
chapter3:the half history of the fallen bothers

I was dream like state again? I was deep in a thought when I heard a woman voice she said lord come quickly. as he did and he said who is he as the lord shouted out ,and said chin him up no question asked and don't talk back. I want to torture him to see where is his father lord asaka locationed to fight him to the death. meanwhile I wanted to wake up but can't why. lord one eye why is this necessary one of knight said.you want to know? yes the knight said. but it will cost you.ok the knight said . ok it all started with one men named lord asaka head of demon tribe and the first person with the demon ability and is my brother and sorry no body can hear this again. what are talking about the knight said in confused. you must die one eye said. stay away you beast said the knight. stop resisting own death as one eye killed his own knight and laugh about and you shouldn't resist your own fate poor knight.