
The Business Associates

Excert from Chapter 11: " "You're killing me, " he groaned at the moon lite woman in from of him, as Rosalinda raised a brow and the smile never left her face. "How?" She asked curiously, as she knew she bugged him, but didn't think it was too bad. Maybe she'd be able to get her diner back if she kept 'killing' him? But, Alistair had other plans, or an idea on the word 'killing'. He took a step forward and gently grasped Rosalinda's face between his hands, his eyes flickered back and forth from her lips and eyes. He began to lean in, Rosalinda registering what he meant, but didn't catch on until his lips lightly pressed against her own. " ___ Rosalinda Scott is a woman who makes sure all of her hard work pays off. But, what happens when a billionaire businessman, Alistair Hamelton, is able to walk into her life and get her to sign away her hard work, causing the two to be business associates? Will the two make sure to piss one another off so one gives up and allows the other to have control? Or, will the two butt heads so much that they'll learn more about one another and fall in love? ___ Will try and update every week, hopefully on Mondays to start your week of nice with a new chapter if you're enjoying the story! I also am a writer who enjoys to write chapter at least 2,000+ words or more instead of writing short chapters and leaving things out.

Kyaira_Mitchell · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


The cab pulled up to high-end estate gates, as they opened and shut behind the yellow vehicle. The car pulled up to the double doors at the house's front, looking more intimidating than nice to the woman.

Rosalinda exhaled deeply, gave the money to the nice cabbie, and got out with her purse. She had on a nude colored pencil skirt, white blouse, nude blazer, and white 1-inch heels. She walked up to the tall, walnut-colored beech wood doors, and held a hand up and knocked. A small maid opened the door for her, surprised to meet anyone shorter than herself.

"Here to see Mr. Hamelton?" The woman asked as Rosalinda nodded.

"Do you have an appointment? He's about to leave for work." She explained, as Rosalinda blushed, as she hesitated and wondered how to explain the silly bet they had made.

"N-no, I'm here-"

"Rosalinda, you're here! Great! Come inside and eat breakfast with us!" Alistair came up behind his maid, and gently set his hands on her fragile shoulders. The maid looked up at the owner of the house and gave him a gentle smile.

"You leave her to me, go finish up." He told her softly and kindly, as the maid nodded and walked off swiftly.

"Now get inside, I'm hungry and you're letting the chilly air through." Alistair grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the marble floor, as her heels clicked against. She felt...out of place and looked around the large house, then back at the man who owned it.

"Nice isn't it? Designed it myself and with a little help." He pronounced proudly, then dragged her (again) to the long dinning table, with three plates set out for them.

Confused, she began to hear other heels click down the steps, and over to see a gorgeous and slim Latina woman. The woman walked down the steps in an expensive-looking black dress that showed her curves more, and causing the 5'1 woman to feel even more out of place in the luxurious palace.

The man sat her down on the seat to the left of his chair as the other woman sat across from her, to Alistair's right, and raised a brow.

"Who is this?" She asked bluntly, as she eyed the Mediterranean, as if she could see right through her. Alistair rested a hand on the glaring woman's, and sighed.

"This is Rosalinda, Rosalinda this is Raven, she's my "fiancée"." He quoted with his fingers, as Raven rolled her eyes.

"No, I am your fiancée; your parents and mine have already agreed. I just don't understand why you won't go public with the grand news." She grumbled and looked at Rosalinda again, which sent shivers down the her spine.

After a few minutes of an awkward silence, eggs benedict was brought out for the three young adults. Alistair and Rosalinda thanked the server, as Raven just dug in greedily. She ignored Rosalinda as she spoke, or more whined, to Alistair.

"But, why does she have to go with you again to work?" She huffed and frowned softly.

"Because we made a small bet, and it'd like for her to get to know me better and such." He replied, as Rosalinda was in mild shock when she remembered the other day when she asked Alistair if he was seeing anyone he didn't tell her he had a fiancée. Unless he doesn't want the whole world to know or he forgot about her. Like Raven said, he didn't go public about the news, which could imply they weren't engaged. She simply left her thought and ate the delicious food in front of her, as Alistair stood after a moment.

"We should get going, I have a few things I want to show you and a meeting." He hummed, Rosalinda quickly stands, as Raven did as well. Leaning up, Raven kissed his cheek, disgust crossed his face for a moment, as he quickly grabbed Rosalinda's arm and began to leave.

Finally, outside, he has his Benz pulled up front, all ready and started. The billionaire opening the door for her, as she thanked Alistair and got inside. Once in, they buckled up and headed off.

Rosalinda began playing with a string on the hem of her skirt, her thoughts and questions rattling her mind. She tried to figure out a good question to ask first, also wanting to break the ice. Finally, she looked at the man, gnawing on her bottom lip.

"Why didn't you tell me you are engaged?" She asked, the man taking a deep sigh and glanced at her.

"Didn't know it was an issue?" He smirked softly, as she blushed a deep shade of pink, huffing.

"It isn't, but when I asked if you were seeing anyone, you lied. I don't like lying." She grumbled with crosses arms, as he chuckled.

"Well, I keep my "engagement" personal. Honestly, I'm only with her because of my parents, but they did say if I find someone in the next year, then I don't have to marry her." He sighed in relief, thankful his parents were rational enough to give him time.

