
The Black Wizard

In a new fantasy realm, Cain finds himself reborn as the son of a high-ranking Marquis. Hoping to become a Holy Knight and live his life in peace, he is shocked to discover the existence of a group known as wizards, whom even the strongest Holy Knights pale in comparison to. Follow Cain's journey as he sets out to become a dark wizard, determined to ascend to the pinnacle of this world. .............................. As a new writer, this is my first novel, and as a non-English speaker, there might be some errors so please bear with it. Thanks.

Lucifer_Arcnine · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 9

Third Person POV,

Now looking at the options available, he sorted out three of them: the Dark Forest, Shadowgrave, and Dark Hounds. According to the information on the sheet, these three were among the top second-order academies that majored in the darkness element.

After that, Cain went through the choices continuously in his mind. After some time, he decided to choose Shadowgrave. Although it was only slightly stronger than Dark Hounds, the wizards there were less chaotic in nature compared to the other two academies.

He found the tent of Shadowgrave Academy, identified by a badge with a dark grave on it.

After taking a deep breath, he went inside the tent. The interior arrangement of this tent was similar to the one where they measured their talents and attributes, but the only difference was a young man sleeping with his head on a table, a stack of paper on his left side.

Suddenly, the young man woke up. Opening his eyes, he looked towards Cain. Focusing on his badge, he said with a little joy, "Good, good, another one with four-star talent. Hey boy, now tell me your name." Saying this, he took out a paper from the stack on his left side.

"Cain Ravenclaw."


"Eleven years old."

As he was asking for the information, some unknown text-like things appeared on the paper automatically. Seeing Cain paying attention, he said, "It is Elbef, the common language spoken in the wizarding continent."

After that, he continued filling out some other information, and after finishing, the paper disappeared from his front.

"Well, you can wait in the tent to the left of this one, or take a walk outside. We will start departing in about an hour."

"Yes, wizard."

"Ahaha, don't be nervous. I am only a third-order wizard apprentice, not yet a wizard. You can just call me Brother Oron."

"Yes, Senior Brother Oron."

"Now you can go," said Oron, implying that Cain could leave.

After leaving the tent, Cain went for a walk outside to pass the time. After roaming for about 40 minutes, he thought about going back.

"Here, Cain!" Hearing the familiar voice, he looked in its direction and saw Jack with Jessica coming towards him.

Looking at their chests, they had badges with three stars on them.

"Cain, have you joined an academy?" asked Jack, looking at Cain's badge. Although he didn't show it, Cain could feel a little envy in his eyes.

"Ah, yes, I have joined Shadowgrave Academy. What about you and the others?"

"Aha, Jessica and I have joined the Tower of Waves, as we both major in water and ice elements respectively. As for James, I met him before, and he was talking about applying to Storm Academy, which majors in wind and thunder elements. As for Lawrence, I haven't seen him since the talent testing."

Recalling the Tower of Waves and Storm Academy, he remembered that they were also powerful second-order academies. For Lawrence, all he could do was hope that Lawrence also got into a good academy, as they had traveled here together and still had a bit of friendship.

After chatting with them for about five minutes, he remembered that there were only about 15 minutes left before departure.

"Well, James and Jessica, it's time for me to say goodbye. I hope when we meet next time, we can all become official wizards."

"Ahahaha, thanks for your good words, and the same goes for you," replied James, while Jessica nodded with a polite smile.

After saying goodbye, Cain went towards the tent of Shadowgrave Academy. Entering the tent on the left, he saw around 60-70 candidates sitting or standing inside. Walking in, Cain felt some eyes on him, but not paying them any mind, he found a place to sit in an empty corner. While he was waiting, about 10-16 more candidates came in and settled in different places.

After waiting for more than 10 minutes, the sound of footsteps was heard, and Oron came in, followed by a man who looked about 25-28 years old. The man was wearing a black wizard's robe with white patterns and a badge on his chest printed with a single star.

"All of you, this is Wizard Draven, who will be responsible for taking us to Shadowgrave Academy," introduced Oron.

As the candidates were about to greet Wizard Draven, he cut them off.

"No need to waste time, you all follow me," said Wizard Draven. The candidates stood there, stunned for a while.

Shrugging his shoulders, Oron remarked, "Well, you heard Wizard Draven. Instead of standing here stupidly, start following him."

Coming out of their stupor, they all started following Wizard Draven.

After following him for a while, they left the area where the wizard academies had arranged tents.

Then, Wizard Draven took out a small device from his pocket. When he threw it to the ground, the device instantly enlarged to a large size. With some screeching sounds, a hole opened from which a large magpie emerged.

Looking at such a large bird, all the people except Wizard Draven and Oron were shocked.

Not minding their shock, Wizard Draven waved his hand, and nearly half of the candidates, including Cain, were directly sent flying to the back of the magpie. With a second wave, the other half were also sent there.

Shrinking the device again and putting it back in his pocket, Wizard Draven, along with Oron, got on the back of the magpie.

"Set off," commanded Wizard Draven. The magpie opened its wings and started to fly.

As the magpie soared into the sky, the landscape below began to blur into a tapestry of vibrant colors and shifting shapes.The thrill of flight filled Cain with exhilaration, the rush of air against his face and the rhythmic beating of the magpie's wings amplifying his excitement. Around him, other candidates gasped in awe and exchanged eager glances, their earlier apprehensions forgotten in the face of this breathtaking journey.

Cain marveled at how he and the other candidates were unaffected by the rush of air.He realized that Wizard Draven must have cast some kind of protective spell around them, shielding them from the biting wind and pressure during the journey, thus again renewing his awe for the power wizards poccess.