
The Bugged System

How are systems created? Who tests them and makes sure they work as intended? Riva receives a system in her dying moments but this one is special because this system is far from complete and has more bugs than a computer game in early alpha. It fails to save her life and revives her as an undead. Its skills are something untouched by the concept of user-friendliness. "Feature will be added in the future" is one of its favorite excuses. The only saving grace is her ability to report bugs and request features. But Riva has her own goals. She lost the majority of her memories, yet she is sure that someone betrayed her, causing her death. Whoever it was will pay for it. She also remembers her goal of becoming someone who leaves their mark in history. Someone truly great. Thus Riva is left with no other option, she needs to find a way to deal with the system's whims and oddities. And she slowly gets the hang of it and adapts by acquiring strategies to make bugs into usable features. Isn't messed-up balancing great when it's to your advantage? So what if the mana pool is reset when executing that one attack? Isn't the fact awesome that the inventory items duplicate in case you sell them while taking them out of storage at the right moment? And best of all, the ability to create infinite combos… This is the story about Riva who finds a way to use that buggy mess of a system to make herself unbeatable. Schedule: One chapter per week (Release at the Saturday/Sunday Reset) Support the Author: I’m called mingapur anywhere, including Ko-fi and Patreon. Come and support me. Motivate me, tell me this is worth writing! The cover art was made by me.

mingapur · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

Reworked UI

"Let me get this straight. You've been approaching me because I've piqued your interest from a scientific standpoint since I am considered unusual for an undead? And you yourself are a mind flayer and said you're unusual too? So you don't eat brains?" Riva summarized Rao's rambling.

"Yeah, through my research I found a way to replicate the necessary chemical components. In theory, this should have helped all mind flayers. But for an unknown reason, this diet has only been working for me."

Rao was about to elaborate but Riva cut him short.

"Fine, so I can trust you don't intend to harm me?"

"Never! Why would I hurt my precious research subject? That aside, even if I was your run-of-the-mill mind flayer. We don't eat undead. Rotten meat isn't exactly healthy."

In what manner am I rotten, huh? Riva frowned and chose to keep the complaint to herself.

"Then, why didn't you want me to join the guild?" She asked.

"The guild is a pile of human filth. You're better than that." Rao said with obvious disgust.

Riva raised an eyebrow. "I may not know about your issues with them, and frankly I don't really care, but checking the guild registry is the quickest way for me to find a lead on my targets."

"The ones who killed you? Maybe I can offer my help. My powers aren't just for show." Rao suggested.

"What do you intend to do?"

"You might say, I'm pretty decent at networking. Just tell me what I'm looking for and I'll get it in a jiffy."

"I'm looking for the information on the people that registered together with me at the guild approximately three years ago." Riva decided to give it a try.

Rao nodded and closed his eyes in concentration.

Riva had been resisting the urge to check her status with the system. She wasn't sure if Rao was paying attention to her. She would rather keep the system a secret. She didn't really trust the self-proclaimed researcher and mind flayer in disguise. The fact remained that he was stronger than her and there was no telling what his research entailed.

The main reason why she talked openly with him was, that he had no longer cast any spells on her according to the system.

"Now we wait." Rao had finished whatever he was doing before. "You know I cast a placate spell on you before?" He asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, I know, what about it?"

"I'm unsure if it's working. You didn't strike me as especially calm during our little confrontation but you've yet to pay our little piggy the attention it deserves." Rao pointed at the boar that remained floating at the side.

Riva merely shrugged "No idea."

The truth was she was certain that the whole evolving into part dungeon was somehow related. But there was no need to tell him about it.

"Why did you think I was hungry?" She asked in return.

"You were acting a bit… strange. So I took the liberty and checked with a spell. The result was that you didn't have enough energy for hatching. At the time I concluded you were evolving?"

Not enough energy? At the time I had more than enough, it was before I spent most of it on the new skill. I should have shown as human to my understanding. Rao might be strong enough to see through the disguise. He does seem to specialize in utility-type spells. Hatching might refer to the dungeon, which might also explain the low energy result.

"I wasn't hungry." She evaded giving a proper answer and changed the topic. "So, what are your plans from here on out?" She couldn't wait to get rid of him and check the system for its new features.

