
The Business Associates

Excert from Chapter 11: " "You're killing me, " he groaned at the moon lite woman in from of him, as Rosalinda raised a brow and the smile never left her face. "How?" She asked curiously, as she knew she bugged him, but didn't think it was too bad. Maybe she'd be able to get her diner back if she kept 'killing' him? But, Alistair had other plans, or an idea on the word 'killing'. He took a step forward and gently grasped Rosalinda's face between his hands, his eyes flickered back and forth from her lips and eyes. He began to lean in, Rosalinda registering what he meant, but didn't catch on until his lips lightly pressed against her own. " ___ Rosalinda Scott is a woman who makes sure all of her hard work pays off. But, what happens when a billionaire businessman, Alistair Hamelton, is able to walk into her life and get her to sign away her hard work, causing the two to be business associates? Will the two make sure to piss one another off so one gives up and allows the other to have control? Or, will the two butt heads so much that they'll learn more about one another and fall in love? ___ Will try and update every week, hopefully on Mondays to start your week of nice with a new chapter if you're enjoying the story! I also am a writer who enjoys to write chapter at least 2,000+ words or more instead of writing short chapters and leaving things out.

Kyaira_Mitchell · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


Tears began to flood her eyes, as she waited at the bus stop, sitting on the bench and staring at the pavement with an angered expression. She was more angry at herself, as she mumbled colorful words under her breath about the famous bachelor and how she was so idiotic. She heard a vehicle pull up to the stop, and looked up. Her face became red again when she saw the last person she ever wanted in her line of sight again.

"C-can I just apologize before you go crazy and take you home?" He asked nicely, as Rosalinda scoffed and glared at him.

"Alistair Hamelton, you may apologize to other woman and they may swoon over you and accept it in seconds, but I never want to see your hideous face again. You may not look ugly, but your damn personality is." She stated, the man's eyes widened, then grew stern.

"Get in the damn car, Ms. Scott, or we will be having an issue!" He growled.

"No. You may be a boss at work, but you're no king of the world! Leave me the hell alone and go fuck that "fiance" of your's!" She quoted in the air and stood up when she saw the bus coming.

She began to head over to the bus, then suddenly saw the back and behind of a male with a nice tailored suit. Rosalinda screamed and began to pound her fist against his back, which caused the taller male to wince slightly, but continued towards his car.

He opened the door and tossed her into the passenger seat and closed the door, he turned on the child lock, so she couldn't get out. Rosalinda tried to jump into the driver's seat but mostly jumped into his lap, Alistair pushing her back into the seat and began to drive. The young woman didn't know what to do, then began to search her bag, fumbling for her phone, she was able to pull it out, but it was snatched from her hands quickly and shoved into a suit pocket.

"T-this is kidnapping! I will get you arrested for what you're doing!" She yelled, trying to reach for her phone, but was pushed back against the seat, his arm rested against her chest to keep her back.

"You don't have the guts to call the police." He said darkly, the woman shrinking in her seat a little from his voice and took a deep breath, as tears pricked the corners of her eyes.

She saw them pull up to his building again, and was taken out and escorted by four guards this time. Rosalinda felt defeated, as they went up the elevator once again. They walked into the meeting room, Alistair walking over to his seat and sat down again, looked over at Rosalinda, and motioned for her to sit in the same seat again. Nudged by one of the well-built men around her, she shakily walked over to the seat and sat down.

"Now, the offer-"

"No." She hissed, as he 'tsked' and sat back in his seat.

"You heard the offer, we can raise the price so I make more money and completely take your company, or take the great offer I have given you." He said, folding his hands in his lap, staring at the distraught woman.

"N-no." She began to break down, as Alistair sat up.

"Then I'll be taking 40%. Now, how's that deal?" He asked and smirked, as he finally began to get through the woman.

Rosalinda watched him smirk and looked at the people around the room, seeing why they would fear him, as they gave her a small, but nervous and fake, smiles. She looked back at him and gave a deep breath, stood up, as her face hardened again.

"As I've said before: No. Now, I'd like to leave. As you can see, I see security cameras around your building and even in this room and technically, me sitting here, with force, is illegal. If you let me leave and leave me alone, well, I won't tell the police about what happened today." She hummed and looked at him with a wide smirk.

