
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

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27 Chs

Chapter 7

Scorch finished wrapping up the cloud slashers wing with leaves and vines. 'How could QuiverWing remember a saying but not whats flirting and whats just friendly attitude?' he thought bitterly. He still felt a pain in his heart from when QuiverWing asked that dreaded question, he sighed and sat down watching for any movement. He clenched his jaw shut and his mind drifted to a memory he didn't know he had and he felt a little light headed. He remembers running towards an island he had not been to before, and once he got there he tried to look for a dragon he saw flying ahead. He found the sent of a chameleon dragon, he followed it and eventually found her.

"Woh watch it there keep your head of the ground" she was obviously a dueviniel.

"How else am I supposed to smell out a who is around" he tried to joke.

"You're undead?" She looked a little uncomfortable by the fact.

"Yes I am, you got a problem with that?" He asked but tried to keep a friendly tone.

"It's not something I see every day" she pointed out. He studied her expression trying to find out what situation he really is in, it looks like she is more curious then she'll emit. "How are you even alive?" She asked after a while, tilting her head.

"I'm not I'm undead" he laughed as that sentence actually made him laugh and he wasn't just trying to be friendly.

"But you're breathing doesn't that mean you're alive?" She was trying to smell his sent.

"I don't need to breathe it's just a habit from when I was alive" he explained.

"Wait doesn't that mean you died?" She looked concerned.

"Yes but it was peaceful, old age you know" he reinsured her with a grin.

"How old are you?" He could hear the youth with in her voice.

"Centeries I think" he shrugged, "what's your name?" He asked.

"QuiverWing, yours?" She had no suspicions.

"Scorch" he responded. She tilted her head and then a smile with excitement.

"Wait are you one of the original sky keepers?" Her tail was already wagging.

"Yes, yes I am" he nodded feeling like a celebrity. He could see her eyes widen and then she tackled hugged him, "that means we are related"

"Ok I get it you are very kin deprived" he said whilst being crushed by the chameleon dragon who was a lot hever then she looked.

"I'm not kin deprived" she argued. He nodded sycasticly and said "sure your not, but you do know that every chameleon dragon and original sky keepers are kin is a myth, right?". He asked her and she immediately started to shake her head "no it's not a myth, we are related" she said in a sturn voice.

"Alright do you have kin problems" he asked while getting up from her hug.

"No I love my kin and they love me, but I do wish more was still alive" she beryed her nose into the ground.

"Are they, not around anymore?" He asked in a soft voice.

"It's... only me and my mother and farther left now. After the frildons attacked the camp we were the only once left in the alfa blood line" she explained in a morning tone.

He felt pity or sympathy for her he rested his chin on her head in hopes it will cheer her up. "QuiverWing, QuiverWing were are you? We still have to go over your battle techniques!" A deep voice called for her.

"Oh I have to go. Coming farther!" She called back and scrambled to her feet and ran to the direction of her father. Scorch blinked and snapped back into reality, and saw the cloud slasher waking up. It blinked and looked startled and he tried to stand up, "hey easy there if you try to stand up now you could go into shock" Scorch explained.

"Were did that chameleon dragon go?" He said in a shaky voice.

"She's gone to a tree, she's not here basically. What happened to you? Why did she attack you?" Scorch needed to know what happened.

"I saw something move and I wasn't sure what it was so I stabbed to air and she appeared out of thin air" he continued to explain. "She snarled and flinged me off and my tail snapped, what could do that? And how could she be able to? But I saw her charge towards me and I tried to fly up but them I past out." He finished.

"She actually woke me up and brought me to you. She kinda saved your life" Scorch tried to defend her.

"I mean I can't mad at her because I was the one who attacked her first" he admitted.

"Do you have somewhere to go? You know a place were you could heal without worrying about something trying to kill you" he asked.

"My flock is thay way" he pointed his nose to the southern part on the island. Scorch lifted him of the ground and helped him to his flock, it only took him 20 minutes to reach the sleeping cloud slashers and sat him down and walked back to the tree he was staying at.

Once he got there he saw QuiverWing's scales were not invisible, he couldn't resist himself and layed down infront of her stomach. Once he layed down properly he felt QuiverWing pull him closer into her and her wing rest over him. "Don't say anything , I just need this" she almost snapped.

""Alright guess we'll speak in the morning" he felt a little hurt but yet a small flicker of hope inside his heart. He could tell that QuiverWing also felt awkward about the hole situation, "are at least a little bit tired?" Scorch whispered.

"No, you?" She whispered back.

"No... this is awkward" he pointed out and she giggled.

"Yeah it is" he felt her pull him closer and curl into a ball and he had rest his head on her shoulder. "What are you- ump" his wings jumped as he felt her suck on his right one. "Are you?" He asked nuzzling into her frill.

"Yes I didn't expect you to flinch so much" he could tell that she was holding back laughter.

"It's not something I feel suddenly every day" he argued, QuiverWing just giggled.

"I guess we're not fighting any more" she guessed.

"We had a fight?" Scorch honestly had no idea about it.

"Yeah you basically told me to bugger off when you said 'just let me consecrate'" she explained, "unless you actually wanted to consecrate?" He could tell she tried to keep eye contact.

"I do have a habit of having a angry tone when I'm not angry" he admitted.

"So then... what are we?" She asked with her full focus on him.

"Umm... that I don't really know" he said painfully slow.

"Well... I guess..." she started but couldn't finish.

"Can we just sleep?" He asked ploping his head on her shoulder.

"Yeah sure" she agreed tucking her head into her wings.

After half an hour he heard QuiverWing breath more lightly, which means she is asleep. He didn't fell the slightest bit tired and just kept repossessioning himself, being careful not to wake QuiverWing. After a while he managed to fall asleep. He woke up to QuiverWing stretching and knocking her wing on his chin, "Alright I'm awake, I'm awake" he said whilst standing up and stretching. They both got up, "so do you like to have fruit for breakfast?" He asked looking up at the fruit trees. "Umm are these foot prints your's?" QuiverWing asked looking down. Scorch looked at the prints, they were bigger than his but they are definitely undead sky keepers. "There is only one other undead sky keeper out there and that's my brother, Frostbite" he explained to QuiverWing.

"What's he doing here then?" She asked tilting her head.

"Don't know" he narrowed his eyes 'he must not be happy to see me cuddled up with a chameleon dragon' he guessed. 'He truly believes that all chameleon dragons are related to the original sky keepers and that's me, him and our two sisters, that are no longer with us' he bowed his head revisiting the gref of when his two younger sisters died. "Did something happen between you two?" QuiverWing asked "you look upset" she added.

"Just memories about my two sisters" Scorch somehow gasps. "The original sky keepers were me, my brother and our two sisters. We represented North, East, South and West. My brother is older then me and he is West, I'm East, the older sister is North and our youngest sibling is South. We all had an option to become undead when we were all dying of old age, me and Frostbite chose to be undead and our sisters didn't." He felt like he could barely finish that sentence.

"Well at least you still have your brother, right?" She spoke comforting and wrapping her wings around him with a hug.