
Bonding with the blood king

Standing in total shock for a moment while I get to grips with the current event, Drago is kissing me. He has both hands on either side of my face with a forceful and passionate kiss, he was claiming me... I don't care I love it. I return his kiss and part my mouth, his tongue gladly enters my mouth and meets with mine. I run my hands through his hair while wrapping my legs round his hips, I mean he is my husband after all. He carries me up stairs to my bedroom, not breaking our kiss once. He gently places me on the bed and climbs on, he breaks the kiss to remove my dress. He stops and stares at me for a while "Beautiful" he said as he removes his top and starts to kiss me again. I got a glimpse of his body and my legs turned to jelly, good thing I'm already laying down. He has big strong muscly arms with strong tight pecks and an 8 pack. He has a beautiful dragon tattoo going from his left peck, over his shoulder and down his arm. He looks as though the gods themselves sculpted him! I start running my hands all over his body feeling every last rippling muscle, I can feel how wet I am! He starts kissing down my neck, past my clavicle to reach his destination.. my bra. He rips it open with his teeth exposing my bare breasts, he slowly and sensually starts to kiss my Breast with the occasional nip. When above my nipple he put it between his teeth sucking and pulling with the occasional biting, his hands roaming my hips and arse. "Hmmm" a small groan escapes my lips before I could stop it, he makes his way down to my nickers, again he tears them off with his teeth leaving me completely exposed. "You are so stunning" he said as he stood up to admire me, I was desperate to feel him inside of me. As if he could read my mind he removed his trousers and pants leaving his mighty throbbing cock exposed, my face turned to fear when I saw the full length and thickness of it. I'm never going to be the same again! He leaned back over me kissing my neck, making my teeth elongate. I had to bite into my lip for some blood because at this rate I really would bite him. He slowly inserts two fingers to make sure I'm ready to take his manlyhood, they slide in with ease and he starts to play inside me. Pushing up to find my g spot. Oh my god!. He starts to push against it, harder and faster. I'm so close to coming. "Please" I beg, and he pulls his finger out. NO! I need him, before I can protest to him he draws his head down and starts to lick "hmm so sweet, come for me baby" he start to lick continuously while playing with my clitoris, I can't take much more. This time in a ferocious demanding voice he says "Come!" He wasn't asking me, he was telling me. Finally he palls out his tongue to bite my clit, I can't contain it and I release. My toes were curling under the pressure and my head feels so hot, I arch my spine and finally relax. My god. But before I could react he pushes the full length of of cock into me! I squeal from the pain but it was so amazingly painful, I wanted more. I wrap my legs around his hips as he starts to move, pushing further inside of me, I feel as though he's going to burst through my abdomen. He gets faster and faster, the pain had turned purely to pleasure. Harder and harder he pushes, I scream out his name "DRAGO" his face turns to a victorious grin. "YOU.ARE.MINE!" He grunts each word, In that moment I truly was. "Come for me Drago, I want to feel you release inside me" I plead with him, a few moments later I feel his cocked pulsing inside of me followed by hot squirts of liquid filling me up. I literally can't contain myself, I come hard and fast matching with Drago. Almost in a haze, I don't think I can take any more "AGAIN" he says in a rough grunting animalistic voice. He grabs my hips and flips me on to all fours, he pushes himself back into me and goes again. Resting one hand on my hip, the other pulling my hair. He pumps harder and faster into me, "more!" I beg. Hours past and I can no longer keep track of the amount of times he fucked me. After finishing he clearly wants to sleeps so he spoons into me nestling his face into my neck. It took everything in my power not to bite him and mark him, I'm not even he sure he knows about marking. I'll have to ask him tomorrow, soon I drift off to sleep.

