

name:Leon y/n



type of guys she likes:*your type*

hair colour: black and brown

eye colour:brown

family:rich and owns a big business

!new girl at school starting tommorow!


*alarm rings*

y/n:Mother fu- *pow*lands on flower*

ahh shoot that hurts like *beep*

*stands up*

walks to the shower*showers*

y/n:okay I'm done i need to pick a outfit

out fit:blue tight skinny jeans and a white botten shirt and black shoes hair= low pig tails

y/n: okay I'm done time to go to school

*runs down the stairs*

y/n: okay bye Mom!!

mom:bye honey!

y/n: okay! I'm not gonna be sad today I'm gonna be smiling the whole day😁

*arrives at school*

girls:ew look at that girl

girl 1:is she new

girl 3:yeah probably never seen her here before 😐

girl 2:okay but lol look at her pig tails haha


(I heard all of but I won't let it put me down)

when I was about to enter the door this guy was surrounded by seven boys

they were about to punch the guy one more time then I suddenly went in and slapped his hand away from the guys face

I shouted what are u doing?!

boy1?:you better Fu***ng move before I push u to the floor

I said NO!

*When he was about to push me I grabbed his arm and twisted it*

boy1:*screams* you son of a bi***

he was about to slap me but the bell rang so he just stopped and walked on

hitting my shoulder
