement from how casual she made her insult, then his face hardened. He slammed his feet to the floor, pulled the petit woman back into his chest while she was still pulling his wrist. She looked up at him and raised a brow.

"Excuse you?!" He hissed at her, as she raised a brow.

"What?" She asked, as she looked genuinely confused.

"That insult was so unnecessary, cruel, and unprofessional! What are you, a-a child?!" He snapped at Rosalinda. She just simply shrugged and opening the door. She shoved him out and locked the door once he stubbled out.

"Go home, you're just in the way; as usual." She grumbled from behind the glass and headed back into the diner.


For the next week, Rosalinda manipulated Alistair to the point where he just gave up by end of the week, until a couple of minutes before they closed for the weekend. He walked in, as he wore jeans and a nice robin blue button down shirt. Rosalinda looked up to wish the customer a hello, but her smile quickly fell as she sighed.

"Why are you here? I'm about to close." She said and walked to the back of the kitchen. Alistair following her. closed the kitchen door, and turned back to her quickly. He knew Randy went home about an hour ago, which gave them the kitchen to themselves.

"Because I own a part of this establishment! And we need to discuss new silverware." He said, as Rosalinda scoffed and looked at him.

"Look, I still need to clean and give the last customers their checks. I'll just come to your mansion later and you can give me a list of all the pointless and preppy things you wanna try to change." She mumbled and crossed her arms. Alistair just stared at the tan woman in amazement at how harsh she was being. It's not like he hurt her the other day like she hurt him! And everything is fine!

'She needs to grow up.' He thought as Rosalinda pushed past him and out to the customers, as she gave them their checks. Alistair watched and moved over to the counter again, figuring he had his own seat since he continued to sit in the same spot.

Rosalinda made her way back into the kitchen, ignoring the presence of the man when he walked in and watched her clean the kitchen. He couldn't keep his eyes off the way the hips moves, figuring out a couple days ago he was attracted to her physical form and nothing more. He began to walk up behind her, but she whipped around and pushed him away.

"You need to leave because I am leaving." She grumbled, the man raising a brow.

"No, I don't have to leave and I also want a set of keys." He held his hand out, as Rosalinda raised a brow and scoffed.

"No, you don't get a set, because you do not work in here, get to make changes, or go through my shit!" She hissed and began to shove him out of the kitchen, turning the lights off.

"Now, let's fucking go, I want to go home and finish things and you're in my way!" She yelled, her patience no longer there. Alistair raised a brow at the petite woman's anger, but smirked, finding it more adorable and obnoxious then fearing.

He grabbed the woman by the waist and pressed her to one of the tables. Rosalinda gasped and looked at him more angered than before.

"You're cute when you're angry, cause you're so tiny." He hummed, as he began to piss the woman off more. She went to go and slap him before her wrist was seized, turning to do it with the other, but just brushed the skin on his cheek with her nails before her other wrist was also held. He made her lie back on the table, stood between her legs, and smirked at the position he held her in. He watched her squirm and yell underneath him, but he just chuckled darkly, causing the woman to stop and raise a brow.

"What the hell are you doing?! This is inappropriate!" She howled as Alistair shrugged and moved closer to her face.

"So? You've been calling me nasty names and being harsh. That's also inappropriate." He threw her words back at her, as she gulped and narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you dare do anything, or I will find a way to get you arrested for rape!" She literally spat in his face, causing him to let go of her and back up. Rosalinda got up and planned to run for her gun behind the counter, but her arm was grabbed, pressing her against his chest. He had wiped his face with the bottom of his shirt, as he smirked deviously.

"Now see, I can get you arrested for harming someone with bodily fluids, Ms. Scott." He hissed her name, as she shivered and began to try and wiggle out of his tight hold.

"Now, we are going to go back to my house to sign papers and agree to new seats, booths, decor, and silverware." He said darkly, dragged her outside, and to his Cadillac, the car he drove the first time they met. Rosalinda continued to squirm in his arms until she was tossed into the passenger's seat, the child safety lock was on in the car as well.

She began to roar in anger as Alistair got in, getting settled. The young woman then threw a punch, but missed his face by a couple of inches when he moved it to start the car. He looked up at her with wide eyes, emerald ones glaring back at him and piercing his soul. He chuckled and began to drive, glancing at the angered woman.

"Oh if looks could kill," he laughed but grunted when he was punched roughly in the gut, and almost swerved off the road.

He ignored it and shook his head, continuing to drive, the woman cursing in a language he was unfamiliar with.

"Just wait, Alistair! Someone will know I'm not home and missing!" She bellowed at him, going to grab at him before he compressed his arm against her chest to keep her still.

"Cut it the hell out! You're going to get us killed before we do anything productive with our out-of-style diner!" He barked at her loudly. Rosalinda fumed, crossed her arms, and took a deep breath.

"You are one horrid human." She sibilated and took a deep breath.


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