I awake to find Drago is nowhere to be seen, but the evidence of last night was clear as day. One of the posts on the 4 bed post had been cracked, torn pillows and som claw marks on the wall. My vagina purred with the memories of the night. I need a shower. I hop in the warm shower washing away the smell of Drago, after the shower I walk to wardrobe. Un decided on what to wear, I go for a little red lacy dress that's long in the back and short in the front, I put on red heels and pin my hair up into two French braids. I wonder down stairs to see lily in the kitchen cooking up a delicious smelling breakfast, I see Drago in the garden on the phone. "Hi lily how are you?" I say sitting on the island table watching her cook " Good morning Sapphire, how are you? How did you sleep, or do you not sleep? Sorry I'm still understanding your ways haha" she says looking a little awkward "it's fine lily, we can sleep but it isn't needed. But I do sleep as it helps pass the time, if you live for as long as I have and never sleep it gets very boring and long" I said with a smile "that makes sense" she said thinking to herself for a while "is it's deep sleep or is it more light? Can you hear things happing around you? Also would you like some breakfast?" I'm glad she's feeling more confident around me "it's like a nap, you can hear everything but it's dulled down, almost like when you're ima room full of people talking and you glaze over. You can hear what they say but you're not really listing or paying attention. I'm okay thank you, I can eat but it doesn't satisfy hunger. I can eat but it's more for looks, so I appear human. How have you been? I haven't seen you for a couple of days" I ask changing the subject. "That's incredibly interesting, I've learnt so much since meeting you Sapphire. I've been well thank you, just spent a few days off relaxing to be honest. What about you?" "Well I showed Drago how to hunt for blood, we even had-" before I could finish that sentence Drago walked in "Good morning Sapphire, Lily. Something smells delicious!" He said taking the Seat next to me, "I've made you a full English sir" lily said while dishing it up. "Great, I do love a hearty breakfast! Thanks Lily, can you clean upstairs. We made a mess last night" Drago said putting his arm around my shoulder, I could feel my face flush red with embarrassment! "Yes sir, right away" lily took one last look at me, almost apologetic and disappeared up stairs.

Drago started to devour his breakfast, "how are you feeling today?" He asked. "Slightly sore, but good. You?" I asked, the memory's of last night flashing through my mind. "Great, thanks to you. My little wife." He said smiling, after shovelling another fork full of food into his mouth he asks "why didn't you bite me last night?" That's a bit personal. "I didn't want to lose control and mark you, or drink your blood." I said quietly, "mark? I thought werewolf's marked their mates? I told you to drink my blood last night, did I not?" He said eyeing me carefully. "Vampires have mates also, but we can chose to mark others as well. Werewolf's mark their mate and pretty tattoos appear unique to them. When a vampire marks their mate or someone they chose, you see the bite mark permanently on their neck. Marking you as theirs, if a vampire is marked it's untouchable. Some males like to mark as many women as they can claiming them, you can't force a mark or it will look all blurred and terrible. But a mark that both vampires take will show a clear bite mark of their fangs, unmistakable for anything else. I didn't want to drink your blood, I told you. I don't want to hurt you." I said looking down with my arms crossed, Drago got up from his finished plate and walked to me. He lifestyle up my face and said "You can't hurt me baby, besides I saw how happy that wretched human looked. I want to try it" "fine" I whispered "I'll try it tonight, but first me and lily are going to have a girly day" he released my chin and looked at me confused, "you and lily huh? Friends, who knew. Fine, I have business to do anyway. I'll see you tonight" he said bending down and kissed me quickly before leaving. I can't believe my eyes, it's like he's had a personality transplant, but it can't help but be attracted to him.

Lily was thrilled to have a girly day, we went into town for our hair to be done as well as a massage and pedicure. "So you and drago huh?" She asked jestingly as we were having our back massages. After explaining the event of last night she randomly asked "you used protection right?" Hahah "don't worry 'mum' a vampire can't get pregnant by anything other than another vampire, besides there's rules for vampires to become pregnant" she looked at me confused "rules?" She asked. " yes, the most successful way to conceive is with your marked mate. If not then it has to be during a blood moon." "I've read about the blood moon, you can get pregnant with another creature during a blood moon right?" Hmm I don't actually know. "I'm not very sure, my dad always told me it has to be a vampire, most likely because he doesn't want a dirty blooded vampire in the family. I just believed him, I guess it's possible. Especially if that other creature was your mate. But there's no record of vampires having other creatures as their mates, wolves do occasionally but vampires are pure blooded. My family have 40 generations of pure blood born vampires, it's why I'm so powerful and my gift is extremely rare". "Your gift?" She asked me "Yeah, some born vampires have gifts, my mum could for-see the future, my grandad could read minds. I can control all the elements, although I struggle to control fire at times. Good thing I'm fireproof" whops, that's a secret. "But that's suppose to be a secret, only my dad knows, please keep it that way?" Lily looked at me with a gentle smile, "of course I will, it's a good thing too. You don't want to get burnt by a dragon around here, does Drago know?" "No, I actually told him if I'm not fed you could kill me with fire, I wasn't really thinking. I feel bad but I don't want him to know." Her lips formed a very thin line, it was silent for the rest of the massage. "Come let's head back, Drago would probably be worried about you" she said getting dressed. I wonder if I've upset her? I hope not, I see her as a good friend, my only friend here.