A 14 year old boy with a I don't care attitude meets a bubbly boy with blue hair will he discover his true feelings or suppress them?
Have you ever realized how many whispers you can hear in a middle school hallway? The answer is a lot. I'm not even trying to hear but every corner I turn I hear things I don't want to know like "did you know Jenna's dad has diebetes" or "Sam is so hot look at him walking down the hall in those tight pants". Okay yes, he does look amazing in those pants but I don't need to know that. Ringggggggg. "Ughhh" my first period sucks and it's all the way across the school Mr.lance is going to give me detention for being late. I finally make it to class but right before I walk in I hear one more whisper "the new boy is so cute". I'm confused until I look into my classroom a new boy with bright blue hair is sitting in the seat next to mine. Right before I walk in Mr.lance spots me and tells me to go to the office "what did I do this time"? There is about ten people in the office but I don't see the superintendent anywhere. I sit down next to jack who probably got in trouble for fighting again but I'm waiting there for a while. Rinnnggg. "Great I'm gonna be late again". Finally, Mr.Drew walks in "ahhh your the younge man I was hoping to see". I hope so because I've been here for a while. "will you show the new student around today please"? He asks with hopeful eyes. "sure, but why me"? "You are the only one who has him in all your classes". As I walk to second period the Bell to lunch rings so I just head there. I'm the first one to lunch so I can sit anywhere but I always sit in the corner. I grabbed my food ,it looks kinda like blood, I'm not going to eat I'll just sit here reading like I usually do. I got my book out, it's a romance book so I get made fun of but I don't care. I'm about to start reading when the blue haired kid sits down next to me, smiles and says "so this is where all the cute boys sit". I don't know what to say but words just flow out of my mouth "it is now that you sat down". The boy with blue hair became the boy who was blushing and so was I. Ive never blushed this hard what is wrong am I sick? It's just cute silence but soon turns akward until he says "hello I'm Adam". He holds his hand out for me to shake but I hesitate. I shake his hand "I'm Thomas". "Nice to meet you I transfered from Weston". He says happily. We talked all lunch until the Bell rung. I never had anyone to talk to. But the fun didn't stop there the next period was science and I had Adam in that class (and all of them) we got in trouble so we had to go to the office. "Boys how did you already get sent to the office Adam it's your first day" Mr.Drew asks angrily. "It was my fault"! Adam screams. "No it's my fault"! I didn't even realize I was talking. Mr.Drew pauses "fine you both have detention after school today"!