
The Black Rebellion

Penulis: Daoist832417
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What is The Black Rebellion

Baca novel The Black Rebellion yang ditulis oleh penulis Daoist832417 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. one young boy fight for his country...


one young boy fight for his country

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A man can't be PRETTY and HANDSOME at the same time!!

In a world of clandestine operations and hidden agendas, Damien finds himself trapped between survival and deception. His background as the son of a powerful mafia leader, carrying the notorious surname "Montefalco," forces him into a desperate charade. To protect his own life, Damien must masquerade as a girl, concealing his true identity from his father's enemies who relentlessly hunt him down. The Montefalco name holds immense power, making Damien a target for countless forces seeking to dismantle the renowned mafia empire. As he navigates the dangerous dance of friendship and rivalry, Damien discovers a shocking truth: he possesses a latent power, a force that could potentially shape the course of this battle between warring factions. Unbeknownst to Damien, a secret gathering of cloaked figures plans his destiny. Their leader, an enigmatic figure emanating authority and power, reveals that Damien's resistance and the uncontrollable nature of his emerging abilities are crucial to their grand design. Manipulating his journey, they seek to harness his powers for their own insidious cause. With skepticism lingering, the red-haired girl questions the risks involved. What if Damien's powers spiral out of control? The leader's dark amusement surfaces, assuring her that this resistance is precisely what they desire. Damien's struggles will act as a catalyst for their final objective. They have taken precautions, ensuring he remains within their grasp. As plans unfold and destinies intertwine, Damien becomes a pawn in a dangerous game of manipulation and power. The shadows conceal the identities of those involved, their loyalties bound by shared objectives. In the midst of their covert machinations, Damien's fate hangs in the balance, his true potential on the brink of revelation. The world Damien thought he knew is about to crumble, and he finds himself at the epicenter of a battle with consequences far beyond his imagination. As the secrets unravel, the clash between Damien and those who seek to control him becomes inevitable. His journey will test his strength and force him to make choices that will shape his own path in the face of overwhelming forces. In this thrilling tale of survival, friendship, and rivalry, Damien's secret identity hangs in the balance. Will he manage to outwit his enemies and emerge victorious? Or will his secret be exposed, spreading like a virus, endangering not only his life but also the fate of the entire world? Dive into this gripping narrative to uncover the answers, where the stakes are high, and the battle for power reaches its peak.

anjerika · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


陈牧,西部某大学历史学副教授。 其父临终前,给了他一个双鱼玉佩。告诉他在罗布泊中心,有一处类似人耳耳廓的深处,是地球与宇宙间唯一的平行交汇点。 其父当年曾是某科考队队员,协助一位科学家进入那里。多年来,他一直承担着“谋害”这名科学巨匠的恶名。 现实中的陈牧博学多识却愤世嫉俗,因与学院领导交恶、与妻子婚姻破裂,加上父亲的突然离世让他心灰意冷。 深思熟虑之后,他利用父亲给他的玉佩,通过罗布泊的耳廓,来到了公元一世纪前叶。 此时正是王莽立新代汉之际。西汉末年土地兼并严重、政治腐败、民不聊生。王莽力图通过土地改革、钱币改制、废除蓄奴等手段解决这些矛盾。然而差之毫厘、缪以千里。旧的问题没有解决,新的矛盾又在不断激化。 且看主人公如何在这乱世生存,如何实现货通天下的主张,如何与赤眉绿林作战,如何让四夷臣服、再打通西域商路。 当把哲学对时空追问的种子埋在了公元一世纪,是否能够把由血缘求存主旨的儒家文化划开一道缝隙,为后来的科学衍生打开一条路径。从而打破两千余年的表面震荡、核心稳定的中央集权治乱循环怪圈呢? 网络文学,它首先得是文学。既为文学,思想性必不可少。此文可能不会让你酸爽,但希望引起你的思考!

左岸偏右 · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
140 Chs


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