
The Blood of Spirits

Penulis: veejuon
Sedang berlangsung · 7.2K Dilihat
  • 11 Bab
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  • NO.200+

What is The Blood of Spirits

Baca novel The Blood of Spirits yang ditulis oleh penulis veejuon yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. They say myths are just myths, but in the world of unnatural myths are everything. I've always seen the unnatural, I seen two worlds in one, labeled crazy I kept it a secret, until the day I was stole...


They say myths are just myths, but in the world of unnatural myths are everything. I've always seen the unnatural, I seen two worlds in one, labeled crazy I kept it a secret, until the day I was stolen from my home and forced to learn the ways of living with the unnatural.

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Rufus: The killing bear

Carlos is a Pathetic man that works for a run-down digital newspaper company. Carlos never really had any interests so he just did what he had to do for the company and that was it, until one day, Carlos started to read digital novels. Carlos loved digital novels especially ones were the main character would get a system, but he quickly lost interest as it seemed every single one about a system was basically the same. Carlos was doing a lunch run for his co-workers when he came across a large group of people huddled around a dead body. Carlos's interests was still basically nothing so he payed no attention to the body and turned around to leave, but the food was gone and then a hand was put on his shoulder. "HOW COULD YOU TURN AWAY FROM A DEAD BODY YOU PR*CK!" This scream startled Carlos as he was thrown onto the ground with a loud *thud*. Carlos was thrown right next to the dead body, as Carlos had a look at it he saw a bame tage that stated "Hi my name is Rufus". After noticing that he looked but at his attackers and the only thing he saw was a foot flying at him. Everything went dark and when Carlos awakened he was surrounded by a shrowd od darkness and he heard. "Are you ready for a second chance at life Rufus?" Rufus? ohhhh she means the dead dude next to me, wait then why am I here. This was the start to Carlos's painful durney with the system but with the help of the system will he become all powerful or a lasy dude who would use his power to live like, yet again a pathetic person.

duck_alternate44 · perkotaan
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Love at first bite Tagged as an adulterous woman, Branded as a slut, Stripped of her heirloom, Bereaved of her child.. Sapphire felt the earth repelled her existence, people laughed, mocked and ridiculed her "A one time slut"They sang Alone between the heavens and the embers,All that Revolved when she had a Bite Of The Notorious Lord!!!!!... "Take me with you" With a cynical laugh he asked "Why should I?" "Milord, I can be of help to you, you have no child" she gathered courage to say as she watched the look in his eyes change for a brief second before he narrowed his eyes at her. "Woman you are in no position to bargain with me, go home" his reply was curt "Home! She scoffed "I've no home, No family waiting for me"Sapphire lips quivered as she spoke, she fought the tears that threatened to roll down her eyes, she had to be strong for her son.. She was in a sorry shape, she had taken a ferocious whip to her back and her skin had been shredded into bloody fibres, her legs and the bottom of her feet had also taken a beating as blood dripped from the deep gash on her right leg . He clasped his hands behind his back "I feel offended woman, are you so desperate to climb to the top" Sapphire could not argue with his conclusion, she needed his protection for her son's future, even though for a temporary abode. She had made up her mind. "My apologies milord----" she began "But if worth it, I'll use every fiber in my body to protect my son". Lord Typhon wasn't certain how to proceed, in truth he was astonished that she would turn to him for protection. Didn't the daft woman realize what she was getting herself into? He decided to enlighten her. "You won't survive for so long even with my protection, if words got out not only you would pay the price even your son will be tinted, even the Esporio's family can't protect him" She attempted a smile and said "I have thought of all the possibilities that could happen and I'll use it as an advantage to climb to the top with your help milord" This craze woman wasn't embracing reality, he looked at her eyes which held emptiness, death, she wasn't far from it.. her resilience preyed him to lend a digit, he was a man of reasons and she gave him one. After a moments thought, Lord Typhon finally considered her request "It'll be thrilling to see that resilience of yours been trampled to the ground Woman...." She gave him a reason..... The love of a MOTHER!!!!...

Doris_Roberts_5605 · Sejarah
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Shadow Knight :The Princess' Bodyguard

Decades ago, in the Gamel Empire, which comprised of five countries—Glycenia, inhabited by the elementals; Alatrin, home to the witches; Meridia, the domain of sirens; Elysia, where the shifters resided; and Lyra, predominantly inhabited by humans—peace and harmony prevailed as each nation went about their daily lives. However, the stability of the empire came under threat when the King of Alatrin, consumed by a hunger for power, sought to expand his dominion. He set his sights on Glycenia, a country equal in strength to his own. On the day of the King's wedding, The King of Alatrin launched a surprise attack on Glycenia, successfully conquering and subjugating it. Elysia suffered the same fate, their people reduced to slaves under the oppressive rule of the Alatrin kingdom. Years passed, and the horrifying events became part of history, etching their scars into the collective memory of the oppressed nations. The King of Glycenia, having married and fathered children, witnessed the suffering endured by his people under Alatrin's tyrannical reign. His firstborn son, the crown prince, grew to detest the way the Alatrin royal family treated their subjects. He despised the sight of his father being forced to bow before the King of Alatrin, a gesture meant to humiliate and assert dominance. Driven by resentment and a desire for justice, the crown prince vowed to bring Alatrin to its knees. He vowed to destroy the royal family of the Alatrin palace, especially the Queen, and reduce them to the same state of slavery and subjugation they had inflicted on him and his people. His ultimate goal was to restore Glycenia to its former glory, as the Alatrins themselves would kneel before them. However, his path would not be without obstacles. As he infiltrated the Alatrin palace, his sole aim was to eliminate the royal family, until an unexpected twist occurred—he found himself captivated by the princess. She was the last child and youngest princess of  The King of Alatria;the beloved child of the King's favorite wife. She had recently celebrated her royal initiation ball and was in search of an eligible knight to accompany her.           Initially irritated that fate had tied him to her, the crown prince soon discovered that the princess, far from being a frail and delicate figure, possessed a remarkable depth and strength of character. As the tale unfolds, secrets will be unveiled, blood will be shed, love will blossom, and hatred will fester. The journey will be fraught with twists and turns, but only by persisting until the end will you be able to discover the ultimate resolution.

Celine_Cecil · Fantasi
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  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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General Audiencesmature rating