
The Black Wizard

In a new fantasy realm, Cain finds himself reborn as the son of a high-ranking Marquis. Hoping to become a Holy Knight and live his life in peace, he is shocked to discover the existence of a group known as wizards, whom even the strongest Holy Knights pale in comparison to. Follow Cain's journey as he sets out to become a dark wizard, determined to ascend to the pinnacle of this world. .............................. As a new writer, this is my first novel, and as a non-English speaker, there might be some errors so please bear with it. Thanks.

Lucifer_Arcnine · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 8

**Cain's POV**

Seeing the continuing silence, though uncomfortable, my curiosity got the better of me. "Jack, do you know what Wizard Bach meant by the problems he would face?" I asked.

Jack snapped out of his stupor at my words. Noticing that everyone else was also paying attention, he began to explain. "Ah, now that you mention it, I know something about it. Wizards are mainly divided into two factions: the White Wizards and the Dark Wizards. White Wizards study natural elements like fire, wind, earth, ice, and so on. Dark Wizards, on the other hand, study dark elements like shadow, death, flesh, and blood."

Taking a deep breath, he continued, "Most Dark Wizards are influenced by these negative elements and become bloodthirsty and even mad. One moment they might see you as a friend, and the next, you could be on their experiment table. Despite their cruelty, generally Dark Wizards are generally far stronger in combat than White Wizards."

Jack paused, gathering his thoughts before going on. "The problem Wizard Bach mentioned likely involves intervention from other White Wizards. If someone from this boat becomes a strong White Wizard, they might not say much about a few deaths. However, a large number of deaths would force them to demand compensation from Wizard Bach."

Seeing that everyone was listening intently, Jack divulged more information. "I've heard from the wizard apprentice associated with our family that when we reach the Isle Continent, we'll undergo tests to check our talents and elemental affinities. Only then can we apply to join a preferred wizard academy. Those not chosen must become wild wizards, lacking systematic knowledge and having to gather resources on their own. So, even if you join a rank 1 academy, it's better than not joining one at all."

Listening to Jack's words, we got a preview of how selection in wizard academies would proceed. After talking for a while, we went to our rooms.

Locking the door, I went straight to bed. Lying there, I recalled the scene in the cafeteria. The noble boy wasn't even a knight apprentice, but the creature that crawled out of his body made me feel a constant death threat. It was like a small cat turning into a bloodthirsty tiger before my eyes. And that monster was just something Wizard Bach created randomly, so one can only imagine how powerful a wizard himself is.

Feeling mentally exhausted from everything that had happened, I unknowingly fell asleep.


The rest of the journey was smooth. After seeing Wizard Bach punish the noble boy, nobody wanted to get on his bad side, and there were no further incidents. After picking up two more batches of children with wizard talent from the next two continents, the boat set off towards the Isle Continent, under whose jurisdiction we fell.

Although the sailors said it might take three months to reach the Isle Continent, good weather and smooth sailing got us there about a week early.

Standing on the top deck, we saw a large piece of land approaching. After a few hours, we docked. Once the boat was secured, a staircase-like structure extended from the side of the boat.

"All of you, come down without making a fuss," came Wizard Bach's lazy voice from below.

Still afraid of him, we disembarked in an orderly manner.

"Follow me," Wizard Bach commanded, and we walked in a particular direction.

After ten minutes, we saw a large number of luxurious tents ahead of us.

Continuing to follow Wizard Bach, we stopped in front of the largest tent.

"Bach, your batch is the last to arrive. The other academies are tired of waiting, so hurry up and bring all the children here," came an old voice. I looked towards the source and saw an old man wearing a robe made of various plant materials.

"Che, I know, Fraun. Mind your own business," Wizard Bach retorted, entering the largest tent.

After half a minute, he came out and instructed us to enter one at a time. The first child went in and came out a minute later wearing a token on his chest with two stars.

The line started shortening, and soon it was my turn. All the children who went in came out wearing badges with at least one star and at most five stars. When a child with five stars emerged, he attracted the attention of both Wizard Bach and Fraun.

Finally, it was my turn. Inside, I found a middle-aged man sitting in front of two orbs. He showed no expression and said, "Place your hand on the right orb to check your wizard qualification."

I did as instructed, and the orb showed four stars.

"Good, a four-star talent," the man remarked, a slight change in his expression.

"Now place your hand on the left orb."

Following his order, I put my hand on the left orb. It glowed black and blue: about 78% black, 21% blue, and 1% a mixture of many colors.

"Major in darkness with a minor in water element," the man observed.

He handed me a badge with four stars. Pinning it on, I left the tent and joined the other candidates.

After some time, all the candidates had finished their tests. Wizard Fraun stepped in front of us.

"Now that you have your badges, let me introduce myself. I am Wizard Fraun, a 1st Order Wizard from the academy Ring of Life. Take these and choose the academy you want to join accordingly."

As he spoke, a stack of paper appeared in his hand, then it transformed into birds, and landed in our hands.

Looking through the paper, I understood all the information it contained. Firstly, the talents were divided into five ranks, from the lowest 1 star to the highest 5 stars. Mine was 4 stars, meaning it had increased from 3 stars before using the cheat.

Secondly, the academies we could choose from were primarily based on our elemental affinities. For example, a person with a high affinity for fire would likely be rejected by an academy specializing in flesh and blood.

Based on my affinities, the most suitable academy for me would be one focused on Dark Wizards. Even though I had a minor affinity for water, which could allow me to join a White Wizard academy, many White Wizards are reluctant to accept students with a major affinity for dark-related elements and he will be discriminated there heavily.