
Crafter- Nifla Khadir

Crafter Interview: Craft Artistry

Today's interview is with Fathima Nifla Khadir, a crafter and student who currently lives in Colombo, Sri Lanka. I met her at my high school. I was attracted to her neat and active personality. Her modern crafting skills opened my eyes to a world of magic.

We, at bloomlife are delighted that Nifla was able to take some time from her busy schedule to answer a few questions about being a crafter.

Team Bloomlife: "Welcome aboard with us Madam! Pleasant greetings to you."

Nifla: "Hello! Anytime! It is indeed an amazing opportunity for me to introduce myself and how I work. It's an absolute pleasure and I appreciate the team for considering me to be a part of this initiative."

Team Bloomlife: First and foremost, please share some words about yourself.

I am Nifla Khadir, a high school student. I am an Indian who was brought up in Sri Lanka. I am someone who loves crafting, painting, lettering and anything to do with creativity. Apart from that, I'm an ambivert, an opacarophile and quite a friendly person.

Did you ever envision yourself as an entrepreneur?

Never in a million years did I think that I would be doing a business all by myself. My school once held a competition on entrepreneurship. I thought of taking part in it because of all the potential I possessed. In fact, it was all a 24-hour plan!

How did you come up with your brand name?

The love I have for crafting is much more than I have for anything else! I wanted to tag along with the word 'Craft' but it was too vague hence I brainstormed and found the word 'artistry' there after it became 'Craft Artistry'.

Was it challenging to create a customer base?

My first customers were students as the competition was held in school. My product range was based on their interests, which I was aware of since I come from their age group.

Do you have any pricing strategies?

There isn't any strategy, but I give my 100% dedication to everything I do. Thereafter, I am happy and wholeheartedly accept any response I receive.

What is your motivating factor to create a masterpiece?

My family, friends and lovely customers. They are the definite reason for the height I have reached and for me to be attending this interview. The appreciation I get from them after completing a painting or a craft is beyond measure and the unconditional support I get after I post in my feed is always a surprise!

Break us a myth about online purchasing!

"Handmade craft items are not of good quality when purchased online!"

In truth, when you purchase handmade crafts online you can have them customize accordingly and they are completely made with love!

Could you share with us a moment where crafting helped you in life?

At school, I found the net diagrams in math to be fun, while others found it to be a bit difficult. Whenever I am facing a problem, crafting has helped me cope. I even fixed pipe leakages with the tapes I use for crafting!

"I sketch down every single detail before I start and I keep referring to it even if I am not sticking to the exact thing"

~Nifla Khadir~

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

In another five years I want to be strong mentally and physically! I would want to establish the business and make crafting my full-time occupation while living the moment. Now, I have no plans of opening a crafting store.

What would you like to convey to the aspiring youth out there?

LISTEN TO YOUR INNER SELF! I bet you won't regret it. There will be more people gossiping about you than the ones who would believe you, but these gossipers may become your future customers. Make your intentions clear and strong. NEVER GIVE UP!

Team Bloomlife: Thank you very much for your valuable time participating in our online magazine.

Nifla: Thank you for having me! I had a wonderful time and it feels like I have accomplished something in my life.

"I don't have a workstation yet; I have started preparing for it!"

~Nifla Khadir~

Dear readers, thank you so much for reading our interview with Nifla Khadir. Wishing you a pleasant day!


Interviewee: craft_artistry (Instagram)

( https://www.instagram.com/craft_artistry/?hl=en )

Host: Bloomlife ( www.bloomlife3.wordpress.com )

Editor: Nuha Maqshood

Photography: Nifla Khadir


Spotify Podcast: https://anchor.fm/bloomlife/episodes/Crafter-Nifla-Khadir-e14ea7o



Wordpress: https://bloomlife3.wordpress.com/2021/07/14/crafter-nifla-khadir/

LinkedIn: Zainab Cader

Webnovel: https://inkstone.webnovel.com/novels/view/18228011505791505