
Chapter 3


I reread the chapters and decided to change something.Now 1 chapter will be published every 2 weeks at least.Also, please tell your own opinion about what I am writing. I will be glad for any feedback. UwU

P.s. Chapter 4 is already under development QwQ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Everything seems. I close the warehouse and set it on fire. I stand for a few minutes watching as the flames quickly engulf the building and confidently go to the car. On it I plan to get to the nearest highway, then hitchhiking to the city ...

Stop. I seem to have lost the remnants of my brain at the time of my death. Arriving in the car of the murdered person is like going to the bank with a counterfeit weapon. I pick up the scrap thrown by me. The windows of the car with the bell break ... The dense forest absorbs all the sounds, and silence again. And in life, a normal smile is painted on the face. In this life, everyone is forgotten, and to linger in history at least for a moment - you need to do something really significant. Although, even this does not guarantee memory - we forget everything. And I, too, gradually my murders will become fairy tales, and later will disappear completely ...

My young copy was looking at me from one of the broken windows. His face was abnormally pale, with a mocking smile.The tousled hair in places stuck together with blood ... Probably the only thing that attracted attention was the eyes. They were covered with a white film...then am I now something like Vanga? I will tell people with a serious face all sorts of crap and I will receive money for it. And let them understand it and look for meaning ... And this is an idea! Heh ... Funny. He is here with corpses in the barn and instead of taking everything valuable and running away , he laughs at his own reflection. Just super. time to get down to business.

I smash the rest of the windows in the car and set fire to its interior. It would be better to crash into the first better tree on it, but it's too risky.Even then fiddling with your DNA or fingerprints. I think there will be enough of my blood in the barn.

Well, like everything. I put all my valuables in my pocket. Scrap ... Where to leave. Take it with you is not an option...

The barn was gradually engulfed in flames. It was time for him to clean himself with fire. I made attempt and threw a crowbar into the wall of the burning building.He only slightly breaks the wood and with my help falls into the hole. If anything - walking in the woods, saw a broken car and a burning warehouse, wanted to help, heard someone and ran away. Although walking at night in the woods - sounds too much.Although the truth with 20% of lies always passes. The main thing is more details ... and a little blackmail, pinch of money.

I got rid of the scrap, time to go.During the descent on the road I was overtaken ... by a system notification.

[Congratulations on your first murder]

[Level raised]

[You get 2 skills]

[Updated mission list]

[for the first choice of the player he is given individual skills]

The last notification is definitely intriguing. However, it will be necessary to dig into the settings of this system. A couple of questions need to be clarified. As far as I understand, for certain actions, the system rewards me. In this case it was murder. , if to remember the postscript in a column of a profession certain questions disappear. So, in this case for murder and arson I was charged experience. I wonder, whether this list included what I did with that girl. - strangled for a couple of minutes and she was cut off. In the worst case for her, she must come to her senses burning alive. Even if the rescuer will have burns of 2 degrees or 3? Though then probably will die. Pushes on memories. Smell of burnt flesh, screams, taste of blood in a mouth ... good memories. My first ordered business. One office plankton, considered itself very clever so much that I decided to leave the boss. business not one year. Planned to run away with money to China. The key word planned. Took it at the airport. Eh ... it is mafia - its people everywhere. He transferred money to some fictitious accounts, eh all as always. We understanding people, why not to help to remember? However, business was entrusted not to that, and he almost died. I admit, it is possible to cut out his eye and to feed him, it was too much, however I didn't kill him. It is guilty, told him - to watch fire. And so with a half-corpse we cheerfully went to hospital. Then to wait 2 more hours while rescued it and took to ward. And here at last we are alone ...

Oh, and here and departure from the wood. In general, he remembered everything and even more than necessary.However the suit had to be given for cleaning ...

Oh, good memories. The main thing is to keep a good mood to the track, which can be seen 500 meters from the exit from the forest.Although, with my bipolar nothing can be known for sure ... because everything in this world is relative, including the family of a psychiatrist. Although his wife was good. It is a pity that it is used. It was necessary to be satisfied with the daughter.The boys and I then had a good time in front of him, and I didn't have to prescribe a horse dose of tranquilizers. And the Voices didn't like him either ...

I'm already walking on the highway for 20 minutes ... and no one has stopped. And if there was a girl, there would be a whole queue ...Eh, truckers are damn sexists. Where is the equality here?

Although I wouldn't stop the maneither . Unless there is a lack of money. And here the whole set itself asks to take it away. However so a couple of times I came across robbers, lunatics, refugees. Worst of all, strangely enough, was dealing with girls. You come to them with good intentions, well, just with intentions ... you take them to a motel or gas station, endure their monologue about life, wait for the devil's discharge and here. What happens - what you expected in the end - it's a man .And fuck, at the most inopportune moment. In today's world where you can make your face, chest, take hormones ... how hard it is to liveWell thought the faithful M1911 is always near ...

I walk half an hour, maybe an hour. And so far the only thing that surprised me was the advertising of certain cars. In addition to the usual advertising signs were They. Photo of adult men and women in suits. For the most part, they were in tight-fitting suits with raincoats. When I looked at them, the only thing that came to mind was the heroes. Their very existence served as proof of human weakness.

Instead of their own defense, they invented those - who are supposedly able to do it. It remains only to understand how lucky I was ... Marvel or DS, that's the question. An alien in latex or a dude in a mouse suit ... a difficult choice.

Most products were advertised by one character. The Patriot recommends - I'm already a little tired of these appeals.

Seriously, I could think of something more banal: Hero, Savior or just Man. The fantasy is clearly not his. It's weird, but I don't even remember it. Dachshund, a woman with a rope, hears that he ate squirrels and greens, a doctor who considers himself a magician, a god, a teenager who throws white cloth, I do not remember any patriot ... Although more like a parody of Superman...

And finally a truck stopped near me ...

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