"Of course I'd love to follow miss Riva on her journey." His pretentious smile made its return. "But I do get the feeling the young lady isn't very fond of my company." Rao had once again exchanged his science geek personality for that of a slimy salesperson.

"What about the guild mission?" She asked. "If we don't complete it, I will need another means of identification."

"I can easily arrange one if that's all you're worried about. We could also complete the mission. Even if there's trouble, I'm certain you'll get your license. In the end, the decision is yours to make."

"And the payment for your help?" Riva asked.

"You tell me about why you can resist your hunger." His eyes glittered.



Before they headed back for Marinon, Rao cleaned up their traces including the table and chair with his magic.

In the end, Riva got him to leave her alone and wait outside with the excuse of eating the boar. She convinced him with the argument that she might turn on him in hunger if he stayed.

Thus finally, she had some time by herself.

"System?" She whispered.

[What does user require?]

"Show me my status." Riva requested.


[Name] Riva

[Race] Zombie/Dungeon

[Title] Not Equipped

[Status] Healthy





The status window had changed completely. The whole UI* had received a significant make-over. Her status now consisted of a list of categories. Each looking like a button. And on the right was an image showing her in her current form.

Riva tried her luck and pressed a button with her mind. She didn't really expect it to but it actually worked!

An inventory screen opened in front of her. It looked just like you'd expect from an inventory. A long array made of countless small boxes.

Of course, there was a catch. Most of the boxes were grayed out and had a tiny lock at the bottom. Only the first three appeared unlocked and empty.

"Locked, huh?" Riva grumbled at the sight and sarcastically added. "Pray tell, who sells the bag upgrade?"

[Unlocking vouchers can be received through completing quests, achievements, or won from the shop's mystery pavilion] The system answered dutifully.

I shouldn't take too long, or Rao will get suspicious. Riva didn't have the time to thoroughly investigate.

I think inventories aren't supposed to be limited by the size or weight of an object. Just maybe…

She hesitated and mulled it over for a moment then walked over to the boar and placed her hand on it, willing it to enter the inventory.

And indeed, the boar simply vanished into a spacial tear and a cute pixelated icon appeared in one of the three open inventory slots.

Ha! Riva grinned triumphantly. I remembered that usually, only inanimate objects can be stored in an inventory. But the system being what it is wouldn't behave according to convention, now would it?

"I'm surprised you didn't need my confirmation for putting something into the inventory." Riva took a jab at the system.

[In response to user's accidental death, mandatory confirmation has been removed with the latest update]

"Sweet, so now I can use skills without needing to say, I really, really want to use them!"


"One last thing, where can I find the info about my life energy points?"

[... Requested feature not found]

Riva glanced at the display and sighed. I'm guessing they forgot about it when updating the UI.

"How much energy do I have at the moment?" She simply asked.

[30 points]

"That reminds me, now that the interface reacts to my thoughts, couldn't I speak to you through my mind?"

[System regained rudimentary thought support. Only pre-configured actions can be done while thinking about them. Conversation is not possible as of yet]


"How was the taste?" Rao greeted Riva who exited the cave.

"Decent." She didn't elaborate.

"Do different creatures taste different?" Rao showed curiosity.

"The more mana and lifespan the better." Riva kept her answer short. "What do we do, when we get back to Marinon? What happened to the investigation of the guild's records?"

"All done. We'll just need to pick it up at the guild." He replied with confidence.

"Your thralls' work?" Riva inquired.

"Not quite, but almost. You'll see."

"It's plain as day that she's keeping more than one secret. She's open yet guarded. I can tell that forcing her for information isn't going to help."

"She asked me for the records from three years ago from the adventurer's guild. It appears she was still alive and human back then. I'll have to investigate her past."

"I can use our deal regarding the license to ensure our next meeting."


[System's Explanation Corner]

*UI (User Interface) - The space where interaction between user and system occurs.

A system window is a very classic part of a UI. More specific it's considered to be a GUI (graphical user interface).

While we're at it, and HUD (heads up display) or status bar is the information displayed during active gameplay, classic examples are a health bar, minimap, toolbar, etc., and also considered part of the UI.

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