She was happy for what she thought up in those few seconds, thankfully she was as observant as she was. But, Alistair's smile never faded, chuckling and sitting back in his seat.

"Fine, I'll take 50% of your company and you'll see that the police are on my side and I pay them very well." He told her, as Rosalinda's face paled and she continued to stand.

"Why do you want my diner?! My recipes for some things are top secret and besides, I own the property and you can't make me sign a damn paper!" She yelled, as Alistair frowned and shook his head.

"Hmm, I'll be taking 60%, your recipes, and I'll force you to sign." He said, as the paper was slid by her at the table and he pulled out a pen.

"You will not be leaving here until you sign it." He grinned, scooting forward in his seat.

"I'd rather die first before giving you anything of mine." She growled as Alistair shook his head.

"70% and I'd prefer if you didn't die, wouldn't have any way to obtain the diner then." He simply shrugged, the young adult amazed and horrified by how uncaring he was. Rosalinda shook her head, as Alistair groaned loudly in frustration and slammed this hands on the table, which causes everyone to jump, especially Rosalinda.

"I don't want to be here!" She yelled, as Alistair was becoming impatient and shook his head.

"Just sign the damn paper and you'll be able to leave!" He whined as she shook her head.

"No! I don't want to ever see you again. T-this isn't fair! If this is what you do to the people you own companies with then you're a horrible businessman!" She yelled, her hands balling into a fist. Alistair sighed and squeezed his nose right by his eyes. He was becoming more angered at her stubbornness of the woman.

"Let her-" The man's words were cut off, as he was flipped out of his chair, his jaw in severe pain. Rosalinda panted and held her slowly turning purplish-red knuckles, knowing they both were going to have bruises later.

"Just... stay the hell away from me and my diner!" She roared and head out of the meeting room, as she rushed to leave the building, not wanting to ever set foot back into the cooperation. The woman rushed down the street, tears streamed down her face, as the bus pulled up by her. She wiped her face and pulled out exact change, got on, and began to head home. She didn't even glance back at the horror show she was just trapped in as the bus when down the street.


Rosalinda stepped through her apartment and jumped a bit when thunder shook through the sky, after she shut the door. She glanced out her window, glad she made it home before she had to run through this downpour. She went to her darkened bedroom, opened the door and turned on the light with a loud shriek.

Alistair Hamelton sat on the end of her bed, looking through her recipe books, and rubbed his welted and bruised jaw. The man simply looked up, gave a small smile, and closed the book up. He was going to open his mouth to say something, before he was sacked against the head with the largest book Rosalinda owned, causing him to groan loudly and hold his head.

"The hell?! Why are you so violent?!" He roared, Rosalina held the book up tightly and teared up.

"Please leave me alone!" She sobbed out in terror. Alistair became more frustrated as she began to cry.

"Stop crying I just came to apologize, because I was out of hand." He growled, grabbing her by the arm and handed her a pen and contract. He sat her on the bed, taking the large book from her hands.

"Just sign the damn thing-" Rosalinda slid the pen across the white paper, before he finished speaking, her name beautifully written out, as she handed it back.

"I-I can't do this! Just take all my damn money!" She sobbed, unable to think straight from the lack of sleep and terror from earlier that ran through her veins.

Alistair groaned loudly and stomped his foot hard against the floor, as another crash of thunder rumbled the small complex. Rosalinda clamped her lips together to hold back any sobs, wiped her eyes with shaky hands, as tears continued to fall.

"Look, I only took 10%. I will be seeing you again tomorrow and we will talk more business. Get a good night's rest." He sighed, the woman nodded in fear while she wiped her face.

Alistair sighed and head out of the room, pulling his keys out of his pocket as he left the apartment. He smirked, happy he finally broke the stubborn woman into two. Hopefully he'd be able to obtain more business as time went on, leave her out of the whole thing, as he has would have full control.

He saw this business taking off and causing him to become even more well-known. He chuckled in happiness at how bright he believed he was, but unknown that Rosalinda had a reason for signing the paper, hoping to scare him off of the idea of her diner.


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