The brunette nodded and looked back out the window. She didn't understand why it bothered her so much that he lied, but it just...did. She couldn't put a finger on why still.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she noticed them pulling up to a huge glass-framed building, "Hamelton Inc." written in the front. He pulled up to valet parking, handed the keys to one of the men outside, then opened the door for Rosalinda, and helped her out. He held an arm out, the woman blushed softly and took it.

He whistled, as they headed to the elevators, Rosalinda allowed her eyes to roam the lobby. He wished some of his employees 'good morning' their faces in shock for some reason, as some stuttered back a 'good morning, sir'. She looked at Alistair questioningly from the odd replies to his 'good mornings', wanting to ask why they looked so shocked. He noticed her eyes on him from the corners of his own, a smirk creeped onto his face, as he glanced at her.

"Take it all in, Ms. Scott. My face is one people usually gawk at as well." He teased as Rosalinda smacked his arm, mumbling how he was an "egotistical man" under her breath.

Once on the elevator, he pressed the highest button labeled with a "15" as they headed up to the top floor. The elevator was one-way glass, allowing them to see the world, but the world and workers couldn't see them.

"So, how much business do you have under your belt?" He asked her, as she snickered.

"The business I do every day is the only thing I know well." She laughed, as the doors opened to a large hallway, as they headed to a wooden double-door office. Alistair said 'hello' to his secretary, as she stuttered back a 'hello' in surprise.

Rosalinda was going to ask why the employees looked so shocked at the greetings, but once he opened his office door, words left her mouth. A gorgeous view looked over the city, as he was going to ask her if she wanted any coffee, she quickly walked past him and looked out the window in amazement.

"You get this view every day?!" She finally asked, looking at him with bright emerald eyes, then looked back at the window. Alistair raised a brow but his face softened, knowing she's probably never been this high up in a building. He did remember her talking about how she loved to look at the night sky, so he figured she loved views that caught her breath.

"Yes, I mean, you could've had this view if you decided to work with me with your diner, but..." He trailed off, as she turned to him, as she narrowed her eyes.

"Well, that sure isn't going to happen." She huffed, as Alistair smirked, and clicked his tongue. She walked back over to him, but her eyes continued to look back at the window.

"What do you have to do today?" She asked softly and finally looked up at his grey eyes. He smiled and walked to his desk, pulling out a pretty thick folder.

"I have to sign a lot of papers and have a couple of meetings. I have one in 15 minutes, so why don't we head down now so I can prep." He instructed, going into his 'business mode'.

She smirked and nodded, following behind him as they left the office. They headed down a long and almost cavernous hallway, as she looked around at the different meetings and offices people were working in.

He walked into a large meeting room as Rosalinda followed, seeing most of the chairs taken up by men and women working in the building with Alistair. He strolled to the head of the table, whistled softly again, and took a seat. He placed his things down, then motioned for Rosalinda to sit beside him in an empty chair, as she quickly shuffled over and sat.

She felt uncomfortable in the room, knowing she didn't belong in here, with all the professional and well-dressed individuals. Alistair took a deep breath and looked around the table, as someone quickly stood up, and grabbed their laptop. The employee set up the slideshow, the title having her diner's name in it. She simply raised a brow and looked at Alistair, but he was looking at his employee.

"So sir, most of us in here have been looking over the diner you've been trying to invest in. We were thinking for a negotiation with the owner, Rosalinda Scott, to possibly get thirty percent of the income but providing her with organic and fresh food. She'd have total control, but we'd help and go over all business deals for, hopefully, expanding the diner to a chain after maybe three years of partnership." He explained and flipped to a slide with a line graph showing, an around about, the growth of the diner to how it could become "better" after a year.

His employees looked over at Alistair as he nodded and leaned back in his seat. "Sounds great," he smiled and looked over at Rosalinda with a smile. Rosalinda, however, didn't look back with gleaming eyes like the man, no, the female was furious beyond belief.

"Mr. Hamelton...You brought me here today to continue to try and convince me to have my diner as a part of your company when I was trying to be nice and friendly to you the other day?!" She roared loudly at the end, his employees shocked at the woman yelling at the man, since they've never seen anyone do it before.

"Yes, and you won't be leave this building until we made an offer. I have all windows and doors guarded by my men." He said, as the female stood up and began to leave. Alistair looked at his employees and sighed.

"Continue on with new ideas," he mumbled and followed after her.

Rosalinda had a bright red face and furrowed brows from how naive she became. She knew it was all just a con, and she fell right into his trap. She headed down the staircases, Alistair followed slowly to see how she'd get past the muscle man on the bottom.

Rosalinda paused on the steps when she saw the man blocking the door. She raised a brow, seeing how serious he was, and became more furious. Never the overly aggressive type, usually, she kicked the man in the groan, and watched him fall over in agonizing pain.

She stepped over him as she left the building, sounding an alarm and headed down the alleyway. Alistair stood there with wide eyes and a slacked jaw but quickly snapped back to reality. The businessman ran after her, calling out her name.

"Rosalinda! Wait! We can make a better deal-" his feet came to a halt as his face stung and his eyes wide. He slowly turned his head back from the way it was turned slightly to the right, looking at the young adult with a raised hand, her hand turned a slight pink, panting.

"Do not, and I mean do not ever come near me or my diner again, or I will file a restraining order against you." She hissed and turned on her heels and walked